All the stuff

Friday, May 7, 2010

My oh-so-boring day

so far.
I mean, it's only 7:41 in the morning, so... SEVEN FORTY ONE!? HOW AM I AWAKE/ALIVE AT THIS HOUR!?! oh yeah, 'cause I slept downstairs on the couch (too warm in my room) and brothers woke me up at six (asked 'em to) so that I could get a head start on my school for once. Well I completed 3 subjects... which is good... My neck is sore from sleepin' on the couch... which is not good...
nanana.... I'm awake and I'm alive.... :3 (skillet)
I still have to take a science test and vacuum the office/stairs and do writing time and read that CS lewis book and..... umm... i'm pretty sure you don't wanna hear about my school ;)
yeah, right, like anybody reads this anyway.
p.s., been checking out some new anime and manga, here's what I've determined:
Read/watch: Case Closed (detective conan)
Do not watch/read: Fushigi yugi- the mysterious play (why? maturity. ick.)
I also looked into Samurai champloo and FLCL, didn't like those either. the former was graphically violent and confusing, and you don't know what 'this makes no sense!' means until you've seen FLCL, or even 5 minutes of it. it makes no sense, it's pointless, and it's weird in a not very cool way.
I'm thinking about watching Solty Rei once the dub comes out... it looks intresting.
enuff of my rambling :)

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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.