All the stuff

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You know what's hard?

Reading my old blog posts.

Some of them make me smile from the memories, while others I want to delete and be rid of forever.
I have to keep reminding myself that they are behind me, so even if I don't agree with what I thought before, or even if I think I sounded really dumb, I probably should leave them there. But I might go back and delete some. I dunno.

I was just doodling last night...

I decided that I should put art on my blog too, heh. It would make sense. Anyway, this is just a midnight sharpie creation so I might post some other stuff later.

Monday, January 30, 2012

I want to write a blog post.

Unfortunately I can't because I have a deadline for a short story tomorrow and I'd love to procrastinate here but it's the thought that counts, right?

Pretend I just enlightened you with a philosophical thought or an interesting question or an update on what I'm reading which is currently just about nothing.

Back to my story, I suppose... -sigh-

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's chilly.

I like the rain. It's nice and friendly and very welcome.
I finished Fahrenheit 451. It was a terribly sad book but yet it was very satisfying. It's a good piece of literature and I can understand why many people are required to read it.

But how many people act on it?
If we're not careful, our world has the potential to become something akin to the world Bradbury describes. It was such a lonely, shallow world.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Just an update.

I don't have much to say today, but I really do not want to lose the blogging habit.

I had to change the font on my blog because I realized that it was really hard to read on the family computer. It looked fine on my Macbook.

I hope it works for all of you now.

I'm getting pretty excited abut ACen. Apparently Vic Mignogna's gonna be there, and that's great news.
I plan to cosplay Link from the Legend of Zelda, Cisqua from Elemental Gelade, and Miki from Shugo Chara. I basically have Miki together and just need a light blue newsboy cap now. Link should be pretty simple. Cisqua is gonna be... difficult.

Fahrenheit 451 is coming along. It's kind of scary how even fifty years ago, Bradbury was able to predict so much of the depersonalization caused by technology. It's scary enough that it makes you step back and think.
So many terrible things happen.

Anyway, that's about all you'll get from me tonight because I need to sleep.

Also I had rice noodles with teriyaki and soy beans for dinner. That was wonderful. Thanks, Mom. :3

Friday, January 20, 2012

I like fives and ones.

I just noticed that I have a nice 111 posts on my blog. However this will make it 112. Ah well.

Today I started reading Fahrenheit 451. So far, the girl reminds me of myself. But I haven't gotten very far because the version of the book I am reading had about three introductions.
It interests me. I believe I will enjoy it.

I also want to learn this dance:
Tonight I plan to sleep in my brothers' room and tell stories. That should be fun.
Well, other than that I don't have much to say, since I actually accomplished school stuff today.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Beneath the candy coated clouds, a strawberry avalanche crashed over me

Owl City lyrics, of course. This picture cannot hold how pretty the clouds were this evening. They were wisps of cotton candy torn off, tossed, and ready to dissolve.

So Long and Thanks For All the Fish!

So Long and Thanks For All the Fish is the type of book that I finished. And directly afterwards I asked myself, "What was the point of that?" and followed it with "Well what was the point of any of those books in the series?" and answered myself by concluding that I like Douglas Adams' writing style and the point to it was that I enjoyed the books.
I have to admit that for the most part this book (especially the latter half) seemed a bit boring and had more random and pointless nonsense than funny and brilliant nonsense... Or maybe I was just in a boring mood. I'm not sure.
In any case, I ended up wanting to fall asleep on the porch swing while reading it although the book is not what made me sleepy. It was more like the fact that I never get to bed at a decent hour and that the swinging motion of a swing that is large enough to lay down on is rather nice and that the wind was blowing and the sun was shining and I felt like closing my eyes.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Air like cool sheets and literature

Today's weather is beautiful. On my way to theatre class I rolled the windows down and turned off the air conditioning. Days like this are amazing.

I started Looking For Alaska. I haven't really been impressed so far. Maybe it's that I just finished The Book Thief and I'm still on a high of amazing writing, but it's probably all the language and references to sex and stuff. Call it more "realistic" if you want, or say I'm overreacting, but I have high standards, okay? After all, what goes in affects what comes out.
I decided to try An Abundance of Katherines next. So far it hasn't been much better.
Kind of a bummer, I was looking forward to reading John Green's books, being a nerdfighter and all.

Aaaaaah well. I guess I'll pick up So Long and Thanks For All the Fish and some cranberry apple juice and go outside to read. It's a nice day and Douglas Adams has a witty way with words. Sounds like a good late afternoon to me.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Book Thief

I just finished this book today. It was excellent.

The Book Thief takes place in Nazi Germany. It encompasses many stories and while at times it is confusing, there is never a dull moment. Zusak does a marvelous job of stitching together events and people with a unique point of view.

I wouldn't recommend it for young children, but to those who are mature enough to handle some death (it is Nazi Germany after all), harsh language (partly in German), and the unfairness of reality, I'd wholeheartedly tell you to pick up a copy and give it a go.

Book reviews are obviously not my forte.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Silver Stuffing

Tonight was a colander, overturned and trapping the whole world—or maybe just half of it. A giant colander. I didn’t feel trapped.

The wind tore scraps of old stuffing out of old pillows and floated them down a river of atmosphere. The moon hid.

The colander did a fine job of simulating a pitch black sky with scattered pinhead stars, but as a colander I’m afraid it was out of a job. The holes were tiny or maybe just far away. In any case, they were not evenly spread and whatever water tried to escape would have a long, hard time doing so.

There wasn’t any water coming down.

A falling leaf, a moving branch. The sounds that used to set me in my nervousness only served to soothe me when they bathed in the cool silvery blue night air with stuffing clouds, all under a colander. There could be no vicious creatures, not here.

The wind let up for a second and I started to topple backwards, having let myself lean against it like the back of a chair.

I heard cars on the highway and an airplane in the sky.

I heard it before I saw it.

I heard it after I didn’t see it anymore.

A cloud swallowed it.

The sound followed its flashing lights, staying a few steps behind, but it too was eventually smothered.

The streetlight at the corner waited, lonely, glowing on.

Somewhere, there must have been an owl.

I didn’t see or hear one, but it was a good night for owls.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Why I don't blog more often (but I should)

I’m a thinker. I often have deep or unusual thoughts that I think ought to be shared with the world, and a blog is a good and convenient place to transcribe and store those thoughts. And yet I rarely blog. I often think to myself while I am in the midst of thinking that this would make a lovely blog, yet the thoughts I am thinking of are so lovely that I let them go, following the trail they cut out in front of me with their fluent strokes of perfect wording. And in following the words and thoughts to their end, I lose their tail, where I started. It’s rather upsetting, actually, for there’s another perfect blog wasted because I liked thinking about it too much and my short term memory is rather wanting. It is then when I occupy the idea again of some sort of in-brain recording device that simply keeps track of everything I think and plays it back later for me when I want to write it down because I know it was something good. But something like that doesn’t exist, really, and even if it did I know I would refuse to use it, because the idea of something foreign in my body, especially my brain, is rather disconcerting. You can’t fool me. I’ve seen enough sci-fi.

This leads me to believe that since I wish to share these thoughts with the world and they do tend to escape me after I’ve thought them, I should simply think out loud all of the time. Of course, this could become annoying to anyone who wasn’t patient enough to put up with all of the nonsense and glean for the gold nuggets that pop out every once in a while. And I still wouldn’t remember what I said.

So maybe I should just start recording myself when I’m thinking out loud.

Except that I tend to have those deep, intriguing trails of thought when I’m doing the dishes, or showering, or something equally incompatible with electronics and paper and therefore recording devices of all kinds.

If you stop to think about it, the reason is probably that for once I’m doing something incompatible with electronics and paper and distracting devices of all kinds.


In conclusion, electronics are good and electronics are bad.

I have poor self-control so electronics hinder more than help when it comes to my creativity.

I should spend some time outside. Maybe I’ll become a wiser, more thoughtful person.