All the stuff

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Characters have depth you guys

I wasn't really putting a lot of thought into it when I decided Loki was among my favorite characters. I mean, I saw The Avengers, thought he was pretty cool despite being a bad guy, and that was that.

I've now watched Thor twice (and a cool cartoon of when Thor and Loki were teenagers they were adorable by the way) and I still don't completely understand Loki. He is a psychologically complex character. You don't see those often.  Usually with a character, it's pretty easy to hack into their psyche (does that sound creepy?). X character does Y because of Z. But with Loki, it's not so simple.

It's so hard to tell when he's being sincere. There is always a motive behind his actions but sometimes you can't tell if it's simply mischief or all the emotional confusion he's in. It's so obvious that he wants to be loved and accepted by the people dear to him and yet to admit that they are dear and to accept the love that they already show to him is somehow so hard.

He wants to be treated as an equal to his brother. He wants to be looked up to by others. He wants to please his father. Even after finding out SPOILER BY THE WAY that he was by birth a Frost Giant, he didn't seek the Frost Giants' acceptance. The acceptance he sought and craved was that of the family he considered his own, those that loved him and that he loved.

He saw that his brother was flawed in some ways, not worthy yet to rule and a bit of an airhead. He considered himself the better choice, but he seems blind to the fact that just like Thor, he has shortcomings as well. While Thor acts rashly and seeks out battle (at least in the beginning), Loki does not care enough for the feelings of others and for honesty. While Thor is rash, he is at least true and honest to his feelings.

Loki does have his good points. He is clever, and he thinks things through. These are areas in which his brother is lacking. Loki can see many possibilities and is therefore able to predict how a certain event will turn out (he uses this to his advantage to manipulate people, however). This makes me think he's an INTJ (some people agree with me, others say INTP). THAT WAS KIND OF IRRELEVANT BUT I'M JUST KIND OF HAPPY HE'S THE SAME PERSONALITY TYPE AS ME XDDD

(Except I'm not evil just thought I should point that out lol)

Loki made some bad choices--a lot of them, actually. I still can't figure out why, sometimes. What I see is a confused boy, trying to find where he belongs, and trying to reconcile the side of him that craves the love of his family and his people with the side that enjoys wreaking havoc.

Personally, I think Thor and Loki would make a great team. If they worked together to rule Asgard, with Thor providing the brawn and Loki the brains, they could do incredible things. Of course, they both still have a lot to learn, and they have a great example in Odin. He's pretty darn wise.

Note to Loki: cleverness is not wisdom.

Another thing that intrigues me about this story is this:

Loki and Thor remind me of Jacob and Esau from the Bible.

One is athletic, manly, and hairy, but a bit dumb, the favorite of his father (Though Odin loves both his sons, Loki just feels Thor is more favored). The other is tricky, clever, and makes some pretty bad choices.
The younger, clever brother wants the birthright and the blessing. He buys it for a bowl of soup, he steals it with trickery.
In the story of Jacob and Esau, Jacob ran away for years and in that time God began to make him into a great nation. Yes, Jacob. The tricky one. Not the one we're rooting for.

I've grown up with that story all my life but drawing the parallel to Thor and Loki made me think about it a bit more.
I always knew Jacob would be the father of all Israel so I just rooted for him but.
Loki is the bad guy.

I think there is still hope for him.

Anyway, Jacob and Esau had a happy ending. After so many years when they finally met up, Jacob was afraid Esau would kill him. But he didn't.
I see Thor showing real maturity in continuing to love his brother and try to bring him back, both in the end of Thor and in The Avengers. Esau tried to kill Jacob for a long time, but Thor forgave pretty quick.

I know I'm just rambling and drawing a lot of lines and connecting things, but that's what I do.

Loki makes me sad (cry, even) and intrigues me and makes me want to talk some sense into him and hug him and be his friend to help him through all this.
Even though he's not real. -cough-


  1. I always thought Loki was cool, and that his decisions were deeper than what was displayed on the surface. His personality type is one that I tend to favor in people, which probably also adds to why I like his character so much.

    But reading this gave me a whole new perspective on the story. His bloodlust in the Avengers does tend to lean towards the ultimate evil theme, but actor Tom Hiddleston actually gave some cool extra perspective on Loki. He said that it was interesting to play Loki because in Loki's mind Loki was doing what he thought was right.

    Loki's painful backstory and false view of his father really twisted his own perspective, and all that time he thought he was doing what was right for him. I think, and Tom seemed to suggest this too, that he lost his sense of right and wrong, and had become ignorant. This thing can play on viewer's emotions, knowing and understanding Loki's true character. But I cannot necessarily "cheer" for Loki, despite how he's my very favorite.

    However I do believe he has some major potential for a cool redemption story, and that his justice for his acts would come from his own heart reacting to his long for power. That could take a painful toll, and I certainly hope Thor still gives Loki a chance. Loki is very lucky to have Thor for a brother. For one thing Thor is surprisingly forgiving and still loves his brother dearly despite what he's done. Rather than seek justice and punishment, he'd rather continue sending invitations for Loki to come back home. If Loki comes to his senses and Thor still offers forgiveness, they would make an AWESOME team. :) Hope that happens!!!! :D

  2. Yeah, I pretty much completely agree. Loki is incredibly complex and needs a lot of love and guidance.

    I don't "cheer" for him either, but even when I'm mad at him for screwing things up or doing bad things, he still pulls at my heartstrings and makes me wanna cry because WHY CAN'T HE JUST SEE HOW HE'S RUINING HIS LIFE ;~;

    I would really love to see Thor and Loki work as a team. They were meant to be brothers, no doubt about it.

  3. I can't say that I've cried over him, but I do have heart for Loki and it does make me very sad about his backstory. IDK how Stan Lee wrote the story, but we'll see what Thor 2 will bring us with Loki. Unfortunately, probably his doom.


  4. NUUUUU NOT DOOM PLEASE NUUUUU ;________________;

  5. Sorry, but he's not returning in the Avengers 2, which is a pretty bad sign.... Hey, they gotta get rid of villains somehow! Death is the most convenient way. If Loki dies, we can cry together, ok? ): I really don't want him to die. )):

  6. I. WILL. CRY. IF. THAT. HAPPENS. ;~; it would shatter my dreams.

  7. I really like this post because it makes me feel inspired and want to admire Loki and want to write more and feel happy in enjoying Loki's character even though my enjoyment was based more upon intrigue due to your attitude towards him and half-analyses than any deep thoughts like these. ouo BUT I LIKE YOUR DEEP THOUGHTS. SO. YEAH.


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.