All the stuff

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Akemi Kuroki

So I did a birthday post for Kurea, my very first OC, and now it's Akemi's birthday!

Akemi is a character that I love to pieces. She began as an Ouran High School Host Club roleplay character, and she was a prankster and a tomboy. She was honestly not a good character at all.
She also had a major crush on Tamaki, who at the time I adored (that seems like so long ago!).

At one point or another, I got the idea that she should be easily embarrassed to the point that her face turned as red as her hair. So she had the potential for a softer side...
At another point or another, I was roleplaying with Brittany who also liked Tamaki best, so we chose our second favorite characters to 'pair them up with'. I chose Takashi Morinozuka.

The two were hardly compatible. He was tall, she was short, he was quiet, she was loud, and honestly they had no chemistry.
Somewhere else along the line, I completely rehauled her character. She became a quiet, shy, and gentle girl, and a little taller.

She was still a bit one dimensional, so she ended up with a really complicated past involving abuse from both her father and her childhood friend/boyfriend that left her completely distrustful of males.

She is very quiet and enjoys nature.
One thing that makes her very different from a lot of Ouran OCs is that she absolutely loves the froofy yellow dress. In fact, if it hadn't been for the uniform, she would have chosen to go to Lobelia, the all girls boarding school that rivals Ouran.

Her job is modeling at her aunt's magazine, Araishii Weeeek. Her mother, Sakura, is the advertisement coordinator for the company, and her aunt owns the whole thing.

One thing that didn't change about Akemi is her bright red hair. However, it has progressively become longer and wilder and wavier and thicker.

It is so fun! I love drawing it.

She is a model and so she is very tall now. She is very suspicious of guys and pretty much avoids them. Well, it's just her luck that the one guy she makes friends with (Hunny, because she thinks he's only a kid) wants her to hang out with his friends, who are a bunch of guys! He promises that they're nice, and Haruhi even tries to put Akemi at ease by letting her know she's a girl too, but Akemi is still very guarded for a long time.
Either by being assigned to do so or just out of his own interest, Mori starts looking out for Akemi, making sure nobody bothers her at school and such. And over a very long period of time, she learns to trust him, even if he is the most scary guy out of all of them. (He's tall, rarely smiles, and hardly talks. It's hard to know what he's thinking.)

Akemi likes gardening a lot and she has a terrible sense of direction. She doesn't enjoy eating that much but when she does it's a tomato and mayonnaise sandwich, or a bit of chocolate. She has a particular fondness for an old abandoned house that she can find her way to even when she can't find her way home, and she absolutely loves weather. It makes her feel alive.

She's almost always changing, too, like any person, I guess. I find out more about her whenever I use her for a story or a roleplay. Out of all the characters I've ever made, she's definitely up there real close to the top.

1 comment:

  1. I like this character. i think she's so pretty. wish i could see a short story or comic about her. :) I've recently and strangely become a fanfic enjoyer. I would like to see a short story about her and Mori. :3


com·ment [kom-ent]
1. a remark, observation, or criticism
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.