New year, new title! I'm not changing the tag (daily little things) but I wanted to call it something new. This will be my second year of writing down a small thing each day. Time just goes really fast as you get older, but this way, the days don't blend together quite as much--if I'm not living for the weekend, I won't wonder where the weeks went!
1. Burrito, tortellini
2. Blanket (this post is from later in the month but relevant)
3. Potato, excited for snow (let down)
4. Saw friends, good food
5. Lentils, caught up on Homestuck
6. Got manga~ (Thanks, Audrey!)
7. Studied Japanese
8. Trickster Jane, reading
9. RAINNNN and owl lunch bag
10. Bus, walking, jeans
11. Some art and writing, beans, peppers
12. Youth group, yummy cocoa
13. Anime movie, alfredo rice noodles?!
14. Austin
15. Noodles, procrastination
16. Had a job
17. Pasta, more procrastination
18. Crayons on the face (should have blogged this one, but didn't)
19. Baby Mum Mum won! (yet another thing I coulda shoulda but didn't blog. Sorry for the vagueness!)
21. A good lunch
22. Good lunch again (school days can be boring)
23. Very productive, and a bird pooped on me for the very first time
24. Slept til' noon :D
25. Childcare w/Bethany
26. Nice weather
27. Drew a nice? face
28. Windy.
29. Nice air, short thunderstorm
30. Peace Tea
31. Cold!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Is half okay?
I've written 14 posts this month, and this is my fifteenth. It's the 28th. That means I've only been blogging approximately every other day, though I suspect more were congregated towards the beginning of the month and some days had more than one.
It's not like I haven't had any creative output. I've been drawing (mostly unfinished things) and I've been writing (but mostly for my creative writing class). I just haven't really been spilling my thoughts over here. I've been tumbling and going through life with an undertone AUGH I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO AND IT'S ALL THE SAME but at the same time I do enjoy school, just not as much as I enjoy doing other things, which is why it's hard to focus.
Apparently my hair isn't looking so good. I don't understand. I stopped washing it with shampoo maybe six months ago and it looked fine for a good long while, but it kind of comes and goes now. I suspect maybe I haven't been getting enough sunshine and water. If it were only up to me, I wouldn't care, but our society has ridiculous standards for hygiene and it's ridiculously hard to keep up with them, especially when it's hot out which it almost always is.
It's so warm upstairs and I feel like I have a film of sweat on me all the time. But Texas weather is Texas weather and you can bet that if I turn off the heat it will freeze tomorrow night.
It was windy out today, and sort of wet, and in the morning it was cool and very nice.
It got a little warm. I had to take off my jacket. IT'S ONLY JANUARY.
It's supposed to storm tomorrow, though. I really hope that raincloud with lightning on the weather app wasn't lying to me.
I also think Apple needs to spiff up their weather app so that it shows the sun or clouds or whatever along with the current temperature right from the home screen, like the calendar always shows the correct date.
I'm trying to decide if I should work on homework tonight and have less tomorrow or go to bed and get up early and get stuff done.
Well, I'm sure I won't be productive if I stay up. I'll get up tomorrow and be boring. See what college is doing to me?! Well, like I said, my classes are (mostly) fun. I also want to get up early if it's raining tomorrow because if I blink I might miss it and if I sleep until 3 I surely will.
It's not like I haven't had any creative output. I've been drawing (mostly unfinished things) and I've been writing (but mostly for my creative writing class). I just haven't really been spilling my thoughts over here. I've been tumbling and going through life with an undertone AUGH I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO AND IT'S ALL THE SAME but at the same time I do enjoy school, just not as much as I enjoy doing other things, which is why it's hard to focus.
Apparently my hair isn't looking so good. I don't understand. I stopped washing it with shampoo maybe six months ago and it looked fine for a good long while, but it kind of comes and goes now. I suspect maybe I haven't been getting enough sunshine and water. If it were only up to me, I wouldn't care, but our society has ridiculous standards for hygiene and it's ridiculously hard to keep up with them, especially when it's hot out which it almost always is.
It's so warm upstairs and I feel like I have a film of sweat on me all the time. But Texas weather is Texas weather and you can bet that if I turn off the heat it will freeze tomorrow night.
It was windy out today, and sort of wet, and in the morning it was cool and very nice.
It got a little warm. I had to take off my jacket. IT'S ONLY JANUARY.
It's supposed to storm tomorrow, though. I really hope that raincloud with lightning on the weather app wasn't lying to me.
I also think Apple needs to spiff up their weather app so that it shows the sun or clouds or whatever along with the current temperature right from the home screen, like the calendar always shows the correct date.
I'm trying to decide if I should work on homework tonight and have less tomorrow or go to bed and get up early and get stuff done.
Well, I'm sure I won't be productive if I stay up. I'll get up tomorrow and be boring. See what college is doing to me?! Well, like I said, my classes are (mostly) fun. I also want to get up early if it's raining tomorrow because if I blink I might miss it and if I sleep until 3 I surely will.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Bus, walk, walk, bus, walk, car
Boy, I did a lot of walking today. And bussing! Being out and about in the city is great fun. I am more and more confident in my ability to handle myself and be independent. I'm excited at the prospect of moving out and living with my best friends. I'm excited for what I'll do with the rest of my life. I will literally be a starving artist if I have to.
I like food a lot. But the simple stuff is so good and so cheap that I'd be doing alright even if I ate straight produce and grains all the time.
I'm trying a new cereal. It is literally nothing but puffy grains, and so of course it's healthy, and CHEAP. Really cheap. It's rather bland, but I have taken to eating almonds and raisins in my cereal, so it's really not bad. x3
Well, I had a lot of exercise today with all the walking and that was fun, but when I got home I guess I pigged out.
I had a slice of bread with butter, a slice of bread with honey, a big bowl of rice and spinach and cheese, an egg, and ice cream with reese's pieces and some colored icing. On top of that, dad brought home fresh tortillas from taco cabana and tortillas are a weakness of mine, okay. He brought home eleven and I ate two of them. >__<
I got so much school done today! A whole lot. I am twice as productive (or more!) on campus than off. I don't mind studying there, because it's a nice environment and there isn't much to do other than study. When I'm at home, there are plenty of things I'd rather be doing, and internet is a big factor in that. I was going to put the school's wifi on my laptop, but I didn't because it's not a secure connection and honestly that's for the better. I did put my iPod on the wifi, though, so that I could still get email throughout the day.
Also, a bird pooped on my shoulder! 8D
I kept hearing this annoying squeaky noise and I thought it was someone several feet away chewing a straw and it was really annoying me and then there was this plop on my shoulder and I looked up. Oh. That was the sound of a bird trying to poo. XP
Thankfully, today was the day I chose to wear my dad's old two-sizes-too-big, holes-in-the-elbows flannel shirt as a jacket. I scraped off the poo with a leaf and then packed up my things and washed the shoulder of the shirt in the sink. I sat in the sun and NOT UNDER A TREE THIS TIME and the sun dried it out and everything was okay. c:
I like food a lot. But the simple stuff is so good and so cheap that I'd be doing alright even if I ate straight produce and grains all the time.
I'm trying a new cereal. It is literally nothing but puffy grains, and so of course it's healthy, and CHEAP. Really cheap. It's rather bland, but I have taken to eating almonds and raisins in my cereal, so it's really not bad. x3
Well, I had a lot of exercise today with all the walking and that was fun, but when I got home I guess I pigged out.
I had a slice of bread with butter, a slice of bread with honey, a big bowl of rice and spinach and cheese, an egg, and ice cream with reese's pieces and some colored icing. On top of that, dad brought home fresh tortillas from taco cabana and tortillas are a weakness of mine, okay. He brought home eleven and I ate two of them. >__<
I got so much school done today! A whole lot. I am twice as productive (or more!) on campus than off. I don't mind studying there, because it's a nice environment and there isn't much to do other than study. When I'm at home, there are plenty of things I'd rather be doing, and internet is a big factor in that. I was going to put the school's wifi on my laptop, but I didn't because it's not a secure connection and honestly that's for the better. I did put my iPod on the wifi, though, so that I could still get email throughout the day.
Also, a bird pooped on my shoulder! 8D
I kept hearing this annoying squeaky noise and I thought it was someone several feet away chewing a straw and it was really annoying me and then there was this plop on my shoulder and I looked up. Oh. That was the sound of a bird trying to poo. XP
Thankfully, today was the day I chose to wear my dad's old two-sizes-too-big, holes-in-the-elbows flannel shirt as a jacket. I scraped off the poo with a leaf and then packed up my things and washed the shoulder of the shirt in the sink. I sat in the sun and NOT UNDER A TREE THIS TIME and the sun dried it out and everything was okay. c:
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Art Update
Trickster Mode Jane Crocker from Homestuck. (Jane and Homestuck copyright of Hussie) |
Colored over an old sketch. Kinda rough around the edges. |
A really lame and dumb comic that was much better in my head. Comics are difficult. |
Roxy Lalonde from Homestuck. (Roxy and Homestuck copyright of Hussie) |
A cool idea I had. |
I LOVE THESE GIRLS; they are the twins from my up-and-coming story, based off of none other than my own best friend and I. |
It is probably obvious that I've been coloring digitally lately. Overall it's neater, looks better on a computer screen, and is faster and more cost effective. I know, I know, I'm CONFORMING AAAAAHHHHHHH
But I need to be able to work digitally as well as by hand. I'm still drawing all my lines by hand. Don't worry, I'm too poor for a tablet. Too poor to assimilate THAT quickly. If I try to do linework with a mouse, see exhibit C. I drew the comic on paper really sloppily and tried to line over it. NAAAW.
Ants in my Pansta
So there have been ants in the last two pasta boxes we've used. Boxes, not bags. Makes sense. Easier to crawl into. They've just been dead, not crawling.
I'm not concerned. I'm just curious. They float to the top of the water. Easy to skim off of the top. But the mysterious thing was that they collected in oil bubbles. SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME SCIENTIFICALLY/LOGICALLY. I'm really curious.
So there have been ants in the last two pasta boxes we've used. Boxes, not bags. Makes sense. Easier to crawl into. They've just been dead, not crawling.
I'm not concerned. I'm just curious. They float to the top of the water. Easy to skim off of the top. But the mysterious thing was that they collected in oil bubbles. SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME SCIENTIFICALLY/LOGICALLY. I'm really curious.
Don't worry, and BE QUIET.
If you've been "churched" most of your life, you've probably heard the Sermon on the Mount at least six quadruple million zillion times. You know, that long bit in Matthew with the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer and all that other famous stuff? Yeah, you know. You've practically memorized it.
Well, okay, maybe not. I couldn't even tell you all the topics contained within. Obviously, I'm being hyperbolic for the sake of emphasis.
But I have heard it enough that it kind of slides past me, in one ear and out the other, so to say. The way the words are connected is familiar and without new information, my mind feels no need to pay attention.
If I bother to pay attention, I'll find ways it that it actually does apply to me and my life. My youth group is kind of forcing this now. We're doing a simple Bible study where we read a chapter, discuss what's going on, and everyone (EVERYONE) has to say one way they'll live their life different because of it. No keeping quiet cuz you're introverted. No excuses.
On Saturday, we studied Matthew 6. There was a lot about people being religious just for show, and another discussion kind of came up so that the part on the end about not worrying didn't get a lot of discussion time. But this part was the most relevant.
Okay, if you had the attention span to read all that, good on ya. I'll admit that I often skip those scripture sections once I "know what's in them." I've seen it all before, you know? It's a lazy habit, I think. It probably keeps me from learning a lot of things by re-thinking the familiar.
Anyway, I found that this passage was relevant TO MY LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~
I'm not a big worrier. I'm actually pretty chill about things. I don't like to rest until I have something planned, but I don't tend to get stressed about it. So I guess I always took this bit in stride. Don't worry. Okay, got it.
But there are a lot of uncertainties in my life, and I do abstractedly in a sort of removed sense worry about those. It doesn't cause me physical anxiety or dominate my thoughts, but I know that I have to get a job, I'm going to have to help pay rent, I need to be able to eat, and life is EXPENSIVE. I'm already feeling way busy with college. How am I supposed to spend the rest of my life doing dumb jobs that Ihate strongly dislike (or, I dunno, maybe hate). Why doesn't art rake in the dollars?!
And that's where I find myself worrying in that abstract sense.
Basically, I'm worried that if I don't take care of every little detail myself, that I won't have the things that I need. And that is very very silly, because (see above) GOD KNOWS WHAT I NEED.
And He provides it for all the rest of nature, so why should I assume I'm not included?
-cue Billy Mays impersonation- BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!
That Matthew passage up there also says to seek God's Kingdom first, and THEN your needs will be provided for. Sounds like we've gotta do some work still. Hey, nobody said this was a ticket to LazyTown! (memories, memories)How can we do this "putting God first?" Well, let's cross-reference! (this is a fancy word for "look up other stuff about the same subject.")
As it turns out, there are plenty of things to fill this time that you're not worrying in anymore. Here are two (and their benefits) that are mentioned right next to exhortations about not worrying:
Humble yo self
and God will lift you up at the right moment.
Pray about everything
and you will experience God's peace.
(lookit that, instead of just putting in references, I can link right to the passage! What useful modern technologies ohohoh)
Okay, and this one is my favorite:
Now we can't necessarily sit and listen to Jesus as a touchable person in a room, but God speaks in many ways. And while He can definitely speak to us while we're doing chores and blogging and working at work, it seems pretty important that we take time off from those things to just sit with God.
I always find myself wanting to multitask. I can pray while I'm showering or while I'm exercising or some other thing that I also HAVE TO GET DONE. But that doesn't really end up happening. There's always something to think about.
I don't have a time anymore that I set aside dedicated to God and nothing else. My quiet time has deteriorated to a "when I happen to have a moment" sort of thing. It's difficult to spend any sort of extended time in prayer at random times throughout the day because my mind is so busy. I want to get to a point where practically all of my thoughts are prayers (like Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof), but until then, I think it's important that I set aside time to specifically just be with God. Not the time I already spend when I have a problem, not time that I'm gushing about how bad I am at all this. A time for me to shut up and listen, no matter how scared I am about hearing something.
It seems like I don't have time to schedule something else, but that's ridiculous. Anyway, it's already been said that if God is the priority, everything else will fall into place. That seems like a better way to live my life.
All this thought is well and good, but if I don't set a concrete goal, nothing is going to happen. I can think for a long time about how morning isn't good because I have a tight schedule and I'd be too tempted to multitask and I might just sleep through it on non-early days and how evening is worse because I'm too tired to pay attention to anything and that's when I make up stories as I'm falling asleep and how the schedule of my day runs different all the time but if I don't just CHOOSE TO SET THE TIME ASIDE I will just end up making more excuses.
People always say "even if it's only 5 minutes" but I know I need longer than that. The optimal would be 15 or 20 so that I have time to read a verse or two and meditate on it and still have time to sit and not think anything and just be with God. But I think what I should shoot for first is 10-15. And it really should be morning to set the tone for my whole day. The obvious thing to cut out of my morning schedule would be the computer time I spend right before I leave (but that would mean I would be packed so tight I'd be packing my lunch right before walking out the door... and I hate being so rushed.) I also don't want to get up any earlier than six. If I do it first thing after waking up my mind would be freshest but I also might fall asleep again. It's just... so many excuses!
Okay, so if I need to do schedule planning, I can use it doing bus wifi. I don't need to tumblr/facebook/twig before my school is done. I can check my email on my iPod. I can pack my books and get my clothes out the night before. Very first thing, I'll get up and freshen up/get dressed. By that point I'll be awake enough. Then, before I get breakfast I will spend at least 10 minutes sitting and not planning my day and not rushing around--just sitting with God. For about half that time I'll pray and meditate on scripture but for the other half I have to be quiet.
People who know me might not think that's hard for me. But though I don't make a lot of noise, my mind is not a quiet place.
Well, okay, maybe not. I couldn't even tell you all the topics contained within. Obviously, I'm being hyperbolic for the sake of emphasis.
But I have heard it enough that it kind of slides past me, in one ear and out the other, so to say. The way the words are connected is familiar and without new information, my mind feels no need to pay attention.
If I bother to pay attention, I'll find ways it that it actually does apply to me and my life. My youth group is kind of forcing this now. We're doing a simple Bible study where we read a chapter, discuss what's going on, and everyone (EVERYONE) has to say one way they'll live their life different because of it. No keeping quiet cuz you're introverted. No excuses.
On Saturday, we studied Matthew 6. There was a lot about people being religious just for show, and another discussion kind of came up so that the part on the end about not worrying didn't get a lot of discussion time. But this part was the most relevant.
25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?Matthew 6:25-34 (NLT)
28 “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
(see also Luke 12:22-32)
Okay, if you had the attention span to read all that, good on ya. I'll admit that I often skip those scripture sections once I "know what's in them." I've seen it all before, you know? It's a lazy habit, I think. It probably keeps me from learning a lot of things by re-thinking the familiar.
Anyway, I found that this passage was relevant TO MY LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~
I'm not a big worrier. I'm actually pretty chill about things. I don't like to rest until I have something planned, but I don't tend to get stressed about it. So I guess I always took this bit in stride. Don't worry. Okay, got it.
But there are a lot of uncertainties in my life, and I do abstractedly in a sort of removed sense worry about those. It doesn't cause me physical anxiety or dominate my thoughts, but I know that I have to get a job, I'm going to have to help pay rent, I need to be able to eat, and life is EXPENSIVE. I'm already feeling way busy with college. How am I supposed to spend the rest of my life doing dumb jobs that I
And that's where I find myself worrying in that abstract sense.
Basically, I'm worried that if I don't take care of every little detail myself, that I won't have the things that I need. And that is very very silly, because (see above) GOD KNOWS WHAT I NEED.
And He provides it for all the rest of nature, so why should I assume I'm not included?
-cue Billy Mays impersonation- BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!
That Matthew passage up there also says to seek God's Kingdom first, and THEN your needs will be provided for. Sounds like we've gotta do some work still. Hey, nobody said this was a ticket to LazyTown! (memories, memories)How can we do this "putting God first?" Well, let's cross-reference! (this is a fancy word for "look up other stuff about the same subject.")
As it turns out, there are plenty of things to fill this time that you're not worrying in anymore. Here are two (and their benefits) that are mentioned right next to exhortations about not worrying:
Humble yo self
and God will lift you up at the right moment.
Pray about everything
and you will experience God's peace.
(lookit that, instead of just putting in references, I can link right to the passage! What useful modern technologies ohohoh)
Okay, and this one is my favorite:
Just plain spend time with God! Martha was doing a good job, working hard, making sure everyone was provided for. But she forgot to rest in the presence of God! Yes, the work needed to be done. But listening to Jesus was more important, and Mary recognized this. The dishes could wait until later.Luke 10:38-42 (NLT)
38 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. 40 But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”41 But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! 42 There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Now we can't necessarily sit and listen to Jesus as a touchable person in a room, but God speaks in many ways. And while He can definitely speak to us while we're doing chores and blogging and working at work, it seems pretty important that we take time off from those things to just sit with God.
I always find myself wanting to multitask. I can pray while I'm showering or while I'm exercising or some other thing that I also HAVE TO GET DONE. But that doesn't really end up happening. There's always something to think about.
I don't have a time anymore that I set aside dedicated to God and nothing else. My quiet time has deteriorated to a "when I happen to have a moment" sort of thing. It's difficult to spend any sort of extended time in prayer at random times throughout the day because my mind is so busy. I want to get to a point where practically all of my thoughts are prayers (like Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof), but until then, I think it's important that I set aside time to specifically just be with God. Not the time I already spend when I have a problem, not time that I'm gushing about how bad I am at all this. A time for me to shut up and listen, no matter how scared I am about hearing something.
It seems like I don't have time to schedule something else, but that's ridiculous. Anyway, it's already been said that if God is the priority, everything else will fall into place. That seems like a better way to live my life.
All this thought is well and good, but if I don't set a concrete goal, nothing is going to happen. I can think for a long time about how morning isn't good because I have a tight schedule and I'd be too tempted to multitask and I might just sleep through it on non-early days and how evening is worse because I'm too tired to pay attention to anything and that's when I make up stories as I'm falling asleep and how the schedule of my day runs different all the time but if I don't just CHOOSE TO SET THE TIME ASIDE I will just end up making more excuses.
People always say "even if it's only 5 minutes" but I know I need longer than that. The optimal would be 15 or 20 so that I have time to read a verse or two and meditate on it and still have time to sit and not think anything and just be with God. But I think what I should shoot for first is 10-15. And it really should be morning to set the tone for my whole day. The obvious thing to cut out of my morning schedule would be the computer time I spend right before I leave (but that would mean I would be packed so tight I'd be packing my lunch right before walking out the door... and I hate being so rushed.) I also don't want to get up any earlier than six. If I do it first thing after waking up my mind would be freshest but I also might fall asleep again. It's just... so many excuses!
Okay, so if I need to do schedule planning, I can use it doing bus wifi. I don't need to tumblr/facebook/twig before my school is done. I can check my email on my iPod. I can pack my books and get my clothes out the night before. Very first thing, I'll get up and freshen up/get dressed. By that point I'll be awake enough. Then, before I get breakfast I will spend at least 10 minutes sitting and not planning my day and not rushing around--just sitting with God. For about half that time I'll pray and meditate on scripture but for the other half I have to be quiet.
People who know me might not think that's hard for me. But though I don't make a lot of noise, my mind is not a quiet place.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
I'm not posting much
Sorry about that, but I have about three ideas for posts. Hopefully I will work on them this afternoon. Currently I am in bed and typing on my iPod. I want to sleep more but I need to get up so this is my attempt to keep myself stimulated... XD
I just realised I haven't charged my phone in a while. Whoops. Well, there is my reason to get out of bed.
God, let this be a good day that honours you through my words and actions and thoughts.
I just realised I haven't charged my phone in a while. Whoops. Well, there is my reason to get out of bed.
God, let this be a good day that honours you through my words and actions and thoughts.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
I will survive
School starts again tomorrow. New campus, only one in-class class... and one less class than last time, though last time two of my classes felt half as time consuming as the others.
I'll have to work out scheduling based on how things go. Last time I made a plan to study each thing at a specific time, but there are so many unknowns in this situation that I need more experience.
Well, I've gotta be up at six to catch a bus at 7:45, so I have about nine minutes left on the computer before I finish up a few more things and go to bed... No more 11 hour nights. (Hee hee, Eleventh Hour, Doctor Who, okay okay never mind.)
I watched an anime movie today and it wasn't terrible but it wasn't great. Anyway, it was probably my last chance to veg out for a while.
Good luck to me and Bethany and Emma and Justin and everyone else who begins COLLEGE CLASSES this week. And good luck to everyone who already started normal school or already started college or WELL GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE but especially me.
I'll have to work out scheduling based on how things go. Last time I made a plan to study each thing at a specific time, but there are so many unknowns in this situation that I need more experience.
Well, I've gotta be up at six to catch a bus at 7:45, so I have about nine minutes left on the computer before I finish up a few more things and go to bed... No more 11 hour nights. (Hee hee, Eleventh Hour, Doctor Who, okay okay never mind.)
I watched an anime movie today and it wasn't terrible but it wasn't great. Anyway, it was probably my last chance to veg out for a while.
Good luck to me and Bethany and Emma and Justin and everyone else who begins COLLEGE CLASSES this week. And good luck to everyone who already started normal school or already started college or WELL GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE but especially me.
Friday, January 11, 2013
What's your One Direction? (ahaha this has nothing to do with a band)
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
-Oh, the Places You'll Go, Dr. Seuss
Doesn't it seem like at times people expect you to know where your life is going? Some of us have known since we were kids. Some of us keep changing our minds. Some of us have a pretty good idea. Some of us just don't know.
It's kind of a laugh that people say you get to make your own decisions once you're an adult. Well, to some extent that's true, but if you want to do art for a living those same people are quick to jump in and tell you that's completely ridiculous; go get a real job.
What if you've got a calling and it doesn't conform to "how life is supposed to work?"
I was wondering the other day about John the Baptist. He was dedicated from birth to be set apart in his lifestyle for God. His mother was told while still pregnant with him that he was supposed to abstain from alcohol. This wasn't TOO uncommon, but it was the least of his abnormalities.
The fact that he was named "John" probably made some people wonder. That was the name God gave his parents, but tradition was to name a son after his father.
What was really weird was how he went off and lived in the desert and ate bugs and wild honey. He didn't wear "normal" clothes. His occupation was preaching to people--he didn't have a "trade." I'm sure plenty of his neighbors asked him what the heck he thought he was doing with his life.
Hey, if God is calling you to do something, that's awesome, and usually (in my experience) other believers will support you in that if they're pretty sure it's genuine.
But I also wondered... what if John the Baptist just wanted to be a blacksmith when he was 12?
What if what God has for you is something you don't want to do at all?!
Now, I'm not sure if such a clash of personality and calling would even happen completely. Your interests might seem very extraneous at times, but who God created you to be will surely line up somehow with what He made you to do. I don't think God would create someone with a sciencey smart personality, shape her life experiences to this, give her great scholarships and wonderful teachers, and then decide her calling is to... I dunno, write dramas for TV. I'm pretty sure that if God is leading you somewhere and you're in step with that, you'll be okay with it, and He'll prepare you for the parts you just aren't sure about.
I never had an answer to "what are you going to be when you grow up?" I liked drawing and writing but they were just hobbies. When i was young, my media was very closely monitored. When I started choosing for myself what I watched and read, I was appalled to find cursing and sexual stuff littering cool stories with great characters. I would watch things like The Sound of Music and wonder why "clean" media is no longer made for everyone. One day I was praying and it just clicked. Since then I've been convinced that I'm supposed to be involved in making wholesome media that anyone can enjoy, whether they're grown up or still innocent.
There is possibly a second part to my direction in life that seemed way out of my league at first, but God is teaching me ways to fulfill it. However, I'm not ready to publicly share what that is yet.
Well, I'm not entirely sure where this is going. It was supposed to be based on my John the Baptist musings. But basically, here's some encouragement: Whether you think that you know where you're going or not, you can trust God to show you where you should be and to help you get there.
T-Shirts Are Stupid
Okay, so I actually should have titled this "T-Shirts can be really dumb a lot of the time" but that doesn't make for an eye-catching title. Nothing like a little hyperbolic opinion throwing to rake in attention!
In fact, this leads into my point.
I see the dumbest t-shirts in stores.
So I mean, there are still some cool ones and alright ones
And some "oh, okay, not offensive but kinda dumb in my opinion" ones
And some that are in my opinion inappropriate (no pictures)
And some that are just plain mean!
Okay, there's no reason to insult everyone who even looks at you. I see a lot of mean spirited things like this both in male and female shirts. It's not okay, alright?
Another thing that annoys me (but isn't offensive) is all the "swag" and "yolo" etc. These silly little trends come around and everyone jumps on the bandwagon and the t-shirts get printed but soon enough the herd will move onto something else. I'm a little tired of seeing something become "a thing" and watch everyone like it for about two weeks... I just... I don't like how the whole popularity system works. It doesn't feel genuine. Things that might actually be good seem like they are being devalued by this (and of course there's plenty of stuff that was dumb in the first place). I could touch on this being an "issue" but mostly it's just me complaining so disregard this paragraph if you like.
But let's end this not-very-deep post on a positive note. Girls are getting more geeky shirts now too. c:
In fact, this leads into my point.
I see the dumbest t-shirts in stores.
So I mean, there are still some cool ones and alright ones
And some "oh, okay, not offensive but kinda dumb in my opinion" ones
And some that are in my opinion inappropriate (no pictures)
And some that are just plain mean!
Okay, there's no reason to insult everyone who even looks at you. I see a lot of mean spirited things like this both in male and female shirts. It's not okay, alright?
Another thing that annoys me (but isn't offensive) is all the "swag" and "yolo" etc. These silly little trends come around and everyone jumps on the bandwagon and the t-shirts get printed but soon enough the herd will move onto something else. I'm a little tired of seeing something become "a thing" and watch everyone like it for about two weeks... I just... I don't like how the whole popularity system works. It doesn't feel genuine. Things that might actually be good seem like they are being devalued by this (and of course there's plenty of stuff that was dumb in the first place). I could touch on this being an "issue" but mostly it's just me complaining so disregard this paragraph if you like.
But let's end this not-very-deep post on a positive note. Girls are getting more geeky shirts now too. c:
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(I admit this is a rather poor example. I mean things like Mario and superheroes...) |
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Jeans (and the bus)
I have learned the hard way that stretchy jeans wear out in weird ways, and also, ever since this summer when I got my first pair, I have liked skinny jeans. ^o^
So with only one pair of wearable-in-most-situations jeans (the grey ones I got this summer), my mom and I went to find some more.
I guess I'm hard to shop for. I get scared of price tags bigger than 10-15 dollars, I do not want shiny rhinestones or sequins on my pockets, thank you, and.... okay those are the two main things.
I was seeing basically the same skinny jean colors at every store--some neons plus a sliiiiightly greenish blue, teal, purple, and yellow. Target had a bunch of patterned ones, but I couldn't convince myself that I wanted or needed any of those. XD
It was a good day to shop for jeans though because pretty much every store had a lot of clearance. My mom almost forgot Sears, but I mentioned it, and all their jeans were 50 purr scent off. It was quite convenient and I found a pair of black ones that fit in my size which is weird because the grey ones I have now are a few sizes up. The button is a rhinestone (bluh) but my shirt will cover that up usually. XD I don't often tuck in my shirts.
We went to about a billion stores after that but finally on the way home we went into Bealls and I found some plain old denim ones that fit! These ones were a size a bit up.
Both of these pairs are actually relatively close fitting (but I made sure I could crouch down completely in them) whereas my grey ones are kind of loose and my white ones (which didn't count as wearable in most situations) are pleeennnnty loose. The new ones are slightly stretchy, but probably not as stretchy as my old bootcut jeans which just wear out weiiiiirdly.
I think the grey ones will remain my favorite, but I just needed some other options. XD
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my BUS ADVENTURES.
I rode the bus all the way to the campus and then I walked around and found where all the important stuff was and school starts on Monday and AHHHHH but at least my history book came and now I'm just waiting on my last writing book.
So with only one pair of wearable-in-most-situations jeans (the grey ones I got this summer), my mom and I went to find some more.
I guess I'm hard to shop for. I get scared of price tags bigger than 10-15 dollars, I do not want shiny rhinestones or sequins on my pockets, thank you, and.... okay those are the two main things.
I was seeing basically the same skinny jean colors at every store--some neons plus a sliiiiightly greenish blue, teal, purple, and yellow. Target had a bunch of patterned ones, but I couldn't convince myself that I wanted or needed any of those. XD
It was a good day to shop for jeans though because pretty much every store had a lot of clearance. My mom almost forgot Sears, but I mentioned it, and all their jeans were 50 purr scent off. It was quite convenient and I found a pair of black ones that fit in my size which is weird because the grey ones I have now are a few sizes up. The button is a rhinestone (bluh) but my shirt will cover that up usually. XD I don't often tuck in my shirts.
We went to about a billion stores after that but finally on the way home we went into Bealls and I found some plain old denim ones that fit! These ones were a size a bit up.
Both of these pairs are actually relatively close fitting (but I made sure I could crouch down completely in them) whereas my grey ones are kind of loose and my white ones (which didn't count as wearable in most situations) are pleeennnnty loose. The new ones are slightly stretchy, but probably not as stretchy as my old bootcut jeans which just wear out weiiiiirdly.
I think the grey ones will remain my favorite, but I just needed some other options. XD
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my BUS ADVENTURES.
I rode the bus all the way to the campus and then I walked around and found where all the important stuff was and school starts on Monday and AHHHHH but at least my history book came and now I'm just waiting on my last writing book.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
I'm having a nice day.
Last night I fell asleep to instrumental music and this morning I awoke to rain. I also had a job! (For once.) I got up and ate breakfast and there was that lovely orange laptop shell I wanted awaiting me! Ahh! So pretty. I ate breakfast and started out a little early with a justin case, justin-owned umbrella. Well... I kind of stole it from him after it broke because I want to turn it into a question mark handled umbrella like the 7th Doctor's. Anyway, I didn't need it and I helped a lady take down her Christmas decorations. She was very methodical and organized and knew exactly what needed to happen with everything. It was very easy to work with her. c: I wanted to walk home in the rain (it was raining harder now and had poured several times) but she wouldn't allow it. She drove me home and her little dog sat on my lap trembling (It reminded me of a comic I read forever ago with a Chihuahua named Tremble). Then for lunch I ate/am eating EVERYTHING well. I mean, we had two or three different soup things in the fridge plus pasta AND several vegetables/fruits and I couldn't decide so I had all of them.
Later today I'm going to try to sell some textbooks and also I'm going to get my bus pass. Then tomorrow the plan is for me to ride in and check out the campus/get a feel for all that stuff. Then Mom will get me and we'll shop for PAAAAAAANTS.
Later today I'm going to try to sell some textbooks and also I'm going to get my bus pass. Then tomorrow the plan is for me to ride in and check out the campus/get a feel for all that stuff. Then Mom will get me and we'll shop for PAAAAAAANTS.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Proper blanket use
Whoa, that last mouthful was almost pure peppermint. o_O
You see, I dissolved a miniature candy cane into my green tea. It wasn't bad!
I hung leaves above my desk today. It's pretty cool! I also drew a new icon for use around the internet:
I've been in a blanket mood lately because it's winter. I even wore a blanket to church, but people asked if I was sick. Why can't a girl just wear a blanket in normal situations? They're comfier than jackets.
I have three throw blankets and they're all comfy. The lavender-blue one featured in the picture is the least fuzzy of the three, but that means I can be harder on it because it won't get matted. :D
My pink butterfly one is really soft but pink, so I use that one for extra insulation in bed. I sleep with it underneath my sheet. My mom insists that sheets go the closest to you because they're more easily washable, but as I said, I don't care how the pink one looks so much, plus sheets can get COLD.
On really cold days, I put my pink blanket on the bottom, and then the sheet, and then my lavender blanket, and then my comforter (it provides the weight and wraparound and is better than using just throw blankets). Then I put my dark blue dots throw blanket on top, along with various pillows and plushies. It is not an option to layer two throw blankets on top of each other. They create static and little flashes of light and something in me is just not okay with that.
I'm considering whether bringing a blanket to school is a good idea.
I also have this burnt orange and silver blanket that I was going to make a hammock out of but ended up not doing so. I wonder what I could use it for? It's kind of heavy, but last time when I was piling up my blankets, I left it behind because it was really chilly or something. Maybe I'll spread it out on the floor or something, since as previously shown, my carpet is very messy and my vaccuum sucks* because it doesn't suck.
*(Please note that this irregular use of derogatory language was for the sake of a pun. c: My apologies. )
You see, I dissolved a miniature candy cane into my green tea. It wasn't bad!
I hung leaves above my desk today. It's pretty cool! I also drew a new icon for use around the internet:
I've been in a blanket mood lately because it's winter. I even wore a blanket to church, but people asked if I was sick. Why can't a girl just wear a blanket in normal situations? They're comfier than jackets.
I have three throw blankets and they're all comfy. The lavender-blue one featured in the picture is the least fuzzy of the three, but that means I can be harder on it because it won't get matted. :D
My pink butterfly one is really soft but pink, so I use that one for extra insulation in bed. I sleep with it underneath my sheet. My mom insists that sheets go the closest to you because they're more easily washable, but as I said, I don't care how the pink one looks so much, plus sheets can get COLD.
On really cold days, I put my pink blanket on the bottom, and then the sheet, and then my lavender blanket, and then my comforter (it provides the weight and wraparound and is better than using just throw blankets). Then I put my dark blue dots throw blanket on top, along with various pillows and plushies. It is not an option to layer two throw blankets on top of each other. They create static and little flashes of light and something in me is just not okay with that.
I'm considering whether bringing a blanket to school is a good idea.
I also have this burnt orange and silver blanket that I was going to make a hammock out of but ended up not doing so. I wonder what I could use it for? It's kind of heavy, but last time when I was piling up my blankets, I left it behind because it was really chilly or something. Maybe I'll spread it out on the floor or something, since as previously shown, my carpet is very messy and my vaccuum sucks* because it doesn't suck.
*(Please note that this irregular use of derogatory language was for the sake of a pun. c: My apologies. )
Monday, January 7, 2013
School is soon.
I studied a lot of Japanese review stuff today, and I have some left. Wednesday I'll get my bus pass. Thursday, I'll ride in to test everything and get a feel for the campus. Then my mom will get me and we'll probably shop for pants because I have one pair of jeans right now, basically.
I got a lot of tea from my friend Peggy so I've been drinking some yummy liquids. And there's bean soup for dinner! Potato soup was yesterday. Lentils was before that! Basically winter foods are yumyums.
I need to have some pasta soon, though. HMMMM.
I got a lot of tea from my friend Peggy so I've been drinking some yummy liquids. And there's bean soup for dinner! Potato soup was yesterday. Lentils was before that! Basically winter foods are yumyums.
I need to have some pasta soon, though. HMMMM.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
In other news,
In other news, I am debating whether or not wearing a blanket to school is a good idea, hoping I'll figure out how to work the bus system, sighing that textbooks are heavy, etc, etc. I only have a couple more weeks of freedom, but hopefully after this semester is over I'll move closer in and things will get a bit easier.
Oh, work.
I really need a job. Really.
I've applied at Pizza Hut and was rejected by the online system almost immediately (probably because according to my dad I was too hard on my own people skills). I applied at HEB and got a positive response, but no job. I guess I met the skills but there were better qualified applicants.
I need work. AUUUUGH.
I bemoaned my joblessness on twitter and some random person with a google icon said "we'll hire you!" but it was so obviously fake. Ahah.
I really need to figure out how to do commissions. Maybe there are people out there on the internets that want me to draw them something as much as I need a measly few dollars (actually lots) to add up in my savings.
I've applied at Pizza Hut and was rejected by the online system almost immediately (probably because according to my dad I was too hard on my own people skills). I applied at HEB and got a positive response, but no job. I guess I met the skills but there were better qualified applicants.
I need work. AUUUUGH.
I bemoaned my joblessness on twitter and some random person with a google icon said "we'll hire you!" but it was so obviously fake. Ahah.
I really need to figure out how to do commissions. Maybe there are people out there on the internets that want me to draw them something as much as I need a measly few dollars (actually lots) to add up in my savings.
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