This is actually kind of upsetting to me, but not surprising. You see, without the wifi access constantly begging me to waste time on the computer, I don't think to start absentmindedly typing away about my day as much. You may have noticed the lack of mundane "I did about five things today posts" that despite being of very little interest to anyone I don't know, were the type of thing I wrote all the time anyway. I do want to make posts that are more philosopical in nature, but since I often blog for myself anyway, I still want it to be a sort of journal place for me... I guess...
Well, here's a mundane kind of story from my life. Yesterday at work, every manager and boss I've ever seen seemed to be there except the one guy who's on vacation. They were making sure everything looked spotless and I had heard employees buzzing the day before about making sure their shirts were ironed and I was hearing things like "he likes caps" so someone was asked to wear one who didn't usually or something. I don't remember. Anyway, the point of all this is that apparently an important person was coming, but I never caught who it was. I was sure that once this person arrived, I'd notice because often bossmen etc are surrounded by the managers and stuff. But it was such a busy day yesterday! People just kept on coming. The rush didn't really slow down til 2:00, I think, when usually it's over at 1:00 or 1:30. And even during the usually slow times, people kept walking in, so I couldn't get away from the line completely for a water break until I don't know, 2:30? And then I foolishly decided it was the day to finally try that bright red fruit punch (a very little) and it was not delicious. I think I'm sticking to water on my water breaks. Good idea, Claire.
Once I got home I had leftover pesto pasta SO DARN GOOD AHHHH, and did stuff and all that. I started making a card for my mom's parents' 50th anniversary but I was kind of stumped on what sort of "feel" the card should have. I need to get that finished tonight after work or maybe this afternoon before work but I don't know.
I was going to clean the bathroom but I need a scrubby toothbrush to scrub away some mold using bleach. There's this random pipe that drips water into the bathtub (perhaps a sort of exhaust thing) and it's better the bathtub than elsewhere but the consequence is that it never really dries out. So I'm waiting on a scrubby toothbrush from mi madre.
I ate, also, cereal mixed with nutella and peanut butter and after the soda was REALLY not needing more sugar but I had wanted to go to starbucks all day for some reason, so Bethany and I, already planning to walk around at the Domain, made it our mission to go to Starbucks. We used fake names. She was Harley and I was Coco. So everyone in the store thought those were our names as we were called to receive our beverages.
There had been live music but it took so long in Starbucks that we missed the end of it.
Then we went to the store and almonds are EXPENSIVE and we were looking forward to a less-than-a-dollar cantaloupe but we couldn't find them and THEY WERE OUT OF SPINACH ;-;
And that night it thundered and rained and it was AMAZING and we had a short power outage too. :\
also there was this yummy iced tea I made by letting a vanilla teabag sit in ice/room temperature water for a while and I have more to come back to later so yummmm
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.