I'm so sorry I haven't been posting... Gone are the days (last year before college) where I blogged every day. I've been piling on the schoolwork... and not making much progress with work.
I really should be working on Geography, but it's going rather well for once and I was trying to make a point of blogging today.
I have a sunburn. Yesterday, I stood outside all morning and handed water to marathon runners! It was a lot of fun, I guess. c: My fingers stung before the sun came up, and I couldn't feel my toes for a while even after it came up. My shoulder also ached from extending my arm so far. All in all, a good experience!
Before that, I stayed over with Peggy for the night and came to a conclusion.
My friends are all cool with my family and each others' families, and can be all casual, but I tend to not be assuming very much and I don't react very casually to my friends' families WHICH IS RIDICULOUS because I've known them all at least since middle school.
So I've decided it's time for me to start treating my best friends' families like a sort of extended family. Hopefully minus the quibbling. There's no reason for me to be stiff or formal around them... haha. Silly me. I should be able to joke around with my friends' bros and have conversations with their parents... without feeling like I'm in the way at their homes!
After all, my best friends are practically going to be my sisters in a couple months. Which means I will end up with tons of extra bros and two baby sisters?! (in a theoretical sense obviously.)
Now I feel sorta like doing an evil villain chuckle 'cause I just realized that my siblings get to add to the menagerie surrounding the four of us.
It's nice to have so many people around to support us. We all have pretty big families (well, except you, Emma, but there is enough siblings to go around.)
It's so nice to have big families close by. ;u;
Optimally I am going back to geography. The atmosphere has four distinct temperature zones--the thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere.*
You know, I was going to be doing this at Starbucks while Justin was taking his COLLEGE CLASS but his teacher was sick so we effectively drove for 40 + minutes round trip to turn in one paper. wheeeeeee
A note: I don't usually do school in coffee shops with unhealthy beverages. But I thought I could concentrate better not-at-home, and the library closed at six (the time his class starts usually). Boo. Well, instead, we went home and ate pasta. It was GOOD pasta.
Which reminds me, I had Chipotle for lunch! It was just the ticket, because my class runs through lunchtime and mom was picking me up so I didn't bring a lot of stuff, including food.
I don't mind the feeling of hunger, actually. And maybe my stomach has shrunk a bit, because I was really full after that burrito for several hours. There was some marker on the burrito because it was set on top of a marked container in the bag and the foil didn't cover the whole burrito. I ate it anyway. It's just a little marker..
-jump cut to emergency room scene. I am being wheeled down a white hall on a stretcher- SHE HAS INGESTED A TOXIC RESIDUE GET THE DOCTOR
Also, I got another backpack today. This time, it's lifetime guaranteed, so IT SHOULD BE THE LAST ONE.
(my plaid one is falling apart so I use it for childcare, my rolling one didn't work out like I imagined, my "cielo" one is way too big for school use, and my airport friendly one is very business oriented, with only room for a few flat things)
I wanted to just use Mom's old one that lasted her for eons, but it's apparently lost. Oh well. It's just as well that I get my own eons-worthy backpack. It is big enough for school stuff and is in fact student-oriented. It is in a neutral grey (so as to accompany my treks through life and changing interests without clashing).
OKAY OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH BLOGGING. The thermosphere roughly corresponds to the heterosphere.*
*any quotes/paraphrases of geography material come from Geosystems, 8e, by the son of Christopher. (christopherson)
Awwwwww…that part about families and sisters made me all happy inside. :3 And you are never in the way or anything so be friendly as heck! And if you are all my sisters…I will get so many siblings it's crazy. :D Geography sounds grueling. Yay backpacks! I've had my same backpack since 5th grade and it has been faithful and conveniently not-ripped at all.
ReplyDeleteYay for ridiculously huge friend-extensions of families!
DeleteAnd hooray for reliable backpacks. ;u;
Not cheers for Geography, which is difficult to wrap my mind around sometimes (BECAUSE IT IS THE WORLD)