At the start of each year, my
mother has us write goal papers based on Luke 2:52: “and Jesus grew in wisdom
and stature and in favor with God and men.” We set goals in those four
categories and evaluate our progress in another paper at the end of the year.
As this is my final year of high school, I thought I would expand my evaluation
to include the last four years.
Looking at each of these papers, I
am able to decipher a bit of my personality at the time… the paper from
2008-2009 is short and to the point. I was completing an assignment that after
several years had become monotonous. Somehow, I used the term “lol” and a winky
face (with a nose… I never do that anymore) without getting in trouble, even if
it was a school paper.
The paper from 2009-2010 is
completely in default fonts. It contains definitions of each of the categories,
likely to make my paper appear longer and more intellectual. Unfortunately, any
intellectual merit is undermined by the red watermark in the background
proclaiming “NINJAS” and the bunny made out of parentheses and other symbols at
the end of the paper. I really don’t know how I got away with that.
My 2010-2011 paper shows more merit
in design. The colors are consistent and the fonts and sizes are varied to the
positive effect of organization and making the proper things stand out. I
included related Bible verses for each goal. I did not try to abandon humor—the
verse related to my learner’s permit spoke of driving flocks and herds.
My most recent goals paper also
boasts good layout and design, but I may have gone overboard on the text
effects. Reflections and gradients probably were not necessary. I put quotes
before each section and avoided goofy pictures or internet speak. My writing in
this one was probably the best.
While the writing style and format
of a paper are very important, the content is what I am assigned to evaluate,
so I should begin reviewing that.
In the category of wisdom and
academics, my goals were as follows: as a freshman I aspired to improve my
writing by journaling every day and doing creative writing. I hoped to honor
God in everything I wrote so that readers would be able to tell that I loved
Him. As a sophomore, my wisdom goal was to make better choices in media. On the
academic side, I hoped to improve my writing once again and to complete a
novel. As a junior, my academic goal was to learn how to drive. As a senior, I
set a goal to plan my time better.
So how has all this worked out for
me? I definitely do not journal every day. Habits have always been a bit
difficult for me, as I tend to do things when I feel I need to, rather than on
a regular schedule. Over the last few months I have been blogging
semi-regularly, however, which is close to journaling. I have definitely
improved my writing, as I hoped to for most of these years. I have written
stories, papers, and four novels—yes, four!
In addition, each of those novels was written in less than a month as
part of NaNoWriMo (go look it up).
I do believe I have made better
media choices of late. In fact, I have discovered that I have a passion and
calling to wholesome media. While it is nearly impossible to only take in squeaky-clean media (unless
it’s super-boring), I make sure that my output
is wholesome and I become very happy when I find a quality show that is
also clean. I then usually proceed to recommend it to everyone who I think
would like it.
I have learned to drive and now
take myself to theatre class and to youth group, and I drive my siblings to
various places when Mom needs me to.
Unfortunately, my time-scheduling
goals have been forgotten. Even though I might not go to bed at two all the
time anymore, I still consistently find myself up too late and sleeping far
past the time I should. I still do not prioritize well, and end up working on
things too late at night or watching anime when I should be doing schoolwork
(and Hetalia does not count as history, so that’s a bad excuse.) I know time
management is an essential skill, especially in college, so during the summer I
need to build good habits. This means no sleeping in too late, no staying up
too late, and getting things done during the day.
My goals for physical growth were
mostly maintenance goals by the time I started high school. I had finished most
of my growing and now needed to deal with body odor and oily skin. As a
freshman, I simply resolved to brush my teeth three times each day and shower
each day as well. In my sophomore year I
planned to use my acne medication regularly and keep my hands off of my face. I
dropped my daily tooth cleaning goal to twice (I was still only managing once a
day). As a junior, I attempted to
incorporate exercise into my daily life because blocking off a time to exercise
was extremely unmotivating. As a senior I was extremely health-oriented. I made
multiple food goals including the exclusion of processed foods from my diet,
less meat, and fewer sweets. I also
still aimed to have a more active lifestyle overall, though my idea was to
watch TV and run on a treadmill at the same time.
I have made a lot of progress in
the area of health. I am very aware of my eating choices and have gone mostly
vegetarian. I do not avoid all processed foods yet (cheese sticks are a
weakness of mine) and I choose whole grains and fewer ingredients whenever possible.
I got a nice food-tracking app for my iPod called Calorific. It is simple and
doesn’t require me to examine every label. I simply approximate sizes and
nutrition of what I’m eating, and at the end of the day I have a pie chart of
the proportion of “great” to “okay” to “bad” food as well as a meter telling me
approximately how much of my recommended calories I have eaten that day.
I have exercised a lot more—a
friend gave me DanceDance Revolution for Christmas and I’ve been using it since
March. Since I have started using the app to keep track of what I eat and DDR
to exercise, I have actually lost about five or six pounds (I did not really need to but it feels nice and my clothes
fit a bit differently). I plan to keep up these habits.
As for showering, I always shower
before I go to bed unless I am tired enough that I think I would fall asleep in
the shower, and that does not happen often. I do not like feeling dirty or
sweaty. However, I currently feel a bit greasy because I am starting an
experiment on the effects of soap and things like that. I want to see how my
body naturally regulates oils on my skin and hair when I stay hydrated and only
wash with water instead of stripping away the oils with a bunch of chemicals.
As for brushing my teeth, I still only
brush once a day, but I have come to a point where I’m okay with that. I have a
whole theory on it and if you ask, I will explain it to you. I haven’t had a
cavity in my life, so I am sure I am fine.
My goals for favor with God, or
spiritual growth, have gone a little something like this:
Freshman Claire wanted to have a
quiet time every day. Sophmore Claire wanted to expand that by meditating on
her daily readings. Junior Claire wanted to listen to what God has to say about
people instead of judging them. Senior Claire wished to take control of her
thoughts and think about good things and not bad ones.
I have slipped in and out of
Bible-reading habits over the years. As I stated before, I am not particularly
good with habits. The same is true of praying—I seem to have dry spots. I am
sure that can be considered normal, but I still want to press on and rebuild
habits where they break. I have some meaningful pre-written prayers that I want
to begin using every night and morning along with my own prayers and reading
the Bible.
I cannot say I have been
particularly successful in listening to what God has to say about people or
anything else for that matter. While God does show me things through other
means, I avoid sitting still and silent and listening or just being with Him. I
suppose I am kind of intimidated by it, but I am not completely sure why.
Obviously, there is still progress to be made here.
I am pleased to report that for the
most part my head has been a cleaner, more pleasant, and safe place to be. It
took a lot of prayer, and I still struggle sometimes, but cleaning up my media
intake seemed to have helped. Also, the fact that I am less interested in guys
and marriage than I used to be and that most of the romance that I think about
is between characters in stories helps me to keep my thoughts more pure. Most of my problems actually come from being
exposed to more harsh language than I have in the past, but there is almost no
way I can change that, so I seem to have installed some sturdy filters and when
something sneaks past them, I give it to God to dispose of for me.
I know this is long, but here is
the last category: favor with men, or social and relational goals. When I was a
freshman, my goal was to avoid judging people by their appearances. As a
sophomore I aimed to become more talkative and outgoing, since I considered
myself shy but hyper and capable of being loud. In my junior year, my goal was
similar to my “favor with God” goal—I wanted to show Christian love to everyone
even if I did not like them. Finally, last year I aspired to treat my family
with more respect and to spend more time with my friends, whether that be
calling or visiting.
I feel that I still judge people a
bit too much, but I may have made a small amount of progress in this area.
There have been several times when I’ve been surprised by someone that I
thought I did not like. Closely related is my junior year goal. Even when I do
not like someone, I do try to treat them with Christian love. This will become
an even bigger challenge for me when I am thrust into the “real world” in the
My goal for breaking out of my
introverted nature seemed to be succeeding for a while, but it seemed that it
was only a fluke. I have come to be perfectly okay with my introverted
tendencies, though. In fact, I embrace them! It does present a challenge when I
have an idea but do not contribute in time, however, if what I have to say is
of importance, I am able to make myself heard.
I have even made some more friends
since middle school, albeit most of them are online. They’re pretty cool.
Shadow and Sasune and Oro are all very lovely.
What really makes me smile is that
I have had the same best friends all throughout high school and I will bet they
will still be my best friends through college and beyond. While I have had some
other friends that I have considered close, Bethany, Emma, and Peggy are stuck
to my heart with super glue and I love them a lot.
I feel like I may be a bit kinder
to my family than I was at the start of the year, but I still need to work on
that. Level Josh has not yet been achieved.
In conclusion, I have grown a lot
in many ways during my high school years, but I still have a long way to go.
Even though this leg of the journey is over, I still have many adventures ahead
of me (unless I get hit by a car tomorrow or something).
-applause applause-
ReplyDeleteThis is actually really quite lovely, and I couldn't help but not skim. *__* I WANNA WRITE ESSAYS LIKE THIS CUS IT SEEMS FANTASTIC AND WORTHWHILE.
(I also like the mentions I received in this. Heehee~)