Three separately randomsome thoughts.
1. Middle school was a dark time in my life. I think it is for a lot of people, but not everyone knows it until later, like me. I think middle school boys (in general) have yet to grow up and are pretty rowdy and avoid the girls like the plague. And middle school girls, from my observation and experience, think of themselves as so grown up, even chastising older siblings for being immature (learn to lighten up and have some fun, sheesh!) Now I'm not just accusing from outside. I was just as bad as the rest of 'em. In middle school, I was SO, like, totally cool. I was an anime nerd!!!!! (I really liked the Naruto series.) I would tell you "i luv music soooooo much" (I knew like, three bands and thought high school musical was the best) and I was definitely very mature for my age but I knew how to have fun!!!! I was also EXTREMELY RANDOM (read: sometimes yelled the names of unrelated foods for no reason and thought that made me unique). I was a photographer (took crooked self-portraits and some shots of things like flowers, only few of which were any good).
I also disliked the things my parents liked enough to show to me (like chitty chitty bang bang).
I was a creepy crush-stalker.
It seems that middle school me was almost opposite of my true personality. And it's not like I was faking anything. I just don't know what was wrong with me. XDD
I'm glad I've changed. Very glad.
2. It's been rainy. It's weird to watch people trying not to get wet. Rain is beautiful. Walking through the gutter at church was so fun. Splashy splashy~
3. I found the way to turn off all the apps on facebook! In the settings there's a place to disable "platform" which means that when it's off, you don't get apps and you can't log into other sites with facebook. I don't like either of those things, so turning it off is saving me a lot of trouble. c':
Yeah, the appropriate title for the Middle School stage is "The Dark Ages". I look at how awkward I was and I can't believe I thought I was cool then... XD