All the stuff

Thursday, June 27, 2013

My opinion on the recent political events

A quick recap of events: Republicans wanted a bill passed that would ban abortions in Texas after 20 weeks and hold abortion centers to higher standards, likely forcing many to shut down. Wendy Davis (democrat) performed a filibuster, speaking for 11 hours without breaks to keep the voting from happening. The voting happened, but finished after midnight. The bill did not pass this time.

My main reaction to this is a reaction to a reaction--tumblr's reaction.
I know many people on tumblr are extremely liberal. I think it's good for me to have exposure to that and be able to understand their points of view. (This isn't to say I'm staunchly conservative; to be honest I don't know what I am.) However, what I was seeing last night was seriously yanking my chain.

My feminist friends on tumblr were going on and on and ON about how this was a victory for feminism. A woman made herself heard and wouldn't take any of the dirt white cis male politicians were throwing at her etc etc.

But I take issue with this. Because tumblr, in your excitement about letting women speak, you're praising the continued exterminations of the voices of many women AND men who don't have the chance now to speak, or even cry.
Your victory is the embarrassment of the patriarchy at the cost of the lives of those who should be leading the country in the future. Who knows how many of those little girls would have joined in the revolution you want?
The feminism that you want focuses on YOU and other women who were already at least were given the decency of being allowed to live and form their opinions. You're not thinking of the good of humans or even the good of women wholly. You're not thinking about THEIR rights, only yours.

A few points I wish to argue:

Yes, the higher standards for abortion clinics would have caused many to shut down completely. Women might have had to drive for a long time to have their child killed. (Maybe they'd think about it the whole way and make a better decision, but that's beside my point.) But if these clinics are being held to higher standards, having the abortion doctors be qualified surgeons and all that, maybe the women you claim to want to protect could at least be safer.

I saw someone going on about how women have less rights than a corpse because their organs are used "without their permission."
Woman, when you decided to do the do, you gave permission for the baby-makin' to happen, whether you tried to prevent it or not. It's a package deal. (I know, I know, outside of that, there's the issue of rape, but let's save that for another time and another place as I don't want to get all into those kinds of topics on this blog.)

And what is so terrible about saying no abortions after 20 weeks? By that point, the fetus is CLEARLY a human, capable of feeling pain. The most sickening post I saw last night was titled "yay abortions!".
are you kidding me.

How blind has your feminism made you? This was not a victory!
Just because a woman is being heard does not mean that she is speaking the truth.

Thank you all for putting up with my rants. I just had to say some things.


  1. I'm not saying I love this just because you're my friend, but because I really, really do love it.
    My government course is having our discussion this next week (starting tomorrow) on abortion and I already know what I'm going to say, but, I think I might need to link this so others can read it. (if you don't mind, of course~)


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.