All the stuff

Friday, November 16, 2012

The journal switch was a miracle. I filled the first one minus a page or so at 25k, so I got out the new one. A convenient time-skip had just happened, so the character had changed in her attitudes a bit and is markedly less mentally ill and is now more like I originally envisioned her. Maybe it's not completely consistent, but I am loving the writing of it so much more now!

I had to put off cleaning my room for almost a week, which stunk because I like cleaning my room, but school keeps me so busy. I looked back through my portfolio while I was cleaning. I ought to update it.

I am less than a unit away from being done with history, which is great, and I'm working (or supposed to be working) on my English II B paper. I just need to write it! I have the skeleton of all the paragraphs.

It doesn't help that I've started reading Homestuck. I don't recommend it for kids (there's quite a bit of strong language and some references to stuff), but the story structure is actually pretty cool and it looks like it has potential to be a big pot of character soup. I guess for ages sixteen and up, be really careful? I have no idea how it gets later on, so.

Today in my Bible study, I was actually taking a list of attributes that Paul said people should have to strengthen their walk with God, and assigned one each to my characters in the project that I always have on the brain somewhere. It was actually a lot of fun and got me to ponder the deeper meaning of some of the qualities rather than just reading the list. Best quiet time I've had in a while, honestly. 

Anyway, I've procrastinated quite enough and it's now time to pound out that first draft of that B paper.

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.