All the stuff

Sunday, September 30, 2012

September Daily Little Things

This month in a few words per day...

1. slept in a hammock at peggy's house
2. delicious pasta and pesto
3. enjoyed companionship of my friends <3 p="p">4. Japanese is fun!
5. speech went pretty okay
6. Akemi's birthday. History test was easy!
7. Shakespeare and zuchinni bread muffins
8. tree, silly songs
9. pasta, interesting characters
10. drank lots of tea
11. green apple smoothie
12. sang "I have confidence" really loud
13. pestooo and rain at library window, sushi
14. water park with bethany (and her family)
15. van was scary, telephone pictionary
16. splashing in rain gutter and Monty Python
17. listened to songs from musicals
18. japanese food and PASTA
19. lasagna, sushiii, time is still going too fast
20. beautiful weather
21. new converse!!
22. drove new van, telephone pictionary
23. nice man asked if I was okay, watched Skip Beat
24. took a nap
25. had a light day, read Skip Beat until 3 AM
26. reorganized school folders, got earphones
27. overcast, math was easy
28. banana bread
29. orange hair
30. empty beautiful air

So as you can see my weeks were busy but there was some good weather happening, food was the highlight of many of my days, and something happened just yesterday that I'll give its own post okay bye

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com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.