All the stuff

Friday, October 22, 2010


This morning I woke up to thunder. Not the most pleasant thing when you're supposed to go camping that weekend. But I prayed about it and reminded myself that I'm not camping right here and it might be bright and sunny there. :) Now the weather's cleared up and it's actually REALLY nice out, though still a bit thundery. I have hot chocolate (because I wanted it, not because it's cold) and I have the fan on under my desk because of that.

I can't wait until NaNoWriMo. I've fleshed out three more characters to be in my main character's popular persona's clique. I pretended to be them and talked to Cleverbot to see how they would react in conversations. Cleverbot, on a good day, can actually be useful :O
By the time I got to the third character, though, his attention span had been lost and I gave up on him. :P, if you want to talk to it. It's an artificial intellegence bot that talks like a human and has convinced itself that it's not cleverbot. O_O
Hm, Nano. :3
I'm still saving up for an iTouch (somehow I doubt I'll get it soon, even getting it by christmastime is a long-shot)
Ah well.
Nohm, chocolate. *smiling chocolatey smile*
I hope I have fun this weekend, I'm sure I will. Because I hate carrying bags, I'm going to have to carry my waterbottle and my notebook in my hands. I'm so stubborn D:<
Life is good. I teased my brothers (not meanly, I hope) and felt like a good older sister. :3
Ahhahah. I also got frustrated with Jo, though. Whoops. Why am I telling you blog-stalkers this? AHhahhaha.
VOICE ACTING!  me. want.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I love packing.

I do. I pack early, like DAYS in advance. My favorite parts have to be deciding what I won't bring because I've managed to squish everything into a very small bag, or what extra things I'll bring because my bag has too much room. Also the bragging and showing off of my neatly packed very small bag or alternately, all the empty space in my larger bag. Ah, yes, I love packing. When I was younger I used to pack stuff for an imaginary weekend trip because I just wanted to pack. Once I pretended I was going to visit my grandparents for the weekend so I packed up on friday. Turns out I was going to my grandparents that weekend, so when Mom said to go pack, I was already ready. :D

So as you might expect, I'm already packed for the youth group camping trip this weekend.
Packing early has a lot of neat little benefits. Like the fact that I can do it slowly, and calmly, making it a relaxing rather than stressful activity. Also, I couldn't find my swim shorts. That would have had me really upset if I had packed on Friday. I would have been running around trying to find them, and without a clear head probably wouldn't have. But instead, I walked downstairs, thought about where it could be, searched all my brothers' drawers, asked around, and then determined that since they are the same color as my Dad's, somebody may have given them to him. So I went and looked and after finally finding where his were, (it took like, ten minutes) I found them with his. So not-stressful, 'tis lovely. :D
Packing is my favorite.
Weeeeelll, not my favorite... but one of them. ;D

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Look at this cool little flower-pot man on a tricycle that's in the yard of the people who my brothers take piano lessons from!
I probably should go to bed. I'm tired even though I took a long nap until 9 :P
well, more like 8: 45.
still. Nothin to report........ *sigh*
so bored.....
so tired....
school tomorrow....
OH! I did some cosplay today! but by myself so it was kind of boring. *sigh*.
Haruhi Fujioka, again. I wish my blazer had longer sleeves. And was not a petite. It's so short D:
*falls asleep on keyboard*

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I took the PSAT today. Yay! Um.. yeahthat'sit. *sigh* not much to say.

Enjoy this picture of a... whatever I choose.

And it turned out to be Han and Leia! Not too shabby. XD bye.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"...The scent clawed its way up my nose, stinging my nostrils." This was a thought I had earlier, when I opened an old container of pineapple. Whoo-ee. Yuck. Now I'm gnawing on a frozen mozzerella stick while waiting for dinner to be ready. My brothers are watching Phineas and Ferb.
I'm taking the PSAT tomorrow. Help?
Earlier today my brother Phillip brought out his Lego Club Magazine and pointed at something in it. "Hey Drew" he said, addressing another brother, "You know that guy who has the purple sword? I think he's a she."
Immediately, I felt the situation needed some musical enhancement. "Nana, Nana" I sang, "Dude looks like a lady!!" Me and Kelsey were the only ones who've ever heard that, so everyone else didn't get it but me and Kelsey found it rather amusing.
I don't even know the name of that song. Or who it's by. Or the rest of the words. xD
So.... Yeah. I did a lot of reading today! :3
For school though.
La La La... nothing to say...

Sunday, October 10, 2010


ALLGERGIES. Or whatever this is. GO AWAY! DX
in other news, church was cool today. They had all the people stand up who had been healed when somebody prayed for them or who had prayed for somebody that was healed. Like, half the people stood up. It was great. And then all of of that stood got to pray for people. :3 God gave me a picture for someone and as it turned out it was what their name meant! So I thought that was really really cool.
I'm nearing the end of the book I'm writing with Allison. :3
And.... hmm. I drew Mori-senpai. for once. I referenced manga pics of him though. It took like three tries for his eyes not to look girly. DX
well, let's see. I poured honey on my plain cheerios because we don't have honey nut cheerios out right now and we cant open them until the regular ones are gone.
I need my sleep. I've been sleeping really erratically and the allergies aren't helping. I noticed yesterday or today that I have small dark circles under my eyes. DX Gah. Nuuuu!!!! So as 9:30 approaches, I shall finish this post, abandon the computer, get ready for bed, and maybe read some manga or draw some more. And then I shall SLEEP. =_=
I made an AMV friday night that I had been wanting to make for a while. I dislike Ino from Naruto but I felt like using a song that suggests maybe she just doesn't know how to be who she wants to be, and is asking that people put up with her as she discovers who she is. ^^
We said goodbye to Eric and Abi (our youth group leaders for a while) last night, since they're moving away soon. We dressed them up as a queen and king. I got to be a fairy that fanned Abi. I had a funnel on my head. Tabitha was the other elf and she had a pointy hat too. But hers was an actual hat and everyone was trying it on afterwards.
Me and Joseph were drawing hair, and realized we didn't know how to draw braids. So I went over to Allison and said "I need to borrow your hair." She was confused, but I explained, and then braided it and studied it and then came back and presented my findings. Heehee.
Well, That's about it. Sooooo... bye, interwebs. Claire is tired. Peace out!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Great AMV

It's an Ouran AMV I found, to a Relient K song. Sauceome.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Well, that's Texas for ya.

Moths and wasps. There's so many of them.... inside our house. TT_TT I just swatted one of the stingy ones (wasp, for you people who may think that moths sting xD) and dumped it down the toilet.
The weather's been great though, so we've had our windows open. I guess that let some buggys in.
As long as they stay out of my personal space, I'm good. Well, with the moths anyway. They mostly reside in the kitchen and bathrooms O_O. I swat wasps when I see 'em. Inside, that is. I won't hurt them if they're outside.
I'm about to babysit my brothers. So this may be pretty short. I have nothing to say except OH WAIT. I have been doing NaNoWriMo planning. :3

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Let's see. what's been happening?

I am so looking forward to NaNoWriMo. only a month! I got 3 of my best friends to do it with me this year. We are gonna have a blast! I love the song 'hey you' by nordkapp. For some reason it's pretty much non-existant except on youtube and playlist.
My grandparents got here yesterday! they came for dinner and my grandpa cut his ice cream with a steak knife because the freezer had been set on the wrong temperature and the ice cream was hard. I didn't even use a steak knife on my meat, like i was supposed to. I just tear at it with my fork and my teeth. Hey, they're called incisors for a reason! *is shunned for bad manners*
Moving right along!
Uh, Hmm. I went to youth group. I played soccer afterwards with some of the guys and Peggy. Me and Peggy are beastly. >:3 we even carried the soccer nets and it took the guys a while to realize that maybe they should offer to help. Apparently I was marching when I was walking, because people kept commenting on it. Hahah. I had leftovers and a microwavable egg sandwich thingy for dinner once I got home. I was SO hungry. My eating schedule was wacky today, plus youth group is from 5-8ish, so it falls right over dinner-time. They were showing Monsters Inc at the park where we went to play soccer, so all the big lights were out. It was hard to play soccer in the dark!
Blahblahblah I can't think of what to write
The picture I have here is of my Naruto OC, Kurea. I used a character creator (search naruto character creator on deviantart, and you should find it easily) but I edited it in paint so it is pretty much spot on.