I have the feeling that very few people actually believe it, probably because it's ridiculous. Apparently this same person predicted the same thing would happen years ago- and we're still here.
Let me tell you why else it's ridiculous.
Last time I checked, our God is not an equation or a science experiment that performs the same way every time. He is huge, not bound by time, unpredictable, and oh yeah, did I mention He does what He wants?
All the people of the earthOh yeah, and by the way, He also said that nobody knows the time. Do you think He'd really make it that easy to guess if He didn't even tell the angels (or Jesus Himself?)
are nothing compared to him.
He does as he pleases
among the angels of heaven
and among the people of the earth.
No one can stop him or say to him,
‘What do you mean by doing these things?’
Daniel 4:35
No, I'm sure all of you are saying no. I just felt like blogging 'bout it.
I'm disappointed with those scholars who think they've studied the Bible enough to predict this kind of things. If they truly believe it, and have studied the Bible that hard, why don't they seem to notice the Matthew verse?
Silly scholars. I'm trusting God to send Jesus back on His own time, and I'll be surprised. :3