Well.... Okay. I am SOOOO sorry for keeping you hypothetical readers in the dark about my life. Sorry that nothing's really been happening. Well, the youth group went to Krause Springs last wednesday, I guess I could have written about that. Okay so, I didn't swim but I stuck my feet in the water. And people were splashing but I was being a bad sport and said they couldn't splash me since I wasn't dressed for swimming but I splashed them anyway. We played Ultimate Frisbee. I only threw the frisbee once. xD but I ran around a lot so that was good.
At youth group that weekend we played soccer (which I actually don't fail at) so that was fun. then the beginning of this week was kinda uneventful. I did drivers ed though.... then Peggy got home. On wednesday. I haven't seen her yet.
Bethany and Emma both quit Facebook, so I decided that while I won't shut mine down, I'll spend more time emailing people and less time on facebook.
I mean, with two of the most awesome people gone from facebook it won't be quite as fun, but I still would like to have the contact with family and stuff and plus I get updates from FUNimation on facebook. :P
And I can post videos there. I haven't figured out how to do that with Picasa yet. I think you hafta download something. :PPP
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.
(from dictionary.com)