All the stuff

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Photos from the new place

 This is our wonderful refridgerator refrigerator! (fridge frige WHY ISN'T FRIDGE SPELLED LIKE IT'S SHORT FOR REFRIGERATOR? This is a catastrophe)
Anyway, we thought, why don't people put posters on their fridges? So we're starting a trend.

 Here is my moderny corner of the bedroom I share with Emma. Bright colors and geometric shapes abound.

 Here's Emma's rustic complement to all that new-timey stuff I have.

 Here is the geek wall where the two parties meet.

 Peggy has a simple space, referred to as her "third world corner."

 And Bethany's fun artsy bright colors.

 This is our dining room. A little mismatched, but it has tile floors which is really nice because other apartments have carpet in the eating areas. Weird.

 Here's our notice board with matching clock. We're color coordinated!

Finally, a long shot of the living room. We don't have any sort of lighting in there yet except for the lava lamp, so the light from the dining room kind of wafts in and it gets dim once the sun goes down. Before that, though, light comes in those windows full on in the afternoon.

Well, there's my new life! As I mentioned last post, we have no wifi. However, someone who lives near us has a wifi network named "Trogdor." Pretty radical.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Don't advertise on my posts! That's dumb. BALETED!

  2. Pasta! You have a totoro poster! You made my day :P



com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.