All the stuff

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Funny video post.

Poison Sockets

This made me laugh so hard!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


A macrobiotic diet (or macrobiotics), from "macro" (large) and "bios" (life), a dietary regimen which involves eating grains as a staple food supplemented with other foodstuffs such as local vegetables avoiding the use of highly processed or refined foods and most animal products. Macrobiotics also addresses the manner of eating by recommending against overeating and requiring that food be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. (From Wikipedia)

I think this is what I'm doing. :D

I've been pretty much vegetarian lately, and this seems to be pretty much vegetarian as well (though it doesn't have to be). But the avoiding processed and refined foods is something I want to do as soon as I have control over it.
I'm not vegan as I like eggs and cheese and milk. :9

I just like vegetables and grains more than meat.

Also I want to be a poor person and I planned on living at or below poverty level so that I could avoid filing taxes all my life but apparently if you earn even 400 dollars in a year in "self employment" (Which by the way is like almost every job I would like to do) then you have to file which means...

I will never escape.
But isn't filing taxes (and insurance and mortgage and car registrations and asdfghjkl everything else) one of those things that makes grownups so stressed?

I don't want to be a stressed grownup.
I want to live in a little house or apartment and sleep on a futon and eat food that grows and draw things and write things and go sit places and spend a lot of time thinking. And maybe have a bike or a small car.
And if I have a car, I must make sure I can fit all my belongings inside.
I don't want or need much "stuff."
This world is out to get me and make me like every other grownup who has a car and a house and debt and stress and a job they hate and too much stuff and ugh.


Thursday, October 20, 2011


Biscotti is a magical substance. It's hard and if you bite into it it's difficult.
You dip it in hot cocoa (or coffee if you like that kind of thing) and instantly it's soft and tasty.
I made the hot cocoa myself. ^o^
It wasn't sweet enough so I added more sugar. But by this point it's just slightly warm and kind of bitter. Whoops. Oh well. First tries, eh?
The first time I tried to poach an egg... That was messy.
The first time I made pesto I dumped way too much basil in and made about seven times as much as I should have.
Maybe seven is exaggerating, but any time I prepare food it's pretty experimental.
Sometimes it comes out pretty good though!
I make good pesto, and good teamonade and once I made a banana milkshake with peanut butter and it was tasty.
I like making food.
But not a whole lot. Just enough to keep me from eating hot pockets and ramen all the time. Though those are pretty tasty, just not very healthy. XD

Speaking of unhealthy foods, I went to a retreat last weekend, and there was lots of chocolate. Lots. It was a great retreat though and I was able to bless people with my art and God prompted me to do something I wasn't planning to but it ended up being a really good decision and it was wonderful.
I get to go to another retreat this weekend! How lovely. :'D

Monday, September 26, 2011

I wrote this yesterday.

Hello. You are now about to ride a train. A long, interesting train. A train of thought. All aboard~

Basically, I feel like rambling and giving you guys a peek into that wonderful

factory (too impersonal)

garden (too gentle) studio (there's a good one) that I like to call my mind. It may frighten you. It may delight you. It may amuse you. It may cause you to fall asleep, though I hope not. It's bustling in here.

First of all, I'd like to introduce you to my writing companions- a lovely grain and veggie mixture, and a banana peanut butter milkshake. Also, now that my friend has called me, a phone jammed awkwardly between my shoulder and jaw.
Until now, the only healthy thing I ate all day was an apple.

Okay, so my favorite authors are Gail Carson Levine and Douglas Adams. I like them because they write in a way that makes the mundane intriguing and in Adams' case, the adventurous quite mundane. Both of them have a way of putting a new spin on how one views something stereotypical, which is what I like to do too. Both of these wonderful authors have affected my writing.

I haven't been writing much. D: I've written letters, but not stories. It's this nasty horrid school. Except I won't call it nasty and horrid because it's not quite that bad. It's just annoying and takes a long time. *pats Government*

I don't know what it is, but my typing mechanism in my brain must have been screwed up because I keep doing this:
My right pinky just must be really slow. :3

I'm taking the SAT on Saturday. Good times. I think it's kind of fun to get up early for once and go sit in an unfamiliar place, testing my knowledge.

I like being places. It's lovely.

Akemi loves atmosphere. She got it from me. Any normal scene can feel enchanting if viewed the right way.

When it comes to the SAT, my mom and I have looked at this book that analyzed the test and gives all these weird tips. It feels like cheating. I've forgotten most of those 'helpful' things though, so it's all good. I'd rather just feel better knowing that I solved the math problem than to know that the SAT favors triangles with sides of 3, 4, and 5.


Don't worry, 'tis not the only triangle involved. But come to think of it, they do use simple values a lot. I don't think it's fair how the SAT actually tests your test-taking skills over your real skillz, but whatever. My real skillz are good enough. :3

I want a tumblr. The idea of a multimedia blog is really appealing to me. I do all sorts of projects. I write, I photograph, I draw, I make videos, I record stuff... To be able to gather all that into one place is quite a lovely thought. I don't want it to waste time, but I probably will use it to find gifs. ^^;

I'd use the tumblr to record everyday projects and stuff, and then my good writing I'd post on TWIG, my fanart I'd post on DeviantART (once I get that as well), and my videos, depending on what they are, I'd post on youtube (once I get that). :3

Today I put a bookshelf in my room. It's really big. It wasn't well made. The pegholes don't line up so I didn't have as much of a choice on shelving space as they claimed. Then again, my brother might have put something on wrong, I dunno.

In the end it worked out. I'm thinking I'll actually do this minimalist thing. Maybe not 100 things extreme, but I've been getting along just fine after taking nearly everything out of my room. Now that my art and writing and books are back, my room is complete. :3

I should post some photos. :3

I hope I get a laptop soon. My dad and I have talked about it on and off quite a bit and he knows what I want, I'm just waiting patiently since he's being so generous. :'3

I saved a space on my bookshelf to set it so I can watch movies. I like watching movies and TV shows. But I'm very particular. I won't watch just anything just to watch something. I like to like things and then pointedly make a point to pursue them.

Film is art~ And so is animation.

I'm tired. My eyes feel like sleeping.
I've been sleeping on the floor. :3 I wish I had a futon like a Japanese person but I've just been spreading a couple blankets and despite not being exceedingly comfy, it's strangely satisfying.

However, I may sleep in my bed tonight since I had to pick up all my blankets to get the bookshelf in.

I've thought of putting my mattress on the floor, but then I'd just have a box-spring randomly sitting in the alcove and I'd trip on the matress because it wouldn't be flat on the floor.

I went outside in slippers today. They got leaves on them. I was pretending to be Japanese and changing from shoes to slippers upon entering my room, but I'm lazy and wore my slippers out of my room and downstairs and outside when I threw away some sprinkles that I had been keeping in my closet.

In other news, Mozilla Firefox and I hope to be seeing each other again soon. :'3

In case you didn't know, I'm being forced to go out with Internet Explorer currently, but he's a jerk boyfriend and I miss Mozilla.

No, those aren’t code-names for boys. I’m talking about the actual internet browsers.

Though Mozilla, he’s adorable. I drew him as a person. :3

Okay, it’s ten thirty (past, actually, this clock is slow), I’m tired, I’ve switched to writing in Word because TWIG is being slow, and I have an actual twig named Twig on the very top of my bookshelf where it said to put no weight.

But I put a twig there.

Such. A rebel.

I bet the whole thing’s gonna topple now.

Well, the best thing to do in this situation is to go sleep on the floor where it might fall onto me. Cheerio!

I hope you enjoyed this peek into my stream of consciousness. I am not responsible for any health problems that may occur from reading it; including insanity, nausea, and an irresistible urge to hit oneself in the foot with a potato. Thank you.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Nick Jonas!

Dear Nick. You'll never read this, but I believe there is a possibility you know who I am. Or maybe not, but it seems to me that I once sent you an email that wasn't automatically sent back, from a small, unknown server. Later the server was blocked, though, so someone on y'all's technical team may have noticed my little sneaky tactic (which was not meant at the time to be sneaky at all).
Anyway I was obsessed with you when I was like 11 or 12, but what girl wasn't? XD

I'm just writing this to say that I remembered your birthday (since it's exactly six months from mine), and now I can get on with more important things in life.

I think it's wonderful though, how little things from your childhood stick with you- a birthday, a game, a TV show... It's wonderfully nostalgic.

I also am now reminded that I get to turn 17 in only six months.


Farewell, Nick, and despite what all those 'too cool' people think, you're still inspiring and kinda cute and even if your music's not my favorite, it's not bad so don't let those haters get you down.

-A former fangirl

Sunday, September 4, 2011

And everything is in His hands.

There has been a long drought where I live.
God, it's in Your hands.
Huge fires are destroying land and homes.
God, it's in Your hands.
Wars and terrorism loom over the heads of soldiers away from their homes.
God, they're in Your hands.
Sickness affects those close and far and all around the world.
God, everything is in Your hands.
The headaches, the grief, the fear, the destruction, the attacks, the sickness, the heat, the flames, the earthquakes, the floods, the fights- You hold our world, and You are so much bigger than those things.
Even when the devil plots to fill our minds and hearts with doubt. No matter what he does or tries to do, You are bigger, God, You are the Lord of Heaven's Armies, and we are Yours.
Jesus, you taught us to pray "Your Kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven."
So bring your Kingdom!
Bring your health, and your light!
It is all in Your hands, so why do You wait?
I used to wonder what the Psalmist could be thinking when he asked You to kill off his enemies, or asked where You were in his times of trouble. Because of course You're always there, and You'll do what's good and right for those who love You.
But sometimes, like now, I can't see the big picture, and I understand how David must have felt, if only in a small way. Nobody's after my life but terrible things are happening all around me and honestly, it's hard to see You in them.
But I'll trust You. I will.
I feel like there's a couple things I'm supposed to be remembering right now-
Do not fear. I heard you tell me that earlier when I was getting freaked out by stories of spiritual attack. I will not fear. The Lord is my shepherd . . . I will fear no evil.
Childlike faith. Simple trust. It's like knowing your Daddy will catch you. And He will.
Heavenly Father, catch us, hold us, comfort us. Guide us, Holy Spirit.
I don't know why I'm typing this prayer as a blog. I guess it's okay since nobody reads it and it'll be preserved for me to look back on... :3
And I wouldn't mind others reading it anyway. This is a prayer for the world, God, because the world needs You.
We need You.
Everything is in Your hands.

Monday, August 22, 2011

To the sound of cars on the distant highway

I never get up early anymore. I'm always up too late.
That has got to change. Last night I went to bed by 11, and was able to wake up at seven. (How has it been an hour already?) Actually, time goes slower in the mornings. It's nice. I was able to brush my teeth (which I never get around to in the mornings), do my dual enrollment class orientation online (which wasn't that hard, but still, it's done) and check up on various things on the computer. I could also hear cars on the highway outside our neighborhood, driving to their various places of employment. I always like that sound when I hear it. It's a morning sound. I've never heard it in the afternoon when they're driving home. And so I never hear it.
That has got to change.
I've developed a schedule, of sorts. 9:30-10:30 PM is creative hour, where I can write, photoshop, draw, design, whatever. If I waste that time, I get less creative time before bed, and I suffer for it. So I can't waste that time. I can only be on the computer during that time if I'm doing something creative. Then 11:00 is my bedtime of sorts. It'd be nice to be getting at least an hour before midnight again.
At 7:00 AM I'll wake up, hopefully to music and later on, by habit. I'll be able to brush my teeth and (oh my goodness, i've been typing for only five minutes what is this bliss) do a lot of other things because for some reason time goes slower in the mornings (see what I've been missing out on :'D).
I like mornings.
I also like sleeping.
This is where naps save the world.
If I get up in the morning and get stuff done, I'll have afternoon time.
Another thing. I've gotta make some habits even if they're hard. I must get up at seven on all days except Saturday.
If I blow it and stay up til 4:00 AM, I've still gotta get up at 7:00. Pretty soon I'll be wanting to go to sleep by 11.
Unless the naps kill that. .__.
Anyway, better habits, yay. Speaking of habits. Green tea. I need to be drinking that stuff even more than I already do. I want some now. I was going to start my day with it but I needed to claim the computer to do school-type things. Oddly enough, no one's come to try and get it. I guess I don't need it anymore though. So er. To the tea!
Also, I want it to look like this outside:
Probably because it's so hot in Texas that all the leaves just turn brown when they die.
And all we have are oak and cedar trees. Cedar trees stay green. Oak leaves turn brown. Boring, boring brown.
We got a few more colors last year, when it was all wet and rainy.
Yeah, we're going into stage 2 drought regulations or whatever. Can't wash our cars after 10 AM or something.
Right well.
I like writing.
Ugh I'm going bye.
Just kidding, I needed to show you green tea. :9
Now I'm going.
See you later, goodbye, toodle-pip and all that stuff~

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Doctor Who!

I like Doctor Who now. That's mostly it.

THIS IS THE BEST. I'm watching the second part of The Empty Child. This is great. The Doctor's happy, everyone lives, It seems like we're supposed to think Jack will explode (I don't think he will (oh look, there he goes onto the TARDIS, flabbergast it...), and everything's FANTASTIC.


It was kinda a creepy episode, but it's been great!


Anime Overload

This was written a while back:

So there's this con in Austin, like thirty minutes away. I decided to go when I was told of its existence.
I got all dressed up like my original character for Naruto: Kurea Akihoshi.

Okay, so, I realize it isn't perfect. I had bangs, okay? But since she's my character, she can look however I want her to. ^^
Stupidly, I didn't take a picture of the whole costume. But I promise you it's identical to the picture. Why? BECAUSE I BASED THE PICTURE OFF OF IT OKAY. XD
So when I got there, I went in, picked up a registration slip thingy, and walked right up to the place where I paid my money. Funny thing was, pre-registration is supposed to save time getting a badge and everything, right? PSHH NO. (Sorry for all the caps. XD) The pre-registration line was really long, and I walked past the whole thing and waited for one person to get their wristband thingy. So maybe I paid five more dollars than they did, but I missed pre-registration anyway, so it didn't matter that much. I actually hadn't even known the con was happening a week before.
After some confusion with the wristband (I tried putting it on one handed, so it ended up too tight to slip off... I had to wear it ALL DAY AND NIGHT AND DAY), and with the change (they gave me 10 extra dollars. They thought I was kind when I brought it back *_* )
Next I went to find my friend who told me about it, Audrey. Once I found her and let her know I'd be checking in with her, I went to the end of the Cosplay 101 panel. There were barely any people there, and the ones that were in cosplay kind of had ones that looked normal-ish (there was a tsunade but I didn't realize that until later). And then there was me in my bright colored odd-ish clothing, trying to listen diligently but really not learning anything new. It was mostly common sense stuff. Like don't use cheap shiny fabric. Don't buy costumes made cheaply from cheap shiny fabric. Go to goodwill to get things to modify. Get patterns and fabric when they are on sale. Nobody had to tell me this stuff. It already makes sense. XD
So next I left there and

...okay. Nobody's really gonna read this and I'm really late writing it so sorry, it's been over a month. If ya wanna know, ask me. Sorry.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Okay, so if you're reading this, you've probably heard the whole hubbub about someone predicting the end of the world and OMG WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE TOMORROW AT NOON.

I have the feeling that very few people actually believe it, probably because it's ridiculous. Apparently this same person predicted the same thing would happen years ago- and we're still here.
Let me tell you why else it's ridiculous.

Last time I checked, our God is not an equation or a science experiment that performs the same way every time. He is huge, not bound by time, unpredictable, and oh yeah, did I mention He does what He wants?

All the people of the earth
are nothing compared to him.
He does as he pleases
among the angels of heaven
and among the people of the earth.
No one can stop him or say to him,
‘What do you mean by doing these things?’
Daniel 4:35
Oh yeah, and by the way, He also said that nobody knows the time. Do you think He'd really make it that easy to guess if He didn't even tell the angels (or Jesus Himself?)
No, I'm sure all of you are saying no. I just felt like blogging 'bout it.
I'm disappointed with those scholars who think they've studied the Bible enough to predict this kind of things. If they truly believe it, and have studied the Bible that hard, why don't they seem to notice the Matthew verse?

Silly scholars. I'm trusting God to send Jesus back on His own time, and I'll be surprised. :3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This will be short.

DDR is gone. Just gone. I deleted it from my iPod.
"Why, Claire? You love that game!"
Exactly. I played it too much. It pretty much became my car rides and when I'd close my eyes sometimes I'd see nothing but arrows flying through my vision.
I was just stimulating my brain with mindless entertainment while completely shutting off from the world around me and from God. There was no way I could have been listening to God well in that time when all my thoughts were 'beat half beat beat beat up and right' ect.
So last night God told me it had to go. Pretty much out of the blue. I cried. I tried to protest but I knew He was right. And I wanted it gone.
He told me to wait till this morning to delete it, I'm still not sure why. But at least it got me out of bed! (Actually it was the alarm clock but that was the first thing I did.)maybe that was the reason. But I deleted pocket god from my iPod last night. It didn't make me sad like DDR, just the fact that 99 cents were pretty much wasted. (iTunes money is hard to come by! D:)
The 99 cents I spent on DDR (I got it on sale ^^) weren't wasted, I learned to play DDR. but from now on I'll play on arcade machines and consoles where it might actually do me some good. XD thumb exercise doesn't count, it makes your fingers hurt.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Honor for a Father (Finding God in The Little Mermaid)

Just give that song a listen real quick. By singing their own names, these girls are honoring their father.

Do we honor our Heavenly Father even when we are talking about ourselves?

That's all. :3

A common question (or excuse)

The question many people ask: After we're saved and we're already forgiven, and nothing we do can separate us from God, why can't we do whatever we want? Why should we obey God? Well, I mulled over it and collected three simple reasons.

1) It's the 'fruit' of our salvation, the proof we're really growing. When we asked God to save us, it was because we needed a fix to sin, and we couldn't fix it ourselves. If we don't even make an effort to improve now that Jesus has taken care of the impossible part, how else do we show that we really cared in the first place?

2) Our actions are what an outsider will see first. Unless you go around telling everyone that you pray all the time (which depending on the way you say it could make a very bad impression), people are more likely to see you acting like Jesus before they get close enough to see that you pray, too.

3) Obeying God makes our lives richer. Just read the Psalms, you'll see how much David bragged on God's laws! They were so good and satisfying that David wrote about them all the time.

Psalm 19: 7-11 (NIV)
The law of the LORD is perfect,
refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
The precepts of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is pure,
enduring forever.
The decrees of the LORD are firm,
and all of them are righteous.
They are more precious than gold,
than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
than honey from the honeycomb.
By them your servant is warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Like a chore (Finding God in a toothbrush)

Talking to God one day, I felt compelled to look deeper into a certain everyday object, specifically, my toothbrush. Upon some thought, I discovered that I treat my quiet time in a way similar to how I treat brushing my teeth.
It feels like a chore.
At the time, it feels like it's doing next to nothing helpful, though on days when I know there's dirt, it might feel like it's doing more.
Despite that, it is doing more than it seems like.
Without the habit of brushing our teeth, we're prone to cavities and nasty looking teeth.
Without the habit of spending time with God, we're more prone to attacks from the devil and nasty looking lives.
Even if it seems like a chore, it does us good.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Gift of Music (finding God in music)

I went roller skating with my friends last night. Later at home, after a good three hours of invigorating exercise, fun, soda, and more fun, I couldn't get those songs out of my head. Whip My Hair by Willow Smith, Replay by Iyaz, and well, Party In the USA by Miley Cyrus. Thank God the dirty songs didn't get stuck in my head. Anyway, while I was singing these songs over and over and making a playlist due to the fact that they were lodged in my brain, I was thinking. How can I find Jesus in these songs? In these secular songs?
I want to find Jesus in all the parts of my life.
Sure, I might just rattle off a lame 'well, God made music so...'
But then I stopped and thought about that 'lame' answer.
Really thought about it.

You guys, God gave us music.
He didn't have to.
Music, the thing that virtually everyone in the world understands. The speed, the beat, the pitch, the variation, the buzz, the deep sounds, the light sounds, the loud, the quiet.
God could have made our world monotone. Or, He could have made it silent.
"Hey guys, what if we put a bit more breath into our talking, and put it to rythym?"
The thought probably wouldn't even cross our minds if God didn't create music- if it didn't exist.
But He did. And it's incredible.
An absolutely amazing gift.

And as big as music is, as much as it varies and spreads out...
God is bigger.
He created it.
Music is His, and He's given us the ability to make it. The beats, the buzz, the twang, however we do- It's His gift to us, we'd better use it.
Let's praise Him with it.

1 Chronicles 13:8- David and all Israel were celebrating before God with all their might, singing songs and playing all kinds of musical instruments—lyres, harps, tambourines, cymbals, and trumpets.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Afraid to be Weird (Finding God in finger food)

I strongly oppose the practice of eating with one's fingers. It is childish, unnatural, and messy. It shows a lack of maturity and a proper knowledge of eating habits.
I never eat with my fingers.
I always eat with my mouth.

In contrast, I do not have a problem with the concept of picking one's food up with one's fingers and delivering it to one's mouth to subsequently consume. Why are we so convinced that the use of metal or plastic tools with several points on the end to pick up our food is more 'natural' than the tools capable of grabbing, pinching, squeezing, plucking, lifting, holding, etc. that came free with these bodies we have?
It's messy, you complain. There is an art to eating with one's fingers, just as there is an art to eating with chopsticks or even a fork or spoon. A small child is just as likely, maybe even more so, to make a mess with his utensils as with his hands, the more instinctive option.
Don't get me wrong, whoever invented forks was a very capable and intelligent person.
But since when does a good idea have to become the norm?
Since when does the original become impolite?

Since when do we care so much?

Why don't we eat with our fingers?
Because people will look down on us. We'd be called uncivilized. Rude. Different.
Because we wouldn't be like everyone else.
The word. Abnormal. It seems to have a bad connotation.
What's wrong with being weird?
There's the kind of weird that is wrong, but that's not what I'm dealing with here.
Why are we afraid to be weird?
Now, I'm sure most people are content to just conform to society. It's not wrong to use your fork, after all. But isn't imposing your beliefs on others considered wrong and why America was started? Okay okay, I'm taking this too far. That last sentence was unnecessary. Back to my point.

We're afraid to be weird for Jesus.
Many of us are. It's not that easy to just observe a group of people for a while and figure out which ones are Christians. Aren't we supposed to stand out? Aren't we supposed to be a shining light?
But we're so afraid of being pointed at that we blend right in. Sure, we might say 'God Bless' as we leave a place, or wear our Christian T-shirts, but as soon as we feel the Holy Spirit prompting us to approach a stranger or co-worker and strike up a conversation or even ask if they would like prayer, many of us turn our thoughts elsewhere, ignore the little tug except to perhaps pray a quick prayer quietly in our heads and hope that covers it.
We do this.
I do this.
Aren't we supposed to be different?

We aren't like everyone else.
But we sure do act like it.
Maybe we don't want to use our forks.
But we still do.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Well, my friend updated her blog and it reminded me that perhaps I should too?
So I am, and you can't stop me. Well, I guess you could. You could sneak up on me and knife me and exit the browser window, but that wouldn't be very nice. At all. D:

I really like my current theme. It's all Otani-ish. I just chose it randomly (to replace my Soul Eater background because I really dislike that show now, it scarred me x_x), but I changed the colors to match and it's really pretty. Lovely Complex is a good anime, so you should watch it.

Speaking of anime. I have about three friends who have told me to watch Clannad. *does not have time*
Seriously guys, I've been so busy with college preparation and school, etc, that I've been watching anime, movies, and TV shows a lot less. Which kinda makes me sad, because I like being a nerd for things i like. XD
School is not really one of those things.

I've started to exercise more now. That's a good thing. I try to do Wii Fit about 3 times a week, and today i went on a five minute run/walk down the street in my socks. >3
Last night, I played in the street in the dark. I'm such a daredevil. :P

I've been reading diet books and learning to write timed essays. Fuuun. Nooottt.
Well, at least now I know how to over-analyze the labels on every single product in the grocery store! :D

Nah, I kid. It really has been helpful. Despite the pain of reading books I'd rather not be reading. Meh meh meh.

I want to watch some homestarrunner videos now. But I will refrain. Why? Dumb question. Claire + school + homestarrunner = unfinished school.

"Meh." -The Cheat
Oh! I should mention that doll photography is one of my hobbies now. See, my best friend got into fashion doll collecting, which is cool. I would look at the dolls every time I went to the store so I could let her know what there was. I even got her her first Liv. The School's Out Daniela, because it looked like something she'd love. And wouldn't you know it, I started wanting a doll. A Liv Katie. X3
I had already photographed my old Barbies a few times and enjoyed it, but somewhere during this time I realized it would be a fantastic hobby. When Bethany got me a Katie for my birthday, I was so happy and took it everywhere and took a gazillion and five shots. (Yes, yes, I am sixteen, in case you forgot.)
Soon after, my grandparents got me a Moxie Teenz Melrose. (Technically they gave me birthday money and I bought it, but y'know. :3)
I haven't gotten a ton of good photos of her yet, because her eyelashes are so thick that the flash looks really funky and I need to use natural light. However, I haven't had many chances to take her outside or near a window yet. XD

Wow, that was long.

Other than that, I've been planning and kind of writing a fanfiction of Ouran High School Host Club, wasting time playing DDR on my iPod, and uh, doing school and college research and SAT study and blah.

OH OH OH I've been using iTunes to discover more music that i like. *crazy face* I have about three artists to look into now.

*really needs to stop blogging*

So, ta-ta. :3

Monday, February 28, 2011


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Short sentences.

It's late.
I'm tired.
My fingers are numb.
I like green tea.
I just finished The Hunger Games.
I hope the library has the sequel.
My ear itches.
I have many books I need to read.
My school is the same as ever.
It isn't awful.
It isn't great.
It's just there.
At least it keeps me off of the computer.
This post seems depressing.
XD <-so totally a sentence
I'm not depressed, I swear!

No really!
I'm just lazy.
No paragraphs.
No rambling.
I need sleep.
Good night.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year

I think 2010 has been the best year of my life so far. This was the year I turned 15, which to me just seems like the best age anyone could ever be- still young but also right smack in the middle of the teen/tween years, where I'm realizing more about myself and who I'd like to be.
This year I've felt like I've been able to hear God in a new and awesome way. It's had its ups and downs, but I am so grateful for this new perspective.
Also, I've become more social and less withdrawn, I've met 3 new friends who are really amazing <3
And I've just been having fun being a teenager, sleeping, being lazy, hanging out, daydreaming, etc.
This post was going to be a lot longer and inspirational but I just got a call and my friends are picking me up way earlier than expected. So bye :)