All the stuff

Monday, April 30, 2012

Friday (getting used to everything)

We got up and ate cereal. Shadow got all costumed but I wanted to wear my noodle shirt at least one day because it's awesome. Unfortunately it was chilly so I wore my jacket and I don't think anybody got to see it well. ;~;


So we went to a panel called Copyright 101 which ended up being more useful than I suspected because it talked about art and fan works and how to protect your own work.

It was Friday morning so things weren't busy. Shadow and I ran circles around Rhi while we waited for Sophie to show up.

And then she did and Sophie is soooo nice.

We walked around and stuff and honestly I can't remember what all we did. We went in the dealers room a bunch of times... We had all these panels planned but we only ended up going to like, two over the whole weekend. XD But we all hung out and had a blast so it didn't matter.

Then we ate lunch in the car and it was rice and veggies and Sophie ate a granola bar. It was nice and warm in there but then we got out and it was cold and I decided to wear Shadow's cat ears at some point in the day.

Sophie had a Fourth Doctor scarf.

And Shadow was Matt.

We lined up for Vic Mignogna around four-ish. Or earlier. I don't remember. Sophie didn't wait in line with us, which was understandable because we were there for a long time and if she didn't want to meet Vic it wouldn't have made much sense to sit around that much. We were in line behind these creepers and they turned out to be pretty cool.

By the time we got to Vic things were rushed because he really wanted to get to everyone so we couldn't ask him to say anything for us. But he liked my picture and thought it was adorable and eeeeeeh. x3

Then Shadow and I sat outside the autograph room to see if we could catch Vic on the way out because we really wanted him to say happy birthday to some people for us. The staff asked us if we were waiting for someone and we said yes but I somehow doubt they would have let us stay if they knew who we were waiting for. But then it was time for the dealers room to close and we had to go and we didn't cause problems because we're good children.

After that we met up with Sophie again and I'm not exactly sure what all we did until 10:30 but we did something and then we went home (well, home base, not exactly my home but I just called it "going home" anyway).

Thursday (pre-con fun)

I woke up in the morning feeling like myself. And excited. I ate noodles and veggies (not eggplant lasagna, i remembered wrong). I got into the car with Dad and I had everything I needed but Mom wanted to make sure anyway. Then we drove off to the airport.

Once there, Dad and I went in. He stayed until I was through security, but he couldn't actually come with me. Thankfully, the signs were clear and I found my gate without any problems. I requested a window seat for both flights.

I was in an F seat, which meant I was by a window and on the side with three seats. There was a girl next to me but she moved. So there was an empty seat and then a grown man who played some game on his iPad pretty much the whole time.

It was the first time I got to remember flying, so I was pretty excited. I couldn't stop grinning. There were times when we were going down the runway and I was thinking "omg omg we're going we're going we're going to lift up in the air how the heck can that happen it's never gonna work we can't fly" but we did and it was fun and everything got tiny but once we were high enough it seemed like we were crawling along because the ground was so far away and then we went through clouds and it was exactly like fog and then we were above clouds and it was too bright to look out the window and honestly it got a bit boring. I drew Rock Lee.

Once it was time to land I was grinning again. I'm going to see SHADOW I'M GOING TO MEET HER 8D was about what I was thinking. I was also planning my strategy for escaping the airport and thankfully it all worked out and I just headed toward the baggage claim signs and then down an escalator and THERE THEY WERE and Shadow ran and hugged me and there was a sign and a Mori plushie and it was beautiful and the sign had stripes.

So we got into a strange car and went to a strange place and met strange people except none of it was strange which was the strange part.

Strange is a word like a syringe and an orange mixed together. It also reminds me of a strainer and a banana.

Okay so I met Gri and the whole family, and then Shadow and I went to Chipotle and in a writerly way we observed a man and developed a character.

His name is Mark Jobs and he's related to Steve Jobs. He owns a lamp production company and is very rich because they are good lamps and everyone buys them. He has a big house and a wife and a son and a dog and a big house but he donates a lot to charity and doesn't spend lots of money on fancy restaurants which is why he eats at Chipotle. His wife spends most of her time at home and writes magazine articles and is a blogger. She feels lonely and wishes Mark would take her on dates more often. When she complains that she doesn't feel like he is supportive of her, he doesn't understand because he makes a lot of money. He doesn't understand the difference between emotional and monetary support.

Then we played videogames and went to band practice and met Ann and Mary and Tess and some other people and it was amazing and then we went home and the next day was the con.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anime Central

My first solo flight.


I'm going to a huge city to meet friends I've never been within a hundred miles of, to go mingle with a bunch of strangers, to get lost, to get found, to eat food, to sleep, to fly again...

Adventure awaits.

Mata Ashita.

-goes to sleep-

Monday, April 23, 2012

Today's project—luggage tags!

I wonder what I could be packing for...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I like decorating things with pictures.

In honor of the fact that I'm going to ACen soon, I decorated my latest sketchbook with a printed Ouran picture.

And a picture I drew.

And a stripey patterned gift bag.

And the blue shiny envelope my ACen badge came in.


Thursday, April 19, 2012


Link is coming along! I trimmed some excess material in the tunic, made some arm guard things (you could call them an interpretation) and made the neck of the shirt look somewhat accurate. Now, I just need the gloves that I think Mom ordered, elf ears, a cork, and a way to wear the bottle on my belt. Hmmmmm...

Oh! In other news, I made a laptop sleeve to protect my TARDIS... It was supposed to be made of a pillowcase and lined with a sweater, but the "measuring" that I did went oddly and it ended up being the other way around since the lining wasn't large enough. Oh well. :3

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

10 years from now...

I can see myself in the future as someone who listens to indie music and eats everything as a burrito.

Of course, I can see myself doing a lot of things.

What if...

I just drank the last of the water in my bottle. What if I get stranded in my room in the night by fire or zombies and I have no water so I die of thirst?

This is just one of the many ways my imagination likes to show itself. It likes to convince me I need a water cooler in my room. Silly brain. C:

Monday, April 16, 2012

An ouran brain-dump

An idea I'm probably not gonna take anywhere. XD

At the Host Club, business was booming. Each host had at least four girls at their table, and dozens more lined up waiting. The theme of the day was greek mythology, so each of the boys were dressed up in sweeping white robes with rich, colorful trim and had leafy branches woven through their hair. Tamaki was, of course, praising his guests extravagantly to fit the theme, comparing them to goddesses and the like. The twins were causing mischief, which seemed to fit the greek mythology theme as well. Kyouya wasn’t doing much out of the ordinary, but still the girls sighed over him because he seemed to be a “modern” greek god to them, glasses and all. Fangirls’ imagination is a dangerous substance and should not be tried at home. Hunny had wanted so badly to be Cupid that the others had let him, even though Cupid was Roman. Haruhi looked like Pit from Kid Icarus. The outfit didn’t particularly flatter Mori (except for his muscular shoulders), but his solemnly lovely face made up for that.

Rock Lee is so great.

Rock Lee has his own spin-off show.

It was bound to happen.

It's all chibi and cutesy~

Pretty funny too. But some crude humor and that normal Naruto 'eeehhhh ummm' stuff with that one jutsu Naruto likes to do... >__>


Saturday, April 14, 2012


I cut up some magazines I found when cleaning and organizing my parents' bathroom. Now another boring notebook has a new design.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

It was so neat.

Yesterday, I was praying that an older sibling of someone in the middle school youth group would show up so I wouldn't be all alone the whole time (since I had to drive Jacob in... Mom couldn't). Well, who should come along but my very own best friend?

And it just so happened that her mom was meeting someone at the park right across the street.

That's no coincidence, people, that's answered prayer.

So I spent about an hour and a half helping Bethany watch her little brother at the park.

I also forgot my cell phone at home (after promising to text my grandpa when I got there), but thankfully he has an iPhone and I have an iPod Touch and the church has wifi so I just messaged him instead. Thank God for technology, hahah... Not something I say often. I have this love/hate relationship with technology but I won't get into that...

This afternoon I started cleaning/organizing my parents' bathroom to earn money for ACen. I finally quit around 10. XD

I like cleaning and organizing so it's all good. I also listened to Butterfly Boucher and Summertime's End (got their albums recently from noisetrade) both twice during the later part of the cleaning session. I like them both. 8)

Tomorrow I have to drive my siblings to piano lessons. I'd better draw a bit and then catch my sleeps. Oyasuminasai~

Oh and. Wait. Hm. Drawing. I'm planning to enter the art/mascot contest for Yomicon. I'm going to it. 8D


I made a tumblr. -shame-

It's got nothing on it, though... I just needed to reserve the name. I mean, someone took manga pasta for goodness sake. That was gonna be mine if I ever made one. But someone took it.

So I couldn't wait around anymore and say "well nobody will take IDmangapasta c:" because I was pretty sure nobody would take plain old mangapasta but look there they did.


and it will be dormant until I have a use for it.

Honestly, I didn't really want a tumblr right now, because I hear stories of content and also that it's a huge time-waster... but someone stealing mangapasta made me all revengeful and I felt possessive and had to claim a url. D:

I'm sorry for my attitude.

But whyyyyyyy

Manga Pasta is me. And now since tumblr is popular someone else will become known as mangapasta and that's not cool with me. -sob-

But what can I do. Except make better cooler content. c: And I'm not gonna follow anybody at this point because I don't need my time wasted and I don't need to accidentally stumble upon weird stuff. Nothing bad can show up on my dashboard if I don't follow anybody! And I won't even see my dashboard if I don't log in. XDDD

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Also, this.

Summertime's End, man.

Just this, y'know, indie artist on NoiseTrade. No big deal, right? Wrong.

If this is me normally (it is): =|

This is me when something normal-ish makes me smile: =]

This is me after hearing less than 30 seconds of the first song on Light and Colour: =D

So. It's adorable and lovely. And it's free so get yourself over to and

Like now.

Not cool man.

.___. Someone took mangapasta on tumblr. Why. Just why. I mean, I wasn't planning to make a tumblr, but it's an /art/ blog. What are the odds... D:


I have been using it for a couple of years by now so. Mine.

Monday, April 9, 2012

My future

I'm getting started on my life's dreams right now. No waiting around. I'm going to make art and I'm going to write and I'm going to design and perhaps organize. I don't need people to frown upon me if my art gets in the way of being prompt and always on time with my schoolwork... I know that's important,  but it's not the same. I don't enjoy school. "Well." you say. "You won't enjoy work. School is preparing you for work. You must..." No. Work won't be like school. I'm not going to sit with numbers and boring topics and turn in assignments about things I don't care about. If artistic pursuits don't quite bring in enough to pay the bills, I'll be working a part time job. But I'd rather get a part time job sweeping, bagging, moving, or gathering than calculating, standing still, filling out paperwork, or anything like that. "You just want a job you don't have to use your brain for." Wrong again. If I have to take a part time job to support myself (and it's probably pretty likely), I want one that is kinetic and keeps me moving but lets my mind roam free. I will be using my brain to think of things that others don't bother to.
If you don't let me have these dreams now I'll crumble and break and the zombies will get me.

Not happening.

Oh and tomorrow I want to participate in the One Day Without Shoes thing. Not because I particularly think that it will help anything, but because I want an excuse to not wear shoes and I'm going to the dentist so hopefully I can convince my mom. :D

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Some drawings.

I've been doodling. (as usual)

Ahahahahah. x33


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Link is almost done!

I found a pouch, belt, and thinner shirt at goodwill today. Now I just need a cork, elf ears, gloves, and I must cut the collar of the undershirt and lace it up again. So close! <3

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I hate to admit it but...

I bought the top app in the app store, even though I usually avoid popular "fad" kinda stuff like the plague.

It is fun, I will admit. I'm kinda proud of this picture:

Doing something different with photobooth

Revealing different dimensions.
 There's a city appearing in the sky!
 How did it get there?
 I guess I'm dreaming...

I guess a brought a piece of home with me.
I got kinda creative. :3

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Crafty things I did on Sunday.

I made my mommy a journal. <3

Oh, and a birthday cake. :33

Math has not been my friend recently.

So I drew a comic.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The best things happen when you drive with the windows down.

Today when I was driving my siblings and myself home from church, we had the windows down (because I like it that way) and the car next to us at a stoplight had their music really loud--we could hear it even though their windows were closed. So I started dancing (as well as you can, in a car) and they turned their music down. >D

I don't know why people close themselves up in little boxes when they can have awesome experiences with the world outside their own car.

Also, because of play rehearsals I frequently had to drive home from Bastrop in the evenings and the sky is always doing something amazing on the left side of me. It's sad because I'd love to stare at it but I have to look forwards. Driving and all.

But there won't be much more of that. My needing-to-be-in-Bastrop-in-the-evening days are over now. :3