All the stuff

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Haha today has been great.

So today, I knew I had to leave by ten. So I set my alarm for 9:30, right? Well, I wake up around seven thirty, since I've been getting up at seven fortyfiveish all this week. Which is good that my body's in the habit of waking up, but I didn't get to bed until like one. lol.
So I fall back asleep until 8:30, when Josh texts me and asks me how many breakfast tacos I want, one or two. And then two minutes later, he texts me again asking if I want them extra spicy. I decide sleeping at this point is a lost cause, so I text back a 'yeah, sure' and then get up.
I am on the computer for a little bit and then Josh gets back. So I eat my yummy extra spicy breakfast taco. And my lips are burning but it's a good kind of pain. Then I go with Dad to Fry's, and now I have a nice set of speakers for my computer. and only $27! (about)
Um, and then I got home, and got on the computer (again >>) and then made myself some leftovers-sandwich-yummy food. See, sandwiches were what were for lunch. but I didn't want peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese so I got tortillias for my bread, and wrapped up left over meatballs, spaggeti, and sauce in them. yum. x3
and now I'm sitting here happy and full and I get to go to youth group later! woo hooooooooooooo :D


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.