All the stuff

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Getting Along and Productivity

My friend Peggy gets along really well with her brothers. I think that's really cool. They share stuff, go into each others' rooms, and treat each other like human beings. It's not like they don't have arguments, but it's vastly different from how my siblings and I treat each other.
I'd like to become more like that. I'm thinking maybe I should leave my door open rather than hiding myself away, at least part of the time, and I should stop getting so irritated at every little thing and also not be so touchy when other people use my stuff. I think I'm probably better at it than I used to be, but I still have a long way to go. So that's a thought.

I feel like my creative output has been pretty close to nil recently, probably because of school. I need to be writing! I need to be drawing! I need to be daydreaming! I don't want to become a robot zombie--
I am obviously dead here because I'm wearing pink pants and a sleeveless shirt and my hair is stringy
--who does my school perfectly and becomes utterly empty in the process. I'd rather get a B than lose my creativity. Heck, I'd rather completely fail school than lose my creativity! Thankfully, I don't have to go to that extreme. I'm smart and I shouldn't waste the money that is spent on my education. My later semesters will probably be lighter than this, so that's cool.
I also watched traffic today to see when the best time to arrive on Mondays is (because that's the day I drive myself to school and need a parking spot). I think I've got it figured out.
Japanese is a TON OF FUN
and I plan to take my first history test tomorrow. After that I'll have a better idea of how difficult the rest of the semester shall be.
Oh, and I have a speech tomorrow! I put the key words on a sticky note and stuck it to the mirror so I can practice it whenever I use the bathroom tomorrow. I have the gist of it down, but I just need to practice getting it out coherently. I planned to have it down by now, but Wednesday snuck up on me! D:

Well, since I haven't written anything cool recently (except maybe my speech which I shall post AFTER I make it tomorrow), I will quickly see if I can find something that I wrote years ago and perhaps queue it up to post sometime soon.

1 comment:

com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.