All the stuff

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Conclusion of Daily Little Things

As is probably Obvious, To YOU,
a) i am TYPING WEird, and
b) I stopped doing daily-thing recaps at the end of the month about halfway through the year, because I just didn't have the time.

I thought I might do a superupdate, but I don't think that's necessary. Instead I'll just post a few of the best highlights.

And then I think I'll retire this project from le blog officially. I still plan to keep writing on my calendar (it's the closest thing to a journal I've been able to keep consistently--two straight years now), but y'all probably don't care about every little thing, and it's tiring to write them all out.

By the way, it's 2014. I could tell before looking at the clock because I heard a ton of fireworks going off. I'm alone at my apartment.
-insert joke about being single here-
I'm going to "schedule" this post for the past so that it still shows up with 2013 stuff. Haha.

Anyway, here's a few highlights from my days this year since August, when I stopped cataloging them for you guys.

September 7: duck "swag"
September 18: wasting time
September 25: character creation
September 28: swimming in the rain

October 5: cold front!
October 9: blanket in the morning
October 10: swinging at night
October 14: waterfall down the steps
October 24: socks and owl city

November 6: Just the right temperature for jeans
November 14: Owl City replied (to my Q&A tweet)
November 16: alfredo with mushrooms
November 19: stayed at library until almost dark
November 28: burning college mail

December 8: peanut brittle
December 11: skateboarding in a skirt
December 16: writing okay poetry
December 28: drawing on the beach, dancing with judah

Well, there you go, dudes.
 My calendar this year was neat because I made it myself by decopaging printed pictures and a few non-printed papers to a car booklet with 12 convenient spreads.

2014's calendar is the official Homestuck calendar from What Pumpkin. Super rad art. 

My Sketchbook

I'm just gonna dump a bunch of stuff here from my latest sketchbook. This one has been especially fun because instead of just sticking to pencil, pen, and sometimes marker drawings, I've used paint, magazines, modpodge, leaves, bean juice, etc, and a lot more creativity.
I drew and colored on both sides of the pages. I opened up and drew where I was instead of going in order. I colored the outside of the book. When I made a food-painting I didn't like, I washed the page off in the sink. I ditched the idea that my sketchbook is sacred and must be in pristine condition, and I let myself go creatively, less afraid of the consequences. I branched out into art that wasn't "pretty" or "my usual style." I got silly. I got creative. I got weird.
And I like it.

A lot of the "being hard on it for creativity's sake" was inspired by Keri's Smith's Wreck This Journal, a book that my roommate purchased and is still in the process of destroying. I haven't gone to the extremes that the journal suggests (throwing the book out a second story window, for example, or running your car over it), but it made me realize that if a book gets beat up, it just adds another dimension to whatever is inside. Mistakes and accidents can be made into more art. If your marker bleeds through onto the next page, don't skip it: make it into something.

Anyway, without further ado, here's a few of my favorite things from this sketchbook.
Character sketches

More character sketches

The cover.

contour drawings (don't lift your pencil, don't look as you draw)

watercolor and white crayon.

magazine with added watercolor, inspired by Tip of the Iceberg by Owl City

a collection

the stuff you never really draw because it's boring

My dad's not a phone!! This magazine ad made me think of that, I had to.


copying from a comic book for style exposure

materials were at the library for bookmarks, but I was thinking a little bigger...

a rare drawing from my actual life

hand turkey needs a hand

Drawing/typography in church. I really like how this turned out.


two pages of tries to get all the spacing right.

i noticed that runway models looked dead in the eyes, and they were positioned in convenient swarm-tiers.

acrylic to the left, large ripped leaf to the right.

patrons of Chipotle.


more collage

emotive portrait

self explanatory, filling a whole page

more typography

found leaves

both hands are mine but w/e

Even though there are probably 20 some odd pages that are still blank here and there (I don't know, since I didn't do them in order), I think I'm going to start a new sketchbook for the sake of the new year and all. It seems fitting.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Currently Reading
I'm not reading anything in particular. Now that I don't have to study whenever I go to the library, I can just pick up whatever comics and manga look interesting and dive in. It's nice. No, I'm not reading "real" books right now. What are you gonna do?

Currently Writing
Lately I've written a spattering of dumb poetry. What I've been wanting to write is blog posts. And I haven't been. Because tumblr. But now I'm cutting back on that. I need to write and draw more.

Currently Listening To
Owl City, like always.
The past couple months I've had a thing for Adam Young, but I'm putting that on hold right now, because as much as I from my limited knowlege think the two of us could get along and hang out for like, life, I don't have the pleasure of knowing the man personally (...yet???), so I don't need my imagination running away with those ideas. From experience, I speak. Results can be disastrous.
Nevertheless, my roommates are all sick of hearing Owl City. They've told me. Yet I cannot stop. One of those things I just can't seem to get tired of.

Paramore. If I was a more musical type person, I would be the lead singer of a punk band. When I am alone I like to belt out some strong girly vocals. Once Peggy heard me from outside and downstairs.
oops? Sorry, neighbors...

Twenty One Pilots is a band that my roommates told me about that was supposedly obscure. I bought the album because it was one of iTunes' most downloaded for the year or something along those lines. It was 8 dollars, so I was like...
I think it's kind of hilarious when people think nobody knows about something. I've thought it about things. I was wrong. That's usually the case. If you know about it, there are many people like you. Anyway, the music didn't catch my attention the first time. It's one of those things that grows on you. Lyrically, I liked it, but rap, especially "white rap" is not my genre. Twenty one pilots is pretty ok though.

Currently Watching
I started an interesting anime called Kyoukai no Kanata, and I'm still in the middle of Attack on Titan, but I'm taking a break from TV now because I don't want to waste my break and I need to create more.
I saw The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug on Saturday, and Frozen on Sunday. Both of them just made me want to make stuff and use my imagination more. In different ways. The Hobbit made me want to work out and be a cool hero in my head.

Frozen made me want to collaborate with Disney one day. Just be involved in the making of movies I guess. Going to the movies in the theatre really inspires me. I should do it more often.

Currently Arting
I still haven't made a post of my recent multimedia sketchbook... Or my shoes! Maybe I should do that tomorrow. Remind me? I'll go into more detail there.
I'm trying out a wacom intuos tablet! It's really fun and I definitely want to get one of my own. Here's something I "inked" and colored this evening:

That young man is Pace and he stars in Fledge Fighters which I have probably mentioned on this blog before. Good news in that area! Before, I didn't really have a direction for the story to go, you know, a plot, or a setting that "felt" right. Now thanks to a 3 AM idea rush, I have both of those things and I'm probably going to do some more background work before starting over (since I only got 6 panels in before school took over my life this year).

Current Mood
Bah Humbug. I don't really get Christmas this year, because the restaurant I work at is open on Christmas. I get to work from 9:30 to 6:00. What fun. I won't get to go home to my family until like 8 at night. The next day we're shipping off to the coast for my cousin's wedding. Which is gonna be great, because I am looking forward to long walks on the beach with my favorite person in the world (me) and hanging out in the cool house I went on a retreat in once. Christmas is just going to be... sorta passed over. I'm not much of a holiday person anyway, except that they're an excuse to take the day off.
Not if you work where I work! -tries not to grumble for five years-

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I imagine that God, on high in His infinite splendor
lifts the fabric square of space to His eye and squints.
There, slipping in and out of focus, are the stars:
in the universe.

I am on a dock, feet hanging above the water
and I lift my eyes to squint at the vast canopy of space.
There, giant, fiery, but far away, are the stars:
in the universe.

I am at least a hundred times smaller than God
so why am I allowed to share a metaphor, squinting at
(give me grace to see more often through Your eyes)
in the universe?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Where WAS I?

Hello, blogreaders, loyal followers, my minions. For once I am sitting with my computer with some time on my hands and no school I should be doing with it. Yeah, that's right. The end of the semester is finally here. My review sheet for my only remaining final is all filled out, and I feel pretty good.

I've hardly blogged at all, and I have indeed missed it. I've been spending a lot of time over on tumblr, and while I occasionally make posts about my personal life, I just don't feel as much freedom to do it there. People on tumblr care more about funny posts and pretty pictures, and I like those things too. There are just certain places for certain things in people's lives, I guess. Just like I'll rarely make a blog post for a 3 sentence thought, I won't ramble on in detail about my life hardly anywhere but here.

I haven't had a lot to write about. I only got 25k on NaNoWriMo this year but I'm okay with that because I was working a job as well as 12 credit hours of college classes. And at least I wrote something, even if it ended up being a mishmash of journaling and freewriting.

I've gotten more into Owl City again. I mean, it's not like my like of it ever left, but I never bothered to get into Adam Young as a person or a musician, I just listened to the music a lot. Now I listen to the music a lot AND keep up with the fans on tumblr, participate in the twitter Q&A's, want to draw pictures based off of like every song and well... daydream a lot. Why can't I know Adam personally? I think we would get along swimmingly.
...I'm okay.

What else? I've been making a lot of art. A lot of my doodles end up on instagram, if you care to follow at mangapasta. I'm probably also going to make a megapost of what I've been working on in my sketchbook. I could make individual posts. Then it would look like I've been blogging more. But maybe that's not fair...

It's been cold for the past week or so here in Austin. Almost nobody spends time outside and it's hilarious to see people all bundled up. I like the cold and don't get cold as easily as my roommates, so it's giving me hope that when/if I move more north, I will survive.

Have I mentioned this? The current plan is to move to Portland Oregon for at least a year, probably in 2015. I hope to eventually do housesitting jobs so I can live all over the nation, and pare my possessions down so that they all fit in say, a Honda Fit or something. Swap out a futon or a bedroll sort of thing for my comfy mattress, own just a few dishes, and of course I'd keep my art stuff. I already don't have a lot of stuff I don't use, but I bet I could cut down on it more. I could probably contribute all but my favorite manga volumes to a library, for example.

I wonder how much cutting down I'd need to do on clothing. I'd need enough to account for multiple types of weather, and stuff that was simple enough that people wouldn't care how many times I wore it. Maybe it would mean getting rid of some T-shirts. I do have a lot of those. I have just the right amount of pants already (4 skinny jeans, 1 pair of corduroys, and 1 pair of thin pants for layering etc.) I have a good amount of shorts too. I could use more skirts, though. This girl can always use more skirts. Preferably just over knee length, twirly, and patterned with designs and colors that I like. Probably only need one, two dresses, tops. Short (above the knee) dresses pretty much count as shirts though. I PROBABLY don't need so many sweatshirts and jackets. Then again if I move up north long sleeves will be more commonly found on my arms.

I just feel like I have too much stuff all the time. I always want to get rid of some of it, but then I use most of it. I just have this stubborn minimalism streak in me that conflicts a lot with the artist in me that has a zillion hobbies, but I want to satisfy them both?????

Mainly my struggles with apartment life involve dishes. I've become almost as guilty at the others at this, but dishes get left in the sink even when the dishwasher is empty and ready to receive. And me and Emma are usually the ones to clean it when it gets to the point of topple-potential. Or inability to use the sink. I seriously want to try putting most of the dishes in storage and having specific dishes for each person, so that we have to wash our own when we want to use them. To see if it works, you know?
When it comes to general mess it's mostly not mine, so that can be frustrating. But in my room most of the mess is mine and not emma's, because I throw my laundry on the floor.

I'm really happy that after Thursday I won't have to get up at six fifteen in the dang morning. I am nOT a morning person, and my 9 AM class this semester has only had the pleasure of my wakefulness because I am a good student and try really, really hard. Yet still today I literally fell asleep sitting with my chin resting on my hand. It was probably only a minute or so, but it was definitely at least the second if not third time I drifted off despite every effort not to.
Today, I skimmed a book about sleep and definitely show signs of being sleep deprived, but I knew that anyway.

I start feeling tired around 1 AM usually, so I'd like to be able to sleep until at LEAST 9 if not 11.
Next semester I have a 9 AM class again, but at least Emma's in that class too and she will already be driving. If I don't have to take the bus, it won't take nearly as long to get there.

TWIG had some massive error and we're having to start the site sort of over from scratch. Fun times. We all lost a lot of work. If you're a young writer looking for a forum community, try We could definitely use new members and content right about now. 

UMMMMM there's probably much more to update y'all on but you're probably remembering by now that I'm not good at sticking to a theme when blogging. "why did I ever miss her blog posts," you're thinking. "Plus now that gifs work on blogger, we'll never see the end of them."
(I'll try to do better. But the gifs may not stop)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pros and Cons of being at home.

I mean at home at home. In my parents' house.

Much food. That I'm not buying.
Time with family. Hugs, building stuff. Teasing everyone and arguing for fun
Driving the 15-passenger van again. Just for funsies. I'd ask to inherit ol' Buster if it wasn't such a gas guzzler.
Can use printer for important school

Like where do I sleep? Couch or couch?
Thanks for doing my laundry I hope I get all my underwear back
Going to work is an hour driving instead of four minutes walking
Brought schoolwork and did hardly any