All the stuff

Monday, April 30, 2012

Thursday (pre-con fun)

I woke up in the morning feeling like myself. And excited. I ate noodles and veggies (not eggplant lasagna, i remembered wrong). I got into the car with Dad and I had everything I needed but Mom wanted to make sure anyway. Then we drove off to the airport.

Once there, Dad and I went in. He stayed until I was through security, but he couldn't actually come with me. Thankfully, the signs were clear and I found my gate without any problems. I requested a window seat for both flights.

I was in an F seat, which meant I was by a window and on the side with three seats. There was a girl next to me but she moved. So there was an empty seat and then a grown man who played some game on his iPad pretty much the whole time.

It was the first time I got to remember flying, so I was pretty excited. I couldn't stop grinning. There were times when we were going down the runway and I was thinking "omg omg we're going we're going we're going to lift up in the air how the heck can that happen it's never gonna work we can't fly" but we did and it was fun and everything got tiny but once we were high enough it seemed like we were crawling along because the ground was so far away and then we went through clouds and it was exactly like fog and then we were above clouds and it was too bright to look out the window and honestly it got a bit boring. I drew Rock Lee.

Once it was time to land I was grinning again. I'm going to see SHADOW I'M GOING TO MEET HER 8D was about what I was thinking. I was also planning my strategy for escaping the airport and thankfully it all worked out and I just headed toward the baggage claim signs and then down an escalator and THERE THEY WERE and Shadow ran and hugged me and there was a sign and a Mori plushie and it was beautiful and the sign had stripes.

So we got into a strange car and went to a strange place and met strange people except none of it was strange which was the strange part.

Strange is a word like a syringe and an orange mixed together. It also reminds me of a strainer and a banana.

Okay so I met Gri and the whole family, and then Shadow and I went to Chipotle and in a writerly way we observed a man and developed a character.

His name is Mark Jobs and he's related to Steve Jobs. He owns a lamp production company and is very rich because they are good lamps and everyone buys them. He has a big house and a wife and a son and a dog and a big house but he donates a lot to charity and doesn't spend lots of money on fancy restaurants which is why he eats at Chipotle. His wife spends most of her time at home and writes magazine articles and is a blogger. She feels lonely and wishes Mark would take her on dates more often. When she complains that she doesn't feel like he is supportive of her, he doesn't understand because he makes a lot of money. He doesn't understand the difference between emotional and monetary support.

Then we played videogames and went to band practice and met Ann and Mary and Tess and some other people and it was amazing and then we went home and the next day was the con.

1 comment:

  1. jcrsdcnbscdxcns you didn't post this part on Twig I don't think BECAUSE I DON'T REMEMBER ANY OF IT. This makes me really glad I came back and read your blog. :') I LIKE KNOWING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, AKI.


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.