All the stuff

Monday, June 10, 2013

General update

Let's see. I moved in with my three best friends. That's super awesome. We have no wifi, which is also really good for us. Right now, I'm sitting in the "clubhouse" area, which means public wifi and air conditioning during this heated part of the day.

I think I will like not having wifi. It means that if I come to the internet, I have to make an effort. It means I will have more time for reading, drawing, all that good stuff.

There is a public printer with a scanner in it, but I can't figure out how to connect... I don't think it's wireless. It's possible that I'll have to use one of their computers and a flash drive... In any case, I'll figure it out. I REALLY hope I can use the scanner.

The business center/clubhouse/office isn't open on Sundays, so if I want wifi I'll have to sit outside by the pool--which SOUNDS really nice. (but yesterday I was eaten by mosquitoes.)

But electronics aren't the biggest thing in the world!

Emma's and my room is pretty neat. As in clean. Which makes me happy. She has soooo many pictures up... I have a few.
The four of us have a table and chairs now. We don't have a lot of food, but I think at least a couple of 'em are going shopping this evening, and my mom is going to bring some stuff on Wednesday.

Speaking of Wednesday! Please pray for me because it's possible that I'll have two job interviews and be meeting a manager that day. Today was a really satisfying day in the job search, even though my bike tire deflated again. I'll need to change the inner tube. Thankfully, everything is still in walking distance... biking just cuts down on the time.
 There were bike lanes on a couple of the streets I used, but since I'm not used to city riding yet, I rode on the sidewalks and walked my bike across the crosswalks like a good citizen. c:

I need to take pictures of the apartment. I'll make another post for that, because to do so I'd need to go back there. I can't even use the pictures I've taken since I did not bring my iPod over here. You'll just have to wait. c:

I was the one who did the inspection so that they know what small damage was already in the apartment and can't make us pay for that. We'll try not to rough the place up, but who knows what will happen in a year... a few corners were bumped in moving and all that.

I may be experiencing allergies for the first time... very very mildly. I had a pressure headache sort of thing yesterday, and things just don't feel the same... well... it's not so bad.

We're all going to have to give each other a lotta grace. And make rules. Yep.

Well, sorry if I bored you, dear readers. But I'm sure some people (le family) are curious. This has been another long and rambly post.

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.