All the stuff

Friday, September 14, 2012

Strange dream. o__o

I was at my college, near the bookstore. The bookstore looked like it was closed and it had some displays in front. I don't remember what they were. But then they changed to Peter Pan! I was really excited, but the only merch was the DVD and some really simple/boring (as in not even a face) plushies of Peter and Wendy. But I was still excited, and told a nearby person that it was the best movie ever. Then I leaned on the door and fell inside the bookstore even though there were boxes piled in front of it. I apologized and left.
Somehow I ended up driving in a car with someone else who may have been Bethany. I know Bethany was there later but I don't know if the person in the car with me was her or not. Anyway, Peter Pan started chasing the car! It wasn't really Peter, it was like, a really good hologram on a flying scooter or something. It passed the car and then another Peter came behind us and I got concerned that he was trapped in our tailwind. Well, we reached our destination and I placed myself beneath a desk with a long white thing that was apparently an indian peace pipe but it was way too long and resembled a hockey stick with two hit-the-puck ends. It was supposed to help someone identify me or something.
Then Bethany was there and these two Japanese ladies came in and set up some food and were telling us all about the traditions for punishment and such. There was also a little boy.

That's all I remember, but for some reason when I woke up I found it hilarious. I'm glad my dreams haven't downgraded to those lame "oh noes I forgot all my homework" dreams I always hear about people having.

1 comment:

  1. I like it when I'm in your dreams XDD That sounds funny but it;s true. I like how random this is. I don't get enough sleep to remember all my dreams, lol


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.