I strongly oppose the practice of eating with one's fingers. It is childish, unnatural, and messy. It shows a lack of maturity and a proper knowledge of eating habits.
I never eat with my fingers.
I always eat with my mouth.
In contrast, I do not have a problem with the concept of picking one's food up with one's fingers and delivering it to one's mouth to subsequently consume. Why are we so convinced that the use of metal or plastic tools with several points on the end to pick up our food is more 'natural' than the tools capable of grabbing, pinching, squeezing, plucking, lifting, holding, etc. that came free with these bodies we have?
It's messy, you complain. There is an art to eating with one's fingers, just as there is an art to eating with chopsticks or even a fork or spoon. A small child is just as likely, maybe even more so, to make a mess with his utensils as with his hands, the more instinctive option.
Don't get me wrong, whoever invented forks was a very capable and intelligent person.
But since when does a good idea have to become the norm?
Since when does the original become impolite?
Since when do we care so much?
Why don't we eat with our fingers?
Because people will look down on us. We'd be called uncivilized. Rude. Different.
Because we wouldn't be like everyone else.
The word. Abnormal. It seems to have a bad connotation.
What's wrong with being weird?
There's the kind of weird that is wrong, but that's not what I'm dealing with here.
Why are we afraid to be weird?
Now, I'm sure most people are content to just conform to society. It's not wrong to use your fork, after all. But isn't imposing your beliefs on others considered wrong and why America was started? Okay okay, I'm taking this too far. That last sentence was unnecessary. Back to my point.
We're afraid to be weird for Jesus.
Many of us are. It's not that easy to just observe a group of people for a while and figure out which ones are Christians. Aren't we supposed to stand out? Aren't we supposed to be a shining light?
But we're so afraid of being pointed at that we blend right in. Sure, we might say 'God Bless' as we leave a place, or wear our Christian T-shirts, but as soon as we feel the Holy Spirit prompting us to approach a stranger or co-worker and strike up a conversation or even ask if they would like prayer, many of us turn our thoughts elsewhere, ignore the little tug except to perhaps pray a quick prayer quietly in our heads and hope that covers it.
We do this.
I do this.
Aren't we supposed to be different?
We aren't like everyone else.
But we sure do act like it.
Maybe we don't want to use our forks.
But we still do.
wow, this made my day. By just being a strangely deep post about finger food