All the stuff

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Living Every Day in July

These are the things that made days in July good.

1. ate a lot of bread, great air
2. cleaned, got markers
3. popsicle
4. good weather, slow work
5. watched the Avengers
6. two big bowls of pasta
7. free bread~
8. delicious greek food
9. judah came over
10. mooching, reading
11. trail mix
12. lasagna
13. drinking milk before bed
14. good discussion
15. beautiful rainy weather
16. drawing & writing
17. pouring rain, bare feet
18. play at zilker
19. cute kids, great breeze
20. beautiful art in animation
21. reorganizing
22. rolled silverware a while
23. biked to the bank
24. ran to a fire
25. painting chairs
26. walking around at night
27. great iced tea
28. CoCo's Cafe
29. lots of good food
30. library
31. art complements

Summer Goals Review: July

It's two months into summer! Let's check my progress and hope I get better in my last chance--August.

-get a job
-move to austin

These two are definitely complete, and I won't be checking up on them anymore.

-practice drawing everyday
I probably manage to doodle most days, but this goal DEFINITELY isn't coming along well. I guess I've drawn from life at least three times in the past month, though, which is more than I could say before.

-blog 3 times a week
I'm cutting this one real close. As I explained a couple posts ago, the lack of wifi makes me less likely to just open a tab to blogger and start typing. Even if I have interesting stories from work or something, I usually forget them in my relief to just be home for the day. As it is, I'm scraping by, and I admit I looked for something from my computer to post in order to round this month's entries up to 12.

-webcomic 1-2 pages per week
UGH, I am a lazy bum. I have the next at least nine panels planned out, but I've only drawn two of them and colored none. I should be working on this and it's dumb that i'm not, especially since a webcomic is something ya GOTTA keep up with. People are COUNTING on me!!!!

So, the goals aren't going great this month, but at least I'm working and getting by. I guess I'm kinda impressed by how well I've handled the transition to independent living, but at the same time, I'm not too surprised.


I don't remember if I ever shared this lovely ad from when Kelsey and I were planning to start a babysitting business (that never happened)...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Talking To Cats

Ever wonder what we're REALLY saying to cats?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

It's true, I haven't been blogging much

This is actually kind of upsetting to me, but not surprising. You see, without the wifi access constantly begging me to waste time on the computer, I don't think to start absentmindedly typing away about my day as much. You may have noticed the lack of mundane "I did about five things today posts" that despite being of very little interest to anyone I don't know, were the type of thing I wrote all the time anyway. I do want to make posts that are more philosopical in nature, but since I often blog for myself anyway, I still want it to be a sort of journal place for me... I guess...

Well, here's a mundane kind of story from my life. Yesterday at work, every manager and boss I've ever seen seemed to be there except the one guy who's on vacation. They were making sure everything looked spotless and I had heard employees buzzing the day before about making sure their shirts were ironed and I was hearing things like "he likes caps" so someone was asked to wear one who didn't usually or something. I don't remember. Anyway, the point of all this is that apparently an important person was coming, but I never caught who it was. I was sure that once this person arrived, I'd notice because often bossmen etc are surrounded by the managers and stuff. But it was such a busy day yesterday! People just kept on coming. The rush didn't really slow down til 2:00, I think, when usually it's over at 1:00 or 1:30. And even during the usually slow times, people kept walking in, so I couldn't get away from the line completely for a water break until I don't know, 2:30? And then I foolishly decided it was the day to finally try that bright red fruit punch (a very little) and it was not delicious. I think I'm sticking to water on my water breaks. Good idea, Claire.

Once I got home I had leftover pesto pasta SO DARN GOOD AHHHH, and did stuff and all that. I started making a card for my mom's parents' 50th anniversary but I was kind of stumped on what sort of "feel" the card should have. I need to get that finished tonight after work or maybe this afternoon before work but I don't know.
I was going to clean the bathroom but I need a scrubby toothbrush to scrub away some mold using bleach. There's this random pipe that drips water into the bathtub (perhaps a sort of exhaust thing) and it's better the bathtub than elsewhere but the consequence is that it never really dries out. So I'm waiting on a scrubby toothbrush from mi madre.

I ate, also, cereal mixed with nutella and peanut butter and after the soda was REALLY not needing more sugar but I had wanted to go to starbucks all day for some reason, so Bethany and I, already planning to walk around at the Domain, made it our mission to go to Starbucks. We used fake names. She was Harley and I was Coco. So everyone in the store thought those were our names as we were called to receive our beverages.
There had been live music but it took so long in Starbucks that we missed the end of it.

Then we went to the store and almonds are EXPENSIVE and we were looking forward to a less-than-a-dollar cantaloupe but we couldn't find them and THEY WERE OUT OF SPINACH ;-;

And that night it thundered and rained and it was AMAZING and we had a short power outage too. :\


also there was this yummy iced tea I made by letting a vanilla teabag sit in ice/room temperature water for a while and I have more to come back to later so yummmm

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Now you get a lovely pointless post because five and its multiples are my favorite.

I don't really have a topic for this post other than "hey, I guess I blogged a lot!"

(wow, do gifs work on blogger now?! o: this is fantastic. anyway the picture is obviously not mine)

A little redecorating

Hey, here are some pictures of new arrangements to the apartment~

 This is the "monster claw." We're going to add movie posters and maybe records etc to that wall, too.  It's amazing how much even a string of lights makes our living room brighter.
I just like how these Van Goghs (and two other pictures) are arranged around the bookshelf.

We're borrowing a painting of lamps from Emma's dad, and it's placed right between the bright kitchen and the dim living room. The effect (exaggerated here through editing) is glorious.

We moved our eight-dollars-at-the-thrift-store-corner-piece-of-a-sectional couch right under the window and added some pillows to the very deep windowsill as well. Look at that seating! Cozy~~

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Have I mentioned that I love rain?

These past few days have been wonderful. Imagine thunderstorms in July... in Texas! Well, I haven't had to imagine, because it has happened. Well, it didn't rain hard yesterday, but it did the day before that, and today.
We even had the windows open all day the day before yesterday... it was beautiful. Well, we shut them in the afternoon yesterday since the sun came out, but this morning I woke up actually cool which was so lovely. And I ran to the wifi barefoot this afternoon just ahead of some pouring rain. I would have stayed out on the porch of the clubhouse for it, but my computer needed to be charged so that I could sit on the porch right now after 6 when it's closed. Ah well.

A lovely thing that happened to me today was that I met one of the repairmen riding around on his golf cart when I was walking home from work, and he told me about a shortcut that will literally cut my commute by about 2/3. (as in, it will take me 2 1/2 minutes to walk to work instead of 7 ( maybe 4 on good days when someone's taking their car out the exit) or something; I haven't measured specifics)

Anyway, life is pretty good right now~~~

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Spiritual Paralells


Also if you're one of those kids not allowed to read Harry Potter (looking at you, siblings), please follow your parents' guidance and be patient. It is possible, I'm living proof. I'd recommend not reading this now as if you read it in the future it will have spoilers.

So, for some background information: in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the stakes are getting higher and higher. Hogwarts School is being twisted by the grip of power hungry authorities from the Ministry of Magic who should be on the same side as Dumbledore and the other teachers, however, the truth is so unbelievable that the Ministry refuses to see the light, or the dark, as it were.

Despite this book being the most chaotic, this is the one where I really started seeing parallels to spiritual warfare.
Harry Potter was the sole witness to Voldemort's horrible and really nasty return, yet those who trusted him were willing to act on this testimony and take it seriously.
Problem is, the media had been portraying Harry as an attention seeking hero wannabe, and the other good guys didn't even want to consider that the security they had felt for so many years might be a false one.
Strife was sown between two sides that should have been one, to the point where one side persecuted the other and shut down any of Harry and co.'s attempts to prepare and be ready.
HMMMMM. Kind of reminds me of the blindness of much of the world to spiritual matters. We, as Christians, are likely to be written off as crazies, as weirdos, because people don't want to believe that there really is a danger to their souls. Persecution does happen.
However, the truth does not change, and since Harry knew the truth, he knew they had to do something. Even though the Ministry sent a terrible, awful woman to "reform" the school and fill the children's' heads only with theories instead of concrete lessons, he and a small band of others subverted the authority to have secret meetings and learn REAL Defense Against the Dark Arts.
This reminded me of faith-into-action. As James (the author from the Bible, not Harry Potter's father) says, faith without works is dead. We can stuff our heads full of knowledge, but practical practice is essential. Harry and Hermione and Ron realized this: that there IS a real threat, and acting like it doesn't exist will only get you killed when you're not prepared for it.
Their threat was Voldemort.
Our threat is the devil.
Because there IS spiritual warfare going on all around us. (And it's much more real and powerful than fictional wizards.)
Are you gonna be ready for it? Are you practicing your Defense Against the Dark Arts (aka prayer)?

Doornknob troubles

Here is an event that occurred on Sunday night. I didn't post it until now, however, for the simple reason that I did not take my computer to the wifi before this. (actually, as I type this, I still haven't, but this introduction is practically timeless--within the week anyway.)

So our doorknob broke and we were stuck inside. We unscrewed the doorknob and tried to pry out the latch to no avail. Finally, there was something that happened with a hammer and it came unstuck. We put the doorknob back on, it seemed to be turning, so we shut the door… and it did the same thing. In the end it was just super irritating and Peggy's boyfriend came over and helped us fix it and it was still doing the thing (meanwhile Bethany and I were climbing out the window to rid ourselves of the claustrophobic/trapped feeling and generally just freaking out). We ended up taping the latch open and deadbolting the door shut and planned to contact maintenance about it. (They came and we have a new doorknob now.)

After that, we planned to watch some Ouran, but ended up discussing the points of Catholicism that Peggy's boyfriend and I didn't understand. It was pretty good. I understand a tiny bit more some of the things I didn't, but I still am not sure I agree with some of the stuff.

Why did I tell you the doorknob story with no musing attached about the nature of life or something? Well, because it's MY blog and I DO WHAT I WANT, THOR!
Also it gives you a peek into my life and is a thing to blog about even if I don't get all philosophical about it. So bye~

Friday, July 5, 2013


So hey guys, I'm super excited. I FINALLY posted more panels to my webcomic, and I'm starting to give out the link!

Please visit when you have a moment and read what I've got so far. (Here's a quick jump to page one: CLICKY

I know it's only a blog for now, but it's the best format I could find for posting... anyway, I procrastinate too much...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


We have a microwave now.

My friends and family think I'm nuts, but there's something offputting about microwaves to me. They're so convenient, with no drawbacks? Something's got to be up. Some hidden side effects. Maybe science just hasn't discovered the catch. (I'm such an old man. "back in my day, we didn't have no fancy _______...")

Anyway, I was easily coping with using the stove to reheat stuff, but there was a microwave on the ~FREE TABLE~ and Bethany really wanted one for oatmeal so I had to find a place on the counter for it.
There was no place where it looked good, but I eventually made it fit where it didn't look quite so good. I'm determined to never use it. Except possibly for popcorn. But if we can get stove popcorn, that's even better. >D

Well, that's all I really had to say.

Oh, also, we are fighting off a fruit fly invasion. bluh