All the stuff

Monday, January 28, 2013

Is half okay?

I've written 14 posts this month, and this is my fifteenth. It's the 28th. That means I've only been blogging approximately every other day, though I suspect more were congregated towards the beginning of the month and some days had more than one.

It's not like I haven't had any creative output. I've been drawing (mostly unfinished things) and I've been writing (but mostly for my creative writing class). I just haven't really been spilling my thoughts over here. I've been tumbling and going through life with an undertone AUGH I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO AND IT'S ALL THE SAME but at the same time I do enjoy school, just not as much as I enjoy doing other things, which is why it's hard to focus.

Apparently my hair isn't looking so good. I don't understand. I stopped washing it with shampoo maybe six months ago and it looked fine for a good long while, but it kind of comes and goes now. I suspect maybe I haven't been getting enough sunshine and water. If it were only up to me, I wouldn't care, but our society has ridiculous standards for hygiene and it's ridiculously hard to keep up with them, especially when it's hot out which it almost always is.

It's so warm upstairs and I feel like I have a film of sweat on me all the time. But Texas weather is Texas weather and you can bet that if I turn off the heat it will freeze tomorrow night.
It was windy out today, and sort of wet, and in the morning it was cool and very nice.
It got a little warm. I had to take off my jacket. IT'S ONLY JANUARY.

It's supposed to storm tomorrow, though. I really hope that raincloud with lightning on the weather app wasn't lying to me.
I also think Apple needs to spiff up their weather app so that it shows the sun or clouds or whatever along with the current temperature right from the home screen, like the calendar always shows the correct date.

I'm trying to decide if I should work on homework tonight and have less tomorrow or go to bed and get up early and get stuff done.

Well, I'm sure I won't be productive if I stay up. I'll get up tomorrow and be boring. See what college is doing to me?! Well, like I said, my classes are (mostly) fun. I also want to get up early if it's raining tomorrow because if I blink I might miss it and if I sleep until 3 I surely will.

1 comment:

  1. ~You have been nominated for the Libster Award!! ^^ Here`s the link for more details :


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.