All the stuff

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Nick Jonas!

Dear Nick. You'll never read this, but I believe there is a possibility you know who I am. Or maybe not, but it seems to me that I once sent you an email that wasn't automatically sent back, from a small, unknown server. Later the server was blocked, though, so someone on y'all's technical team may have noticed my little sneaky tactic (which was not meant at the time to be sneaky at all).
Anyway I was obsessed with you when I was like 11 or 12, but what girl wasn't? XD

I'm just writing this to say that I remembered your birthday (since it's exactly six months from mine), and now I can get on with more important things in life.

I think it's wonderful though, how little things from your childhood stick with you- a birthday, a game, a TV show... It's wonderfully nostalgic.

I also am now reminded that I get to turn 17 in only six months.


Farewell, Nick, and despite what all those 'too cool' people think, you're still inspiring and kinda cute and even if your music's not my favorite, it's not bad so don't let those haters get you down.

-A former fangirl

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