All the stuff

Monday, September 26, 2011

I wrote this yesterday.

Hello. You are now about to ride a train. A long, interesting train. A train of thought. All aboard~

Basically, I feel like rambling and giving you guys a peek into that wonderful

factory (too impersonal)

garden (too gentle) studio (there's a good one) that I like to call my mind. It may frighten you. It may delight you. It may amuse you. It may cause you to fall asleep, though I hope not. It's bustling in here.

First of all, I'd like to introduce you to my writing companions- a lovely grain and veggie mixture, and a banana peanut butter milkshake. Also, now that my friend has called me, a phone jammed awkwardly between my shoulder and jaw.
Until now, the only healthy thing I ate all day was an apple.

Okay, so my favorite authors are Gail Carson Levine and Douglas Adams. I like them because they write in a way that makes the mundane intriguing and in Adams' case, the adventurous quite mundane. Both of them have a way of putting a new spin on how one views something stereotypical, which is what I like to do too. Both of these wonderful authors have affected my writing.

I haven't been writing much. D: I've written letters, but not stories. It's this nasty horrid school. Except I won't call it nasty and horrid because it's not quite that bad. It's just annoying and takes a long time. *pats Government*

I don't know what it is, but my typing mechanism in my brain must have been screwed up because I keep doing this:
My right pinky just must be really slow. :3

I'm taking the SAT on Saturday. Good times. I think it's kind of fun to get up early for once and go sit in an unfamiliar place, testing my knowledge.

I like being places. It's lovely.

Akemi loves atmosphere. She got it from me. Any normal scene can feel enchanting if viewed the right way.

When it comes to the SAT, my mom and I have looked at this book that analyzed the test and gives all these weird tips. It feels like cheating. I've forgotten most of those 'helpful' things though, so it's all good. I'd rather just feel better knowing that I solved the math problem than to know that the SAT favors triangles with sides of 3, 4, and 5.


Don't worry, 'tis not the only triangle involved. But come to think of it, they do use simple values a lot. I don't think it's fair how the SAT actually tests your test-taking skills over your real skillz, but whatever. My real skillz are good enough. :3

I want a tumblr. The idea of a multimedia blog is really appealing to me. I do all sorts of projects. I write, I photograph, I draw, I make videos, I record stuff... To be able to gather all that into one place is quite a lovely thought. I don't want it to waste time, but I probably will use it to find gifs. ^^;

I'd use the tumblr to record everyday projects and stuff, and then my good writing I'd post on TWIG, my fanart I'd post on DeviantART (once I get that as well), and my videos, depending on what they are, I'd post on youtube (once I get that). :3

Today I put a bookshelf in my room. It's really big. It wasn't well made. The pegholes don't line up so I didn't have as much of a choice on shelving space as they claimed. Then again, my brother might have put something on wrong, I dunno.

In the end it worked out. I'm thinking I'll actually do this minimalist thing. Maybe not 100 things extreme, but I've been getting along just fine after taking nearly everything out of my room. Now that my art and writing and books are back, my room is complete. :3

I should post some photos. :3

I hope I get a laptop soon. My dad and I have talked about it on and off quite a bit and he knows what I want, I'm just waiting patiently since he's being so generous. :'3

I saved a space on my bookshelf to set it so I can watch movies. I like watching movies and TV shows. But I'm very particular. I won't watch just anything just to watch something. I like to like things and then pointedly make a point to pursue them.

Film is art~ And so is animation.

I'm tired. My eyes feel like sleeping.
I've been sleeping on the floor. :3 I wish I had a futon like a Japanese person but I've just been spreading a couple blankets and despite not being exceedingly comfy, it's strangely satisfying.

However, I may sleep in my bed tonight since I had to pick up all my blankets to get the bookshelf in.

I've thought of putting my mattress on the floor, but then I'd just have a box-spring randomly sitting in the alcove and I'd trip on the matress because it wouldn't be flat on the floor.

I went outside in slippers today. They got leaves on them. I was pretending to be Japanese and changing from shoes to slippers upon entering my room, but I'm lazy and wore my slippers out of my room and downstairs and outside when I threw away some sprinkles that I had been keeping in my closet.

In other news, Mozilla Firefox and I hope to be seeing each other again soon. :'3

In case you didn't know, I'm being forced to go out with Internet Explorer currently, but he's a jerk boyfriend and I miss Mozilla.

No, those aren’t code-names for boys. I’m talking about the actual internet browsers.

Though Mozilla, he’s adorable. I drew him as a person. :3

Okay, it’s ten thirty (past, actually, this clock is slow), I’m tired, I’ve switched to writing in Word because TWIG is being slow, and I have an actual twig named Twig on the very top of my bookshelf where it said to put no weight.

But I put a twig there.

Such. A rebel.

I bet the whole thing’s gonna topple now.

Well, the best thing to do in this situation is to go sleep on the floor where it might fall onto me. Cheerio!

I hope you enjoyed this peek into my stream of consciousness. I am not responsible for any health problems that may occur from reading it; including insanity, nausea, and an irresistible urge to hit oneself in the foot with a potato. Thank you.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Nick Jonas!

Dear Nick. You'll never read this, but I believe there is a possibility you know who I am. Or maybe not, but it seems to me that I once sent you an email that wasn't automatically sent back, from a small, unknown server. Later the server was blocked, though, so someone on y'all's technical team may have noticed my little sneaky tactic (which was not meant at the time to be sneaky at all).
Anyway I was obsessed with you when I was like 11 or 12, but what girl wasn't? XD

I'm just writing this to say that I remembered your birthday (since it's exactly six months from mine), and now I can get on with more important things in life.

I think it's wonderful though, how little things from your childhood stick with you- a birthday, a game, a TV show... It's wonderfully nostalgic.

I also am now reminded that I get to turn 17 in only six months.


Farewell, Nick, and despite what all those 'too cool' people think, you're still inspiring and kinda cute and even if your music's not my favorite, it's not bad so don't let those haters get you down.

-A former fangirl

Sunday, September 4, 2011

And everything is in His hands.

There has been a long drought where I live.
God, it's in Your hands.
Huge fires are destroying land and homes.
God, it's in Your hands.
Wars and terrorism loom over the heads of soldiers away from their homes.
God, they're in Your hands.
Sickness affects those close and far and all around the world.
God, everything is in Your hands.
The headaches, the grief, the fear, the destruction, the attacks, the sickness, the heat, the flames, the earthquakes, the floods, the fights- You hold our world, and You are so much bigger than those things.
Even when the devil plots to fill our minds and hearts with doubt. No matter what he does or tries to do, You are bigger, God, You are the Lord of Heaven's Armies, and we are Yours.
Jesus, you taught us to pray "Your Kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven."
So bring your Kingdom!
Bring your health, and your light!
It is all in Your hands, so why do You wait?
I used to wonder what the Psalmist could be thinking when he asked You to kill off his enemies, or asked where You were in his times of trouble. Because of course You're always there, and You'll do what's good and right for those who love You.
But sometimes, like now, I can't see the big picture, and I understand how David must have felt, if only in a small way. Nobody's after my life but terrible things are happening all around me and honestly, it's hard to see You in them.
But I'll trust You. I will.
I feel like there's a couple things I'm supposed to be remembering right now-
Do not fear. I heard you tell me that earlier when I was getting freaked out by stories of spiritual attack. I will not fear. The Lord is my shepherd . . . I will fear no evil.
Childlike faith. Simple trust. It's like knowing your Daddy will catch you. And He will.
Heavenly Father, catch us, hold us, comfort us. Guide us, Holy Spirit.
I don't know why I'm typing this prayer as a blog. I guess it's okay since nobody reads it and it'll be preserved for me to look back on... :3
And I wouldn't mind others reading it anyway. This is a prayer for the world, God, because the world needs You.
We need You.
Everything is in Your hands.