This was written a while back:
So there's this con in Austin, like thirty minutes away. I decided to go when I was told of its existence.
I got all dressed up like my original character for Naruto: Kurea Akihoshi.
Okay, so, I realize it isn't perfect. I had bangs, okay? But since she's my character, she can look however I want her to. ^^
Stupidly, I didn't take a picture of the whole costume. But I promise you it's identical to the picture. Why? BECAUSE I BASED THE PICTURE OFF OF IT OKAY. XD
So when I got there, I went in, picked up a registration slip thingy, and walked right up to the place where I paid my money. Funny thing was, pre-registration is supposed to save time getting a badge and everything, right? PSHH NO. (Sorry for all the caps. XD) The pre-registration line was really long, and I walked past the whole thing and waited for one person to get their wristband thingy. So maybe I paid five more dollars than they did, but I missed pre-registration anyway, so it didn't matter that much. I actually hadn't even known the con was happening a week before.
After some confusion with the wristband (I tried putting it on one handed, so it ended up too tight to slip off... I had to wear it ALL DAY AND NIGHT AND DAY), and with the change (they gave me 10 extra dollars. They thought I was kind when I brought it back *_* )
Next I went to find my friend who told me about it, Audrey. Once I found her and let her know I'd be checking in with her, I went to the end of the Cosplay 101 panel. There were barely any people there, and the ones that were in cosplay kind of had ones that looked normal-ish (there was a tsunade but I didn't realize that until later). And then there was me in my bright colored odd-ish clothing, trying to listen diligently but really not learning anything new. It was mostly common sense stuff. Like don't use cheap shiny fabric. Don't buy costumes made cheaply from cheap shiny fabric. Go to goodwill to get things to modify. Get patterns and fabric when they are on sale. Nobody had to tell me this stuff. It already makes sense. XD
So next I left there and
...okay. Nobody's really gonna read this and I'm really late writing it so sorry, it's been over a month. If ya wanna know, ask me. Sorry.
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1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.