All the stuff

Monday, April 26, 2010

Once again, haven't posted in a while.

I like the band Falling Up, too bad they broke up by the time I found out about them. I went to the youth group Fun Night as a ninja. I got a perry the platypus T-shirt. Homestarrunner is awesome. I watched all of Lucky Star, it was okay. Gotta work on finishing Tsubasa Chronicle now. Not much is going on in my world, OH WAIT I PLAYED SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL, FINALLY!!!! I've been playing video games a bit more. (like once a week, yes that's OFTEN)

well I'm really supposed to be in bed by now. Shhh, don't tell mom!!! jk, my curfew is self-set, but really, I should go. >.>