All the stuff

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Sketchbook

I'm just gonna dump a bunch of stuff here from my latest sketchbook. This one has been especially fun because instead of just sticking to pencil, pen, and sometimes marker drawings, I've used paint, magazines, modpodge, leaves, bean juice, etc, and a lot more creativity.
I drew and colored on both sides of the pages. I opened up and drew where I was instead of going in order. I colored the outside of the book. When I made a food-painting I didn't like, I washed the page off in the sink. I ditched the idea that my sketchbook is sacred and must be in pristine condition, and I let myself go creatively, less afraid of the consequences. I branched out into art that wasn't "pretty" or "my usual style." I got silly. I got creative. I got weird.
And I like it.

A lot of the "being hard on it for creativity's sake" was inspired by Keri's Smith's Wreck This Journal, a book that my roommate purchased and is still in the process of destroying. I haven't gone to the extremes that the journal suggests (throwing the book out a second story window, for example, or running your car over it), but it made me realize that if a book gets beat up, it just adds another dimension to whatever is inside. Mistakes and accidents can be made into more art. If your marker bleeds through onto the next page, don't skip it: make it into something.

Anyway, without further ado, here's a few of my favorite things from this sketchbook.
Character sketches

More character sketches

The cover.

contour drawings (don't lift your pencil, don't look as you draw)

watercolor and white crayon.

magazine with added watercolor, inspired by Tip of the Iceberg by Owl City

a collection

the stuff you never really draw because it's boring

My dad's not a phone!! This magazine ad made me think of that, I had to.


copying from a comic book for style exposure

materials were at the library for bookmarks, but I was thinking a little bigger...

a rare drawing from my actual life

hand turkey needs a hand

Drawing/typography in church. I really like how this turned out.


two pages of tries to get all the spacing right.

i noticed that runway models looked dead in the eyes, and they were positioned in convenient swarm-tiers.

acrylic to the left, large ripped leaf to the right.

patrons of Chipotle.


more collage

emotive portrait

self explanatory, filling a whole page

more typography

found leaves

both hands are mine but w/e

Even though there are probably 20 some odd pages that are still blank here and there (I don't know, since I didn't do them in order), I think I'm going to start a new sketchbook for the sake of the new year and all. It seems fitting.

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.