(This is from Saturday August 3.)
Wouldn't you know it, I went and got sick.
I don't know what it was. Did I catch a stomach bug? Did I eat something funny?
I woke up on Saturday morning very tired, but it was an hour earlier than usual, so I didn't think it was that strange. I had a full day ahead of me, but when I ate breakfast I wasn't super hungry. I ate a relatively normal amount, however.
The first half of my day was to be filled by childcare for a retreat. One of the moms was in there to help me, but there were so many crying and tired children that we couldn't hold them all. We got some older kids to come help and another mom came in for a while. By that point I was feeling discomfort in my tummy but trying to ignore it. However, I was moving very slowly and the thought of food was completely unappealing. By lunchtime I was strongly considering calling in sick to work, just in case, because I felt like stuff could potentially come out both ends if you know what I mean. I got up to walk down the hall and by the time I reached the end I really felt sick. I waited miserably until one o clock to call in sick to work, so that they'd have 3 hours advance to get someone to cover my shift, and so that it wasn't in the very middle of lunch rush.
Then I almost fell asleep outside. I felt something settle in my stomach, and figured I'd probably vomit soon, but I was so close to drifting off that I didn't care.
Then a bunch of kiddos burst outside so I sat up. Immediately I felt the warning signs. I walked as quickly as I could inside and to the bathroom, where I, as expected, retched three times in a row. I had skipped lunch, so there wasn't much food in my stomach, and it was mostly bile. But a lot of it. (Enjoying the story? c: )
Afterward I felt a bit better, but not well. I tried to take a walk, but that did not bode well, so I went back to sitting.
When it was time to go home, even standing in the sun was exhausting. I was okay in the car, but the speed bumps in the apartment complex were not helpful and I was feeling bad by the time we got home (Peggy's mom was really sweet and dropped us off near our apartment even though it's across the complex from theirs). When I got home, the first thing I did after a quick detour to drop my stuff was to stand over the toilet because it felt like I was going to puke again. I didn't, so I laid down and started reading Brave New World, but fell asleep.
Bethany brought me a sprite later, and brought her little brother over, so there was noise from the other room but for the most part I kept on reading. They went on an excursion and I made plain ramen to test if I could eat. Still wasn't feeling hungry. After just a few of the dry noodles, my tummy felt funny, but this time it was the other end.
I ate the noodles and looked up salmonella symptoms just in case it was the eggs from either that morning or a couple days before, but the symptoms weren't nearly as bad as salmonella, so I was safe from that.
I managed to drink most of the sprite and eat the plain ramen. I took my place on the floor again.
I finished The Emperor's New Groove, finally (the disc had been in my computer for at least a week, I think), and started watching it with commentary before I decided it was just unnecessary stimulation and it was edging on annoying despite being about slightly interesting topics, so I put my computer away and lay in bed feeling awful and texting my parents.
I threw up again. This time it was mostly sprite. I couldn't tell how far along the ramen had gotten in digestion. At least I couldn't see it. (Ah, glorious details.)
I started writing this and then my parents stopped by with some carbonated water because I'm all sugared out, and with some oriental flavored ramen since all we had was chicken. And some sprite. But I do not want that right now.
Anyway, I need to go to sleep and I'm going to skip church tomorrow to rest.
PLEASE pray for the babies I watched this morning, I hope I didn't afflict them with this terrible sickness. :c
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.
(from dictionary.com)