All the stuff

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Today! Today!

Today the new Naruto episode comes out!

yay! yesterday i got 6 manga books from the library. 2 fruits basket, 2 naruto, one + anima, and one R.O.D. (read or dream) i had never read the last 2 before. they were both pretty good.

I also decided that i like InuYasha. so now i need to watch like all 167 or so episodes. im only on 18.

Anime/manga i like:
Fruits basket
ouran high school Host club
Sonic X
+ anima

wow that list got longer since last time i checked!
i started watching DNAngel because i thought the part of the manga that bethany showed me was pretty cool, but in the anime they totally messed it up and put in creepy rituals and made some kids do some bad stuff.... that was NOT in the manga. so i'm not watching that anymore.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hmm idk...

I've been checking out some other animes than fruits basket, ouran high school host club, and naruto.

Bleach? watched part of the first episode- didn't like it. too creepyish. not "i'm scared" creepy, but as in.... bad stuff creepy.
Death note? same. bad stuff creepy. *shudders*
a couple of others i can't remember their names... but i didn't like them either.
they are all boring, creepy, or innapropriate. WAHHH!!!
I'm in the middle of the first episode of InuYasha. not sure about that one. i'll see what i think.
soooo..... yeah.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I want to make a Kankuro AMV, but i don't know which song to use and I need more clips.

I also want to make an AMV about yuukimaru, but idk about a song for him either.

I'm listening to switchfoot right now. Life is good. Yes i'm still up at 12:45. problem?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

SWIMMING- finally!!!!!

ooh, the ocean, it's so pretty, i really want to go there.
so i'm sitting here at my compy waiting for the boys to get their rooms clean so we can go swim!!! i've got my camera in its underwater case (your jealous, i know you are... jk)

plus i got to go to a pond today to study the animal and plant life there. the turtles kept watching me and there was a bunch of ducks who wanted food, but i had none to give to them.

poor duckies.

oh, and a squirrel. this really cute squirrel wanted to play with me but it was too scared. it'd run about 3 meters away and then stop and look at me, but if i moved, it'd run, then come back. it was so fun to watch!!! i drew a picture of it and showed it to it, and i think it liked it cuz it came closer that time than before. but then the book fell over and scared it and it didn't come back. =(

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sad..... and happy!!!!


and because family night was cancelled due to a flood at our church- some pipe burst so they had to shut off the water. idk if they are still doing youth group.

I'm happy because: i got to chat with a couple of friends today which is cool cuz they're rarely on at the same times as me... =D

I'm also happy because as a reward for reading all the lord of the rings books, i now get to watch all the movies!! but since we have the extended editions, that's gonna take a while. We stopped right at the part where Borimir picked up Isildur's shattered sword and got a cut from it. and then he was like "it's still sharp" and then we had to stop. xD

so other than that....... purty much nothing's going on.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


we might get to swim today!

i think the chemicals in the pool are ready, and i hope it warms up. But right now the computer says it's 63 and cloudy.... not that 63 is cold but i like swimming best when its HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

and btw the pool is not tea anymore.

So, what's been going on in my little world is that i've been drawing, wasting my time and not much energy on the computer (really should spend more time doing better stuff, but as i sit here yelling at myself for it, i'm typing up a blog xD) and i've been singing and last night i randomly danced to "Get Up" by pureNRG.

I need new batteries for my camera, i have several empty soda cans on my desk, our dictionary is falling apart, my throat is dryish, and MUTANT ENCHILADAS WILL ONE DAY RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jk on that last one.

Meeting Jesus is the bestest thing that ever happened to me. =)

He is awesome. He helps me through a lot of stuff, and He's always there for me when I need Him, and even when I think I don't need Him, He's still there, cuz He's smarter than me and He knows I always need Him no matter what I'm thinking. =D

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Well behaved women rarely make history!

Wow, its already like 3:30 and i've done nothing useful with my day yet. oh well.

i stayed up really late last night editing my fanfic. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have nothing really useful to say so i'll just attach something random and be done with this post.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Yup Yup

My brothers are so addicted to video games that when they are being played, they can't see anything but the TV. plus they're jumping up and down really rapidly (as if that could help the player or themselves accomplish anything...) it annoys me a lot.

I'm not really AGAINST video games... they can be fun sometimes, but when you get mad because you don't get to play one day, or can't think about/talk about/play/watch anything BUT video games.... ugh.

Yes, i'm venting.

I watched the new Naruto episode.

I want to make an AMV about yuukimaru.

Idk which song to use.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I'm completely done with Latin for this school year! YAYZ!!!!!! the test took forever, though. The pool water is clean now but we can't swim until Sunday. I'm OK with that. but i really want to swim soon!

its actually not as warm as it was a couple weeks ago... but i don't care. The pool can be whatever temperature it wants, i can handle it.

I want to go to Immerse this summer with Bethany. I hope i can. Moriah sent me the info thing and i gave it to mom. =D

so yay!!!
The new episode of Naruto came out today... gotta watch that... but not at this moment.
i have a big science test, well not THAT big tomorry. But i have 27 definitions to memorize. I've been saying them seven times a day so i hope i know them well enough by tommorrow.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Many Goings-on

Today, I got to use a microscope, i forgot my watch and had to ask Kelsar for the time a lot, i went to youth group (YAY!) and i'm completely finished with reading Lord Of the Rings and all i have left is an essay, and watching the movies.
At youth group we played Wall Ball and that was fun... David accidentally threw the ball on the roof and it went in the parking lot. Another time it got stuck in a vent and Colin had to stand on Josh's and Matt's hands to reach it.
Oh, did I mention that Josh is back from A&M for the summer? he showed me how to use the microscope ^_^
I just drank about half a bottle of water that i got yesterday. That was random.
The pool is slowly making progress getting cleaned. Now it's greenish, instead of brown. and Dad drained some of the water yesterday.
i guess that's all for now.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Latin... =(

I'm doing Latin. Yup yup. i can't wait for school to be over and done.
Yeah... soo....
Wazzup yall peepulz???

Monday, May 11, 2009

Summer's almost here!

Yay!! Summer is almost here!!! Just 2 more weeks of school, and then i'm free!!!!! I'm going to do biology through the summer so i can catch up on science- it's like the only subject i'm behind in.
Changing subjects, there were some leaves sitting in our pool all winter and yesterday when we took off the cover to clean it and re-balance the chemicals, the pool was full of TEA!!! It was pretty funny. Hopefully we can swim soon, but the leaves have to be fished out with a big net and the filter has to un-tea-fy the water.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I have all my school done for today except creative writing!! WOOT!!!
but i should probably go do that. so i dont get in trouble. bye!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Kelsey and I are talking about cannibals and how people sometimes ate other people who died when their forts were under seige and they were starving. that's gross.


i need help on math so i cant finish that right now, i have to study science vocabulary and review some other stuff, and do latin and creative writing, and also some vocabulary from Return of the King- (i just want to be DONE!!)

ugh. im not posting anything else about school.

Now I will sing a lovely song.

A glue stick

Some glitta paint

Words cut out from a magazine

BFF carved in a tree

that stands for bow from fshh (explosion sounds)

A porta-john

came to life

put on a play with so-and-so

unfortunately they didn't get very good reviews


and staple sauce

a heaping bowl of staple sauce

that crazy learners permit girl

gave me a ride to babbages

Wat? dey don't got no turbografix games?

hee hee=D

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The events of TODAY

Well, I went to youth group, and that was fun!!! I'm listening to the Caramelldansen (a swedish song that lots of people think is japanese cuz its really common at anime conventions) Speaking of conventions...
I want to go to Ikkicon in January. I asked my mom, she looked at it, but I don't know yet whether i'll be able to go. I hope both Bethany and I can go. So yeah.
In youth group we told stories about getting lost.... that was fun.
The reason we were talking about that was because our verse was Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, and He will make your paths straight.
Great verse!!! =D
After i got home i showered and got on Facebook and my blog. so yeah. and now i have to go read 6 chapters of Return of the King TONIGHT because i thought i had until friday, i was putting it off... but- NOO!!!! I HAVE TO MEET WITH MOM ABOUT IT TOMORROW!!
i better get off! bye!!!

Well i wanted to update my blog

I'm really supposed to be doing school right now =(

Well, lets see, today got off to a good start because I actually got up at 7:00 when i was supposed to instead of sleeping in until 8:10(when i'm usually forced out of bed to go to gathering)

but i was late to gathering anyway because i was so diligent this morning that i got up and did my review stuff, then got on the computer, and did my math test, which i got 100% on YAY THANK YOU GOD!!!! hee hee God helps me a lot with my math stuffs. there was one part i couldn't remember how to do it and then i had an idea (well actually i guess God gave me a hint) and i did it even though i wasn't sure if it was right, and well, IT WAS!!!!!

but that was why i was late. i was taking a test.

then i ate breakfast, did my chore, and typed out latin stuff. i still have to translate, though. and study science. and read Return of the King *gag* and do creative writing (Yay!!!)

so i probably should get off now. =/

The picture is of Pit. He's awesome.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Everything that is so unintresting

Well, since i can't post AMV's (SADNESS!) and nothing really intresting has been happening, i don't know what to write here.

<- Poor Gaara. =(
Anyways, lets see. i had to write 2 reports today on the Red Badge of Courage and that was pretty intresting. It's a pretty gory book....
and i went into lots of "wonderful" detail.
about gaping holes in vital organs and such. acctually i only mentioned THAT once, but still.....
nobody wants to hear about this. I don't know if Bethany's mom will like my report.... =0

Saturday, May 2, 2009

YAY!!!! not.

Warning: This is a 'fat jokes' video based off of those 'your mom is so fat' jokes, (which we think are mean, by the way, but slightly funny) So if you are going to be offended, please skip this one :D We hold no grudge against pleasingly plump individuals. ;)
Another Co-project. This is a new take on the "your mom" jokes but we like our moms and decided to taunt an anime character instead. His name is choji. he hates being called fat and will most likely kill you if you call him that.
Disclaimer- we don't own Naruto. =(
Bethany: Ino, Gaara, Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura, Tsunade
Claire: Naruto, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sai, Choji

Friday, May 1, 2009

Choking on Frogz

yet another. co-project. yes. by us. look down. i dont feel like typing out our blogs AGAIN.

disclaimer- we don't own naruto. we did do the voice over so we own that.

voices. Bethany= orochimaru. choking. on. a. FROG. that. he..... ate.

Claire (me)= kabuto randomly singing about video games while his master chokes to death.

Tails vs. Rouge

this is another co-project. its another sonic x voice over. it was done by who else? and
disclaimer- we duzn't own sonic x. but- we own the awesome voice overs. woot!!
Tails: me!! tails is awesome
Rouge: bethany. she's good at rouge =D

A sonic Voice over 1

This is a co-project between me, and my BFF =D
Disclaimer- we don't own sonic x. wahh, wish we did.
voices- me iz amy
bethany iz the dorky sonic (usually hes cooler than that), and the kid named chris who won't help. and the french dr. eggman who sounded AWESOME!!

AMV. Woot!

Edit: i've removed this video because my dad doesn't think posting AMV's is legal. I might be able to put it back later but..... i don't know.

This was the first AMV i ever made. it's about my lovable Lee-kun <3>


I don't own naruto. <-that's the disclaimer. I don't own the song either. its by jeremy camp.