All the stuff

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

lately i've been watching/photographing clouds. taking after shikamaru i guess. Yeah. so yeah.


I'm listening to skillet right now.



i think i'll be done now. i'll just push the button that says publish post now.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Dude- I hazn't posted in FOR-EV-AH!!!

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo................................................................................. yeah.
What's up with life, peeps? I found ANOTHER anime- Hikaru no go!! i checked out a lot of manga from the library. i dont really like one peice. the story is kinda boring to me, plus i hate the drawing style- but that's just my opinion.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Grrr i am SO ticked off!

The Viz people redid the Naruto forum and now it looks ugly, took down my post count, and now it won't even let me log in!!! GRRRR i'm so mad.

oh, i just checked my AIM mail and realized that they had to reset my password =3


but the forum still looks ugly and my post count is still down. GRRR.

Guess what i did today?

i peeled the wrappers off of over half a box of crayons. then i played with them all day and now two of them are broken. i fixed one with tape but the other one is still in two peices. i've been watching Read Or Die which is a pretty good anime, though there are some weird parts....

and i'm progressing slowly on inuyasha...


I am a leaf. just kidding. I skinned my knee at youth group today. the blood was bright red and there was quite a bit of it. but it didnt hurt at all. it was actually kinda cool.

Today was probably my last in the jr high youth group. im going to the high school one this saturday. YAY!!!