So now it's time to evaluate how I did and set some new ones.
a) Quell my use of speech fillers
and b) Use correct grammar and punctuation in general on the Internet, even when I'm being silly
... I DID SO WELL ON THAT ONE LIKE WHAT wow im so impressed much progress it's all thanks to the tumbles thank you tumblr <3333 p="">
-cries for twelve years- I moved out and I started eating at weird times and way too often. In addition, college students buying their own food tend to purchase cheap and options that are not so healthy. I do walk or take the bus nearly everywhere I go, but my work is five minutes away and I don't get out much. And I've gone to the gym maybe 3 times this year, and one of those times I didn't even really try. I gained probably 5 pounds since moving out, and though I'm still in the healthy range, I'm disappointed in myself for letting good habits go.
e) fledge fighters!!
I did meet my goal of making lots of progress and even of launching the comic, though I only got 6 panels in. At this point I'm looking at doing a little more planning and then relaunching since I've gotten some very good ideas since starting it... like an actual direction to take the story. So things are looking up here.
2014 GOALS
Let's keep it pretty simple here.
----1----> Fix my eating habits. Eat when I'm hungry, not when I "should" or just because someone else is; eat things that are good for me, not just whatever looks good at the time; and stop eating when I've had enough.
----2----> Develop my creative skills, especially in regards to comics. I'd like to take creative leaps in all directions, while especially honing in on valuable skills relating to sequential story art.
----3----> Spend less time on the internet (especially tumblr and watching shows) and more time exploring the world and making things. Go to the movies more often instead of watching TV from my laptop. Photograph things instead of just browsing things other people have photographed. The world wide web is a tool, not a tomb. Despite this, I'd like to be more involved in my dear TWIG and get back on the blogging wagon. I just don't want using the internet to be a passive distraction.
Good night world. The year is new, and I'm really tired already.
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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.