We got up and ate cereal. Shadow got all costumed but I wanted to wear my noodle shirt at least one day because it's awesome. Unfortunately it was chilly so I wore my jacket and I don't think anybody got to see it well. ;~;
So we went to a panel called Copyright 101 which ended up being more useful than I suspected because it talked about art and fan works and how to protect your own work.
It was Friday morning so things weren't busy. Shadow and I ran circles around Rhi while we waited for Sophie to show up.
And then she did and Sophie is soooo nice.
We walked around and stuff and honestly I can't remember what all we did. We went in the dealers room a bunch of times... We had all these panels planned but we only ended up going to like, two over the whole weekend. XD But we all hung out and had a blast so it didn't matter.
Then we ate lunch in the car and it was rice and veggies and Sophie ate a granola bar. It was nice and warm in there but then we got out and it was cold and I decided to wear Shadow's cat ears at some point in the day.
Sophie had a Fourth Doctor scarf.
And Shadow was Matt.
We lined up for Vic Mignogna around four-ish. Or earlier. I don't remember. Sophie didn't wait in line with us, which was understandable because we were there for a long time and if she didn't want to meet Vic it wouldn't have made much sense to sit around that much. We were in line behind these creepers and they turned out to be pretty cool.
By the time we got to Vic things were rushed because he really wanted to get to everyone so we couldn't ask him to say anything for us. But he liked my picture and thought it was adorable and eeeeeeh. x3
Then Shadow and I sat outside the autograph room to see if we could catch Vic on the way out because we really wanted him to say happy birthday to some people for us. The staff asked us if we were waiting for someone and we said yes but I somehow doubt they would have let us stay if they knew who we were waiting for. But then it was time for the dealers room to close and we had to go and we didn't cause problems because we're good children.
After that we met up with Sophie again and I'm not exactly sure what all we did until 10:30 but we did something and then we went home (well, home base, not exactly my home but I just called it "going home" anyway).
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.
(from dictionary.com)