All the stuff

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Living Every Day in June

As usual, here is a list of little, mostly good, things that made my days this month.

1. bike work w/dad, kung fu panda 2
2. jody's wedding
3. put things in boxes
4. bloggin'
5. shady trees
6. gave bathroom a good cleaning
7. peggy graduated
8. moving!
9. key turtle and receipt turtle
10. job prospects looking up
11. beans & rice
12. job!
13. long, trying day--glad it's nearly over
14. yomicon!
15. started job: stressful but it'll get better
16. screaming fish & tragic pet death stories
17. started reading Harry Potter
18. finished a book, enjoyed a day off
19. nice conversations
20. got printer set up
21. stayed up late writing
22. movies
23. thrift shopping!
24. cool night air
25. watched anime~
26. long ride home
27. pajamas all day
28. fresh chicken eggs
29. awesome cheesy spinach
30. DDR with bros

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.