Well, my friend updated her blog and it reminded me that perhaps I should too?
So I am, and you can't stop me. Well, I guess you
could. You could sneak up on me and knife me and exit the browser window, but that wouldn't be very nice. At all. D:
I really like my current theme. It's all Otani-ish. I just chose it randomly (to replace my Soul Eater background because I really dislike that show now, it scarred me x_x), but I changed the colors to match and it's really pretty. Lovely Complex is a good anime, so you should watch it.
Speaking of anime. I have about three friends who have told me to watch Clannad. *does not have time*
Seriously guys, I've been so busy with college preparation and school, etc, that I've been watching anime, movies, and TV shows a lot less. Which kinda makes me sad, because I like being a nerd for things i like. XD
School is not really one of those things.
I've started to exercise more now. That's a good thing. I try to do Wii Fit about 3 times a week, and today i went on a five minute run/walk down the street in my socks. >3
Last night, I played in the street in the dark. I'm such a daredevil. :P
I've been reading diet books and learning to write timed essays. Fuuun. Nooottt.
Well, at least now I know how to over-analyze the labels on every single product in the grocery store! :D
Nah, I kid. It really has been helpful. Despite the pain of reading books I'd rather not be reading. Meh meh meh.
I want to watch some homestarrunner videos now. But I will refrain. Why? Dumb question. Claire + school + homestarrunner = unfinished school.
"Meh." -The Cheat
Oh! I should mention that doll photography is one of my hobbies now. See, my best friend got into fashion doll collecting, which is cool. I would look at the dolls every time I went to the store so I could let her know what there was. I even got her her first Liv. The School's Out Daniela, because it looked like something she'd love. And wouldn't you know it, I started wanting a doll. A Liv Katie. X3
I had already photographed my old Barbies a few times and enjoyed it, but somewhere during this time I realized it would be a fantastic hobby. When Bethany got me a Katie for my birthday, I was so happy and took it everywhere and took a gazillion and five shots. (Yes, yes, I am sixteen, in case you forgot.)
Soon after, my grandparents got me a Moxie Teenz Melrose. (Technically they gave me birthday money and I bought it, but y'know. :3)
I haven't gotten a ton of good photos of her yet, because her eyelashes are so thick that the flash looks really funky and I need to use natural light. However, I haven't had many chances to take her outside or near a window yet. XD
Wow, that was long.
Other than that, I've been planning and kind of writing a fanfiction of Ouran High School Host Club, wasting time playing DDR on my iPod, and uh, doing school and college research and SAT study and blah.
OH OH OH I've been using iTunes to discover more music that i like. *crazy face* I have about three artists to look into now.
*really needs to stop blogging*
So, ta-ta. :3