All the stuff

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bus, walk, walk, bus, walk, car

Boy, I did a lot of walking today. And bussing! Being out and about in the city is great fun. I am more and more confident in my ability to handle myself and be independent. I'm excited at the prospect of moving out and living with my best friends. I'm excited for what I'll do with the rest of my life. I will literally be a starving artist if I have to.

I like food a lot. But the simple stuff is so good and so cheap that I'd be doing alright even if I ate straight produce and grains all the time.

I'm trying a new cereal. It is literally nothing but puffy grains, and so of course it's healthy, and CHEAP. Really cheap. It's rather bland, but I have taken to eating almonds and raisins in my cereal, so it's really not bad. x3

Well, I had a lot of exercise today with all the walking and that was fun, but when I got home I guess I pigged out.
I had a slice of bread with butter, a slice of bread with honey, a big bowl of rice and spinach and cheese, an egg, and ice cream with reese's pieces and some colored icing. On top of that, dad brought home fresh tortillas from taco cabana and tortillas are a weakness of mine, okay. He brought home eleven and I ate two of them. >__<

I got so much school done today! A whole lot. I am twice as productive (or more!) on campus than off. I don't mind studying there, because it's a nice environment and there isn't much to do other than study. When I'm at home, there are plenty of things I'd rather be doing, and internet is a big factor in that. I was going to put the school's wifi on my laptop, but I didn't because it's not a secure connection and honestly that's for the better. I did put my iPod on the wifi, though, so that I could still get email throughout the day.

Also, a bird pooped on my shoulder! 8D
I kept hearing this annoying squeaky noise and I thought it was someone several feet away chewing a straw and it was really annoying me and then there was this plop on my shoulder and I looked up. Oh. That was the sound of a bird trying to poo. XP
Thankfully, today was the day I chose to wear my dad's old two-sizes-too-big, holes-in-the-elbows flannel shirt as a jacket. I scraped off the poo with a leaf and then packed up my things and washed the shoulder of the shirt in the sink. I sat in the sun and NOT UNDER A TREE THIS TIME and the sun dried it out and everything was okay. c:

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