All the stuff

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Traffic Signals

Over a week ago (on a saturday, I believe), we were running low on groceries, so I thought I'd go out for lunch. It was two days after halloween and I trekked to walmart to check out discounted wigs (did not purchase any). After that I went to Chipotle and ordered my usual: Vegetarian burrito with pretty much everything except a couple of the salsas (I feel like mixing them all would be a bad idea somehow). Yummmy.
Burrito clenched in hand, I walked home thinking nice things, listening to Owl City, and daydreaming. But then, when I was nearly there, I saw in the shade of a tree by the intersection, a homeless guy with a shopping cart. Immediately the thought came to the forefront of my mind: Give that man your burrito.
I knew it was God, but I tried to weasel out of it. After all, I had purchased a burrito with the intent of eating it. It was vegetarian, what if he wanted meat? I did have food at home, but not much... if I just kept debating it until I got past... and I did. Oops, too late I guess. If God really wanted me to give my lunch away, I thought briefly, then the crosswalk signal wouldn't change or something. But this light, unlike others in the city of Austin, was reliable and always moved on a certain cycle.
And it didn't change.
I turned around all friendlylike and presented the paper bag. "Would you like a burrito?" I asked. He thanked me multiple times and even said "ooh, it's a big one."
Of course I had to wait through the whole traffic cycle again before it changed to "walk" and I went home to eat plain leftover pasta with frozen vegetables.

I guess the point of this is that God indeed does physically intervene in our world, and also that I am not a perfect generous human being. I have a long way to go and need the grace of God (and sometimes some shoves) to get there.