All the stuff

Sunday, October 10, 2010


ALLGERGIES. Or whatever this is. GO AWAY! DX
in other news, church was cool today. They had all the people stand up who had been healed when somebody prayed for them or who had prayed for somebody that was healed. Like, half the people stood up. It was great. And then all of of that stood got to pray for people. :3 God gave me a picture for someone and as it turned out it was what their name meant! So I thought that was really really cool.
I'm nearing the end of the book I'm writing with Allison. :3
And.... hmm. I drew Mori-senpai. for once. I referenced manga pics of him though. It took like three tries for his eyes not to look girly. DX
well, let's see. I poured honey on my plain cheerios because we don't have honey nut cheerios out right now and we cant open them until the regular ones are gone.
I need my sleep. I've been sleeping really erratically and the allergies aren't helping. I noticed yesterday or today that I have small dark circles under my eyes. DX Gah. Nuuuu!!!! So as 9:30 approaches, I shall finish this post, abandon the computer, get ready for bed, and maybe read some manga or draw some more. And then I shall SLEEP. =_=
I made an AMV friday night that I had been wanting to make for a while. I dislike Ino from Naruto but I felt like using a song that suggests maybe she just doesn't know how to be who she wants to be, and is asking that people put up with her as she discovers who she is. ^^
We said goodbye to Eric and Abi (our youth group leaders for a while) last night, since they're moving away soon. We dressed them up as a queen and king. I got to be a fairy that fanned Abi. I had a funnel on my head. Tabitha was the other elf and she had a pointy hat too. But hers was an actual hat and everyone was trying it on afterwards.
Me and Joseph were drawing hair, and realized we didn't know how to draw braids. So I went over to Allison and said "I need to borrow your hair." She was confused, but I explained, and then braided it and studied it and then came back and presented my findings. Heehee.
Well, That's about it. Sooooo... bye, interwebs. Claire is tired. Peace out!

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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.