All the stuff

Thursday, February 7, 2013


If you google image search "math in real life" my comic is the third result.


As everything does on the internet, it actually caused a debate---here's the link to it on the site where it was put into the limelight. :D
(a note of caution--there is some swearing in the comments.)
Now this all happened quite some time ago, but I remembered it today and I'm kinda impressed with myself for

a) getting WHO KNOWS HOW MANY people to see my comic (thanks to, it is called "I waste so much time" for a reason)
b) starting a debate with lengthy, thought through replies
c) having haters (it's just kinda funny. Several people theorized that I was just bad at math... tell that to my college algebra teacher who was disappointed that I wasn't pursuing a math career. ;D )
d) Having LIKERS. 2804 people said it was "awesome" just on that site, and I found a couple tumblr re-posts, a pintrest pin, and a weheartit page. I mean, even just one person liking something you do is a great accomplishment. I have literally made 2804+ people's lives just a tiiiiiiny bit better.

Most people who have seen the comic probably never thought to look me up, of course, but I occasionally get traffic on my blog from people looking up "manga pasta" and I'm pretty sure that's the reason. x3


Feel free to tell me about any significant accomplishments you may have had in your life.

1 comment:

com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.