All the stuff

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Currently Reading
I'm not reading anything in particular. Now that I don't have to study whenever I go to the library, I can just pick up whatever comics and manga look interesting and dive in. It's nice. No, I'm not reading "real" books right now. What are you gonna do?

Currently Writing
Lately I've written a spattering of dumb poetry. What I've been wanting to write is blog posts. And I haven't been. Because tumblr. But now I'm cutting back on that. I need to write and draw more.

Currently Listening To
Owl City, like always.
The past couple months I've had a thing for Adam Young, but I'm putting that on hold right now, because as much as I from my limited knowlege think the two of us could get along and hang out for like, life, I don't have the pleasure of knowing the man personally (...yet???), so I don't need my imagination running away with those ideas. From experience, I speak. Results can be disastrous.
Nevertheless, my roommates are all sick of hearing Owl City. They've told me. Yet I cannot stop. One of those things I just can't seem to get tired of.

Paramore. If I was a more musical type person, I would be the lead singer of a punk band. When I am alone I like to belt out some strong girly vocals. Once Peggy heard me from outside and downstairs.
oops? Sorry, neighbors...

Twenty One Pilots is a band that my roommates told me about that was supposedly obscure. I bought the album because it was one of iTunes' most downloaded for the year or something along those lines. It was 8 dollars, so I was like...
I think it's kind of hilarious when people think nobody knows about something. I've thought it about things. I was wrong. That's usually the case. If you know about it, there are many people like you. Anyway, the music didn't catch my attention the first time. It's one of those things that grows on you. Lyrically, I liked it, but rap, especially "white rap" is not my genre. Twenty one pilots is pretty ok though.

Currently Watching
I started an interesting anime called Kyoukai no Kanata, and I'm still in the middle of Attack on Titan, but I'm taking a break from TV now because I don't want to waste my break and I need to create more.
I saw The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug on Saturday, and Frozen on Sunday. Both of them just made me want to make stuff and use my imagination more. In different ways. The Hobbit made me want to work out and be a cool hero in my head.

Frozen made me want to collaborate with Disney one day. Just be involved in the making of movies I guess. Going to the movies in the theatre really inspires me. I should do it more often.

Currently Arting
I still haven't made a post of my recent multimedia sketchbook... Or my shoes! Maybe I should do that tomorrow. Remind me? I'll go into more detail there.
I'm trying out a wacom intuos tablet! It's really fun and I definitely want to get one of my own. Here's something I "inked" and colored this evening:

That young man is Pace and he stars in Fledge Fighters which I have probably mentioned on this blog before. Good news in that area! Before, I didn't really have a direction for the story to go, you know, a plot, or a setting that "felt" right. Now thanks to a 3 AM idea rush, I have both of those things and I'm probably going to do some more background work before starting over (since I only got 6 panels in before school took over my life this year).

Current Mood
Bah Humbug. I don't really get Christmas this year, because the restaurant I work at is open on Christmas. I get to work from 9:30 to 6:00. What fun. I won't get to go home to my family until like 8 at night. The next day we're shipping off to the coast for my cousin's wedding. Which is gonna be great, because I am looking forward to long walks on the beach with my favorite person in the world (me) and hanging out in the cool house I went on a retreat in once. Christmas is just going to be... sorta passed over. I'm not much of a holiday person anyway, except that they're an excuse to take the day off.
Not if you work where I work! -tries not to grumble for five years-

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.