All the stuff

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Only.... *checks* 9 days until Christmas?!?

So here I am, sitting (or more accurately, slouching) on my uncomfortable chair in front of my slow computer that isn't slow for anything I'm currently doing but that is slow for videos and I happen to like the faster computer better. But if I don't use my own computer, it could get taken away. So.... *sigh* At least I have my own computer. I don't know why I'm complaining, really. Anyway, continuing.
So here I am, slouching in front of my computer eating cereal out of a baby food dish... yes, a baby food dish, stop looking at me weird! Okay okay, take a look. Well you can't exactly see, so dust off your imagination and try to put it to use. It's pinkish-purpley, and full of sparkles. Got that? It's got two small sections, so like an oval bowl with a dent up the middle. And the handle is all pretty and twisty.
Still confused as to why I am using it? Soon, your confusion will be a thing of the past. Because it's...

terribly convenient. I wanted two kinds of cereal for breakfast this morning. Those large, apple flavored cheerios that come in orange and green, and chocolate cereal with marshmallows in it. (I do not use name brands because, 1: We buy the generic brands, and 2: I forget their actual names. ._.) Anyway, those two do not sound like a good mix and I was not fond of the idea of carrying two bowls upstairs. I kind of discovered later, however, that there is hardly any cereal in this bowl. XD I might have to go back, because I'm still hungryish.

Next order of business, I have a lot of projects to do.  Such as, catching up on this manga I'm supposed to be making, wrapping presents so my mom doesn't have to, reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (and writing a report on it!!) cleaning my room, and various other things that make up a list about three quarters of a page long.
I also want to watch Star Trek. (the original seasons) I feel that I cannot claim to be a true geek/nerd until I have accomplished this. *shrug*
So I have a lot of stuff to do, and I'm blogging. Why? Because I can't eat my cereal in my room while wrapping presents. Because I felt like telling my blog about the baby food bowl. Because I'm procrastinating. Because it's the break and I want to do everything except what I should be doing... okay, okay, conscience, you win.
I have a few things to do such as washing my hair (urg it feels all greasy DX) and washing my sheets (it's Thursday) and then I have to go work on wrapping presents.
BTW, God is awesome. Just throwin' that out there- because it's TRUE! :D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Well, this is just lovely.

I quit Soul Eater. At least for now. Probably forever. It just gives me this weird feeling. *sigh* Now I'm having to change all these wallpapers, icons, my blog background, etc...
I'm not going to think about the things I liked about SE because well, I might be tempted to go back. And I don't really want to. I thought Kid was awesome and all that, but I don't feel that way now, just because of the rough time I've had emotionally from feeling the need to quit. Grr.
Um, yes. So now you get to enjoy a lovely background of Otani from Lovely Complex. Yay for shojo XD