All the stuff

Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm sooo tired.

I need to go to bed. it's late and im tired and i have to be ready to go by like, 8:00 tomorrow. WOW. that's in the MORNING.
But yeah.
Apparently "Clean" means "Huge visible slimy grease spot in the middle" when it comes to dishes these days. At least, according to my brother. *eyeroll*
I hope I see my friends tomorrow. (who am I kidding, i know i will xD)

Saturday, September 5, 2009


so yeah, i made jell0 last night, and watched a bunch of Code Geass, and then slept until like noon today xD

so i haven't eaten yet. and im kinda hungry. not hungry as in "I NEED FOOOOOD" but hungry as in, 'wow, i haven't eaten today, i kinda feel empty and sluggish.'
other than that, i got my hair cut like Hinata Hyuuga from Naruto and i'm sitting here with my flosser in my mouth, and i'm too lazy to go put it away and get my toothbrush and brush my teeth.

The Jello i made is for my youth group tonight. *nods*
in fact.... the last thing i ate was jello, late last night because i had some extra of the liquidy stuff yesterday and made a separate little jello container and ate it. xD im so crazyyy.

i also had a really wierd dream last night that had something to do with me and Bethany trying to stop some famous singer from kicking someone off his band or something, and in return we got a long thank you card that turned into a pair of pink plaid flannel pajama pants. with yellow flowers and butterflies stuck to them. and there was a wierdo girl who wouldn't leave me alone. and there was more but it was all so crazy and mixed up that i don't remember much. *sigh*

The best part of a long blog post like this?
it's long.

The disappointing part?
Probably none of my friends are ever gonna read it. xD