All the stuff

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Art Update

Trickster Mode Jane Crocker from Homestuck. (Jane and Homestuck copyright of Hussie)
Colored over an old sketch. Kinda rough around the edges.
A really lame and dumb comic that was much better in my head. Comics are difficult.
Roxy Lalonde from Homestuck. (Roxy and Homestuck copyright of Hussie)
A cool idea I had.
I LOVE THESE GIRLS; they are the twins from my up-and-coming story, based off of none other than my own best friend and I.

It is probably obvious that I've been coloring digitally lately. Overall it's neater, looks better on a computer screen, and is faster and more cost effective. I know, I know, I'm CONFORMING AAAAAHHHHHHH
But I need to be able to work digitally as well as by hand. I'm still drawing all my lines by hand. Don't worry, I'm too poor for a tablet. Too poor to assimilate THAT quickly. If I try to do linework with a mouse, see exhibit C. I drew the comic on paper really sloppily and tried to line over it. NAAAW.


  1. "Shh...spoilers" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA xDD.

  2. CHARACTERS!!! Even though I have zero patience to get into Homestuck, I love your sketches. Ze are very niiiice. I like the Bass Doctor, sounds like someone like me, cuz I always want the bass in music to be super loud to the point where it makes everyone crazy, and then they turn down the bass and I'm like "LAME". XD I saved some of your images onto my computer. I AM A THIEF!!! I DIDN'T EVEN ASK FOR PERMISSION!!!! AHHHHHHH!


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.