All the stuff

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Today I woke up only about five minutes before I needed to leave for church. ('Cause I forgot to set my alarm.) so I dashed around the house and ended up eating my breakfast in the van. (which was a yummeh muffin!) At church, I got asked to help with the offering plates so I did that, and I didn't mess up (at least... not too much.... I think I sent it down the wrong row once or twice but my partner worked around that xD)
The sermon was about Stephen's long speech thing before he was martyred. The pastor brought out some things I'd never noticed before. Cuz before, when I read it, it looked like he was reciting their history. Which he was, but now I can see that he was bringing up examples from their history when God showed He wasn't bound by their land, or the temple, or the law. Which was cool!
After church we headed to a swimming/lunch thing with some people from my parents' small group. One of the ladies (an elderly one) tripped and ended up with a couple cuts on her head, thank God my dad is an EMT and he knew what to do. She ended up having to go to a clinic and get stitches. But thankfully, it wasn't worse than that, she didn't break any bones or have a concussion. ^^ Thank You, God!!!
Well, because we had to wait for her to get back from the clinic to go home (My dad drove her and her husband there), and then they ended up talking afterwards, we didn't get home until like, six thirty. I really wanted to get on the computer but I decided to shower first. Then I realized I forgot to do my vaccumming this week so I hurried and did that and finally got on the computer. :3
And here I am.


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.