As is probably Obvious, To YOU,
a) i am TYPING WEird, and
b) I stopped doing daily-thing recaps at the end of the month about halfway through the year, because I just didn't have the time.
I thought I might do a superupdate, but I don't think that's necessary. Instead I'll just post a few of the best highlights.
And then I think I'll retire this project from le blog officially. I still plan to keep writing on my calendar (it's the closest thing to a journal I've been able to keep consistently--two straight years now), but y'all probably don't care about every little thing, and it's tiring to write them all out.
By the way, it's 2014. I could tell before looking at the clock because I heard a ton of fireworks going off. I'm alone at my apartment.
-insert joke about being single here-
I'm going to "schedule" this post for the past so that it still shows up with 2013 stuff. Haha.
Anyway, here's a few highlights from my days this year since August, when I stopped cataloging them for you guys.
September 7: duck "swag"
September 18: wasting time
September 25: character creation
September 28: swimming in the rain
October 5: cold front!
October 9: blanket in the morning
October 10: swinging at night
October 14: waterfall down the steps
October 24: socks and owl city
November 6: Just the right temperature for jeans
November 14: Owl City replied (to my Q&A tweet)
November 16: alfredo with mushrooms
November 19: stayed at library until almost dark
November 28: burning college mail
December 8: peanut brittle
December 11: skateboarding in a skirt
December 16: writing okay poetry
December 28: drawing on the beach, dancing with judah
Well, there you go, dudes.
My calendar this year was neat because I made it myself by decopaging printed pictures and a few non-printed papers to a car booklet with 12 convenient spreads.
2014's calendar is the official Homestuck calendar from What Pumpkin. Super rad art.
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.