All the stuff

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Living Every Day: March

Y'all know the drill by now. Here's the things that made each day special, good, or otherwise notable this month.

1. owl city music
2. all sorts of archiving (well, just one sort really)
3. the afternoon air was perfect
4. unexpected extra time
5. read sherlock holmes as soon as I woke up
6. air was chilly but nice, listened in on a philosophy class
7. bread making
8. ahop prayer
9. burgers after youth group, GREAT weather
10. good cookie
11. camping
12. wreck it ralph
13. mural
14. gopher on the photo! & sherlock's
15. bennu, fries with dad after midnight
16. hamlet, great    gifts (two links)
17. avoided pinches
18. shade
19. pinterest seems promising
20. put a flower in a puddle
21. a good dinner
22. work went pretty well
23. sushi
24. got caught up on stuff
25. got stuff done, met teacher
26. raided/organized dishes
27. got evangelized... kinda
28. slept for 11 hours
29. a good Good Friday service
30. finished all school for week
31. stripey bike

Pulsing Earth

One thing I like about my church is that there's a sort of freedom in worship. People dance or lay on the floor and draw and whatever else. So it was perfectly alright for me, suddenly getting an idea, to sit down on the floor and whip out my journal and write a short piece of prose. See, there was your typical Easter song about the whole earth rejoicing at Jesus' resurrection, and I got this idea that Mary and the others probably WEREN'T very appreciative of any joyful airs that may have been around. I decided to poke around in Mary's head... anyway, just read it for yourself.

The trees are singing for joy and birds flit about. The very ground seems to be rejoicing. I know that usually on a day like this, I would feel so joyful just to be here, singing and dancing even though I'm not as young as I used to be. But oh, I cannot dance. The birdsong and playful rush of wind--do they not know that he is dead, my son is dead?
He was the messiah and they killed him--on the eve of the Sabbath! I could not even prepare him properly for burial--how insolent this spring of grass and bloom of flower. Stay in your buds! What right have you to burst forth? They laugh as if they know something I do not. Be silent, birds, you mock me in my grief.
And now we have arrived, over a day late, to properly anoint my boy... myself and two others. With mourning and grave silence, we enter the plot of land. The bushes are thick and vibrant. Open flowers, open skies, the world seems so energetic, the setting of freedom, and it is reviling. Open branches, open land, open tomb--open tomb? My heart jumps, burning, into my throat and I cannot breathe. They have taken him!? And on top of the stone that sealed it sits a frightening man. The guards have fallen from the sight of him and he grins at us genuinely while I continue to panic. "You won't find Him here," the angel says. "He is risen, just as he said." Suddenly I remember all the times he told us that. I was so foolish, so ignorant to think that death could have held him! And now I see why the very earth beneath my feet is pulsing with life--it is a life day, a day for living! Even as the angel commands us to tell the others, I am already running down the road, pounding the earth with my feet as it pounds back, and I am filled with an awe of something huge, the same joy that has infused all of creation.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

fixating on a screen (link to article)

Here's an article that expresses a view I've had tucked away in my subconscious.
I don't like smart phones and here's a reason why.

Click for the Article

Our days are filled with little mindless things. However, I've gotta have my quiet, and even KNOWING THIS, I'll often flip mindlessly through my apps. Thankfully, though, I've pared my apps down so far that I only have three games left, and I don't activite the wifi everywhere.


why is technology so addicting?

Tumblr and bikes and crafts etc.

Tomorrow, I get to return to tumblr. (>*o*)>

I haven't logged in all lent, though I've kept up with kingcheddarxvii's blog by visiting every once in a while (he doesn't post incessantly so it's easy enough).

I've missed looking at pretty and nerdy pictures.

I even made a pinterest and looked at some pretty pictures on there, but that's gonna end up being more of a... well, pinboard, than a browsing-social place.

The other thing that's been on my mind a lot is bikes.

I have this dark purple bike that I don't love a lot. I also have lime green duct tape. I think the colors would jive. I want to make my bike all stripey.

I also need to purchase:
A rear rack (and attach a milk crate to it)
Some sort of basket for the front (thrift, probably)
lights for the front and back so I can legally ride at night
a better helmet
a lock (probably a U lock and then a cable lock)

I think I want to replace my helmet too... it's a general sports-helmet and looks cool but fits poorly. Though that's not necessary.

Things I want to craft:
I want to paint my falling apart sturdy work shoes. Maybe do some reinforcement with duct tape if I can make it work.
Just recently a cloth blue stripey bag has fallen into my hands. I want to wash it and maybe add some decoration.
I want to make some sort of a duct tape bag for my bike.

I'm thinking about all the things I'll have to do when I move. It made me remember I want to change my bedsheets. I want to get some white ones for summer and some orange ones for fun. I also want to see if my family has a light colored quilt I can have. Basically I can make several combinations that way.
But I need to think of something to do with my still-usable blue sheets. Rags? Bleach them to BECOME the white sheets? I could cut them up and hem them to become reusable "paper towels." But do I want those to be blue?

I've also been commandeering some of the dishes we don't use.
I'm so excited to move out.

Friday, March 29, 2013

I don't have the answers

You've probably been told this a million times: People should be able to tell you're a Christian by the way you act.

It sounds very true, but how does that actually play out? What does a Christian look like?

The reason I'm thinking about that is this: On Wednesday, one of my Japanese classmates asked what I was doing for easter. I said something about how my cousin and his girlfriend were coming over, so we'd probably spend time with them. I didn't mention church because I guess to me that's a given? I don't think of that as anything out of the ordinary?
Later he gave me a small (orange!!) card and said he knew I was probably busy, but would I consider coming to his church?

Now, I thought that was pretty cool awesome of him, and it made me smile, and I think I said "okay" (I hope it didn't sound like a confirming OK as it's not really feasible for me to visit anytime soon). But it made me think...
1. it is SO cool that he is willing to invite someone to church. I have never done such a thing. You go, dude.
2. it seems that my Christianity is not an obvious, blaring siren above my head. (then again, nothing about me is really a blaring siren?)

Maybe if I talked more or if people knew me better it'd come out some. But I'm so un-talkative that other people tend to lead the conversations that I do have, and usually they're not about God things? My personality is not very compatible with projecting any sort of image. I would suspect when people see me, this is what they see:
a) quiet
b) draws
c) fashion sense that teeters between amateur and terrible

None of those are particularly Christian (or non-christian!)

One thing you'll hear a lot is that you can stand out by the things you DON'T do. For example, I don't dress provocatively. I don't swear, and I don't talk trash about people and all that.
See, the thing is though, there are also non-christians who are "good people." and there are legit Christians who still struggle with those things.

So HOW ON EARTH is someone supposed to know by your actions that you're a Christian?

Well, I guess you could wear a T-shirt that says "team Jesus" or something. But to be honest I'm not into a lot of Christian T-shirts (especially the ones who try to make Christianity look like pop culture).
Do you really want Jesus to be associated with this?

There's also the question of legitimacy. I want to be a REAL fan of Jesus, not just have the t-shirt. Anyone can wear the T-shirt. (and I don't like the t-shirt)

This question really is open ended. I don't have an answer.
How does a quiet, mild mannered citizen show herself to be a Jesus follower? How does anyone?

Monday, March 25, 2013

I am a genius

Here is a short story about today. Today was good. I got all my work done. But that's not the point.

In Japanese, we had a test, which means getting out of class early. An entire hour early, in fact! I ate outside, but it was chilly so I went to the building across the street. I saw that my online creative writing teacher's office was in that building. I checked my notebook, and sure enough there were about five minutes left in her office hours. I had some history to do, but I was clever. I took a seat where I could keep an eye on most of the traffic that came through (if her office hours were ending she'd surely be walking away from said office, right?) and placed my textbook for the class next to me as I worked. Basically setting up a trap situation in which encounter would be likely. This is why I said I am a genius. IT WORKED! She took the bait. >D
This woman came and asked why I had that particular book. I knew the trap had sprung but I continued the conversation in a mannerly and decent way instead of blurting out "Yes I'm in your creative writing class online hi". So basically the same thing was said but in a more natural and conversational way. And I avoided having to start any conversations! (Always a bonus.)
 By the way, I didn't know what she looked like exactly, so I was relying on my knowledge to catch her. And it worked.

Now I can move onto bigger and badder manipulation schemes and become the evil mastermind who rules without anyone realizing they're being controlled. First teachers, then the WORLD.
I even have the crazy evil scientist hair down. What more do I need?

Just kidding about the evil manipulation. But I was rather amused and impressed with myself. c:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I signed up for pintrest (mostly for organization but probably also to fill the tumblr void of looking at pretty pictures D: ) and it stole my writing time away.

I need to clean up and go to sleep so I can function tomorrow. At least I have the longer day at school tomorrow and I can work on writing then.

Despite still not having my draft by wednesday (story is due on Friday) I'm still ahead of where I was last time! On story 1 I was making my OUTLINE on Wednesday (that's done). But since I need to have it done by Friday afternoon, I better get in gear tomorrow. At school I won't have internet and so I won't have Pintrest. That should help. XD

Oh yeah, if it wasn't obvious, the story I'm writing is for school.

Monday, March 18, 2013

I think I found a good study spot

On the west side of the school building, there are some stairs. I found that there is a part of the stairs right next to the building that don't get traffic cuz they're on the other side of the guard rail. I've also never seen anyone sit there.

Now, they start losing shade at 2:30ish, but if I have somewhere outside to sit during the hottest times of the day that won't usually be taken, that'll be really nice. I do like the study spots inside the more artsy building, but I also like being outside so I go in about when my laptop battery is down to 30%. Or something. 7 hour battery, pshh.
Well, okay, from when I unplug in the morning and leave (7:20) to when it gets kinda low (3:00...ish) is a little over 7 hours. But I'm only USING the laptop for three and a halfish of those. Why does just sitting there, on, in my backpack, use battery? Hm? And honestly it doesn't lose a LOT sitting in my backpack. It just goes fast when it's on. And usually all I am doing is word processing. sigh. what can ya do.


be grateful that I have a computer that can travel, not complain about how they don't make longer lasting batteries yet.

also, maybe I should turn my computer OFF while I'm not using it. It might save a little of the juice.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Quit Facebook Without Really Quitting

You've thought about it hundreds of times as you spiral down the neverending drain of statuses and photo albums. As you take yet another pointless quiz or correct stupid peoples' grammar. I should just quit. I should quit facebook.
Maybe you've even deactivated your account once or twice. But then, that's really the only way you can communicate with a certain family member, or you have to run a page for your business. So you're kind of stuck with having an account. And you're sure, that like everything else these days, it's slowly killing you.

Are YOU sick of facebook, but can't just leave? Here's a few tips to help you be less addicted.

1. Change your password. Either to something you could never remember, like f830CC3ig302n38v238d--and don't click "stay logged in" or "remember me" buttons, so that you have to go find the password (write it down on paper, don't put it on your computer where you can easily copy and paste) every time you want to log in. OR change it to something that will give you a guilt trip  while being easy enough to remember, but long enough to keep out hackers. Something like... "mostdefinitelyallmyworkbedone" or "irealizethatiamabouttolose30minutesofmylife" so that when you type it, you think twice about whether you want to go through with this.

2. Unfriend. Probably not everyone, but lose the guys you met on vacation that one time and the random people you never ever would need to talk to. Let's be honest, they aren't really your friends. As for those who it would be rude to unfriend but you really don't want to hear from... hide 'em. The idea here is to minimize your main page "catch up time" since we are aiming for more time between logins. While you're at it, unlike or hide all those pages whose content you don't care to see. Updates from your best friend, keep. Updates from Oreos? Who needs 'em?

3. Disable, disable, disable. Go through and disable notifications from games you don't play anymore. Or, if you're like me and ready to be done with apps and games completely (no, aunt Sarah, I am not going to play Farmville, or chefville, or hairville, or waterville, or Send a Hugville... EVER), just disable platform altogether. It's a lot less daunting, especially if you get a lot of invites. Oh yeah, you can also stay logged out of the chat feature.

4. Barricade the door. Make it difficult to get to facebook. As mentioned earlier, don't stay logged in or have the browser remember your password. Don't leave the tab running. Remove it from your bookmarks. Be aware of all those things that you know lead you to facebook... make it harder to get there.

5. Think twice before posting. Try the less interactive Twitter for your short thoughts (as long as you are okay with them being public on the web), or blogging for your longer ones. The less you interact with facebook, the less it can interact with you. This makes for less notifications to sift through when you visit. And if you can shave facebook down to only the necessities, it won't be such an interesting place to waste your time anymore.

Now that you have much more free time, you might try taking up a hobby you've always admired. You're welcome. And good luck on those soon to be rare quests into facebookland. We applaud you, brave adventurer.

My most wonderful birthday yet

I woke up this morning after a lovely dream. Actually, in the dream I was working for God, setting up a safety pin perimeter fence thing, and was being chased by a gaggle of evil clowns. But I wasn't scared, I ran right at them planning to just go around them and even when they grabbed me I wasn't worried or scared because I knew I was in God's will. It sounds a little silly and far fetched but it was actually a pretty comforting dream, plus I woke up naturally and didn't have to listen to my alarm clock.

I was able to spend a good bit of time without human contact, and then once the day started I did quite a bit of cleaning. I wasn't upset about spending my birthday cleaning. It was pretty fun.

My grandparents came and we had a little "party" like we do.
Okay, so after 18 years, I guess my family knows me pretty well. And it showed. Pretty much everything I was given was something I'll use.
Judah drew a picture of me as Sherlock Holmes. It was SO ADORABLE and it got its own post so look here.
I got new markers (something I had asked for) and since they're crayola, some of them were scented. The one called "spice" smells like chai. Mmmmmm.
I also got a set of useful kitchen items: sponges, towels, and a drying mat. All patterned with green and blue circles not unlike the umbrella I recently got. Good pattern call, Mom. :D
Dad gave me a laptop backpack that has more room for non-flat items than the last laptop backpack he gave me (he gets a lot of them from work) did. So I gave him back the businessy flat one.
And I also received a rice cooker/slow cooker, so that will be immensely useful for my starving-artist-eating-beans-and-rice future.
My grandparents gave me some flowers along with dollars toward useful items such as a bike rack.
And Andrew gave me an insulated cup that looks like a mason jar and has an orange lid/straw.

As for "cake," we had blondies (butterscotch brownies) made with whole grain and all that. Yummy. c: It was kind of funny because Mom and Andrew and Phillip have been bugging me all week about what I wanted to omnomnom and I only just decided on that yesterday. XD

Okay so then I cleaned some more, and then Peggy and Jack and Emma and her cousin Katy came and we had SHAKESPEARE NIGHT! There was tea and bread and cookies and more blondies and we read Hamlet. I got to be Hamlet. Apparently I did a great jorb. It was a lot of fun.
Jack also brought a DVD of a comedy trio doing abridged shakespeare so we watched a few of those.
And Emma drew me a picture of.... ME AS SHERLOCK HOLMES!
Man, seriously. >w<

This has been a great birthday. All good and pretty much no sad except for the fact that Bethany couldn't come. Bethany, if you're reading this, we gotta do somethin. Maybe go to CoCo's? c:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Amazing birthday present

My lil' bro, Judah, drew me a picture for my birthday. As usual, it's adorable!

It is... Wait for it... ME AS SHERLOCK HOLMES!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

campycampcamp -shiver-

I went camping on Monday and Tuesday (somehow I saved this post as a draft so it's a little later than it's supposed to be) and it was pretty great. It got cold, but take a look at how I kept warm. Here's a cross section:
The Secret: layers and fuzzies.

There was also fire and stars and I don't know how the hey astronomer people started seeing the same pictures in the stars because everyone was talking about Orion and I saw what they were saying was the belt and dagger but HONESTLY it looked like a line of stars. and any head or legs or whatever that might have been there would have been a little sloppy, like a lopsided stick person.

Lots of people on the trip were talking about how cold it was, but I thought it was pretty okay.
I like cold better than warm. I like to be comfortable, but I find it more comfortable to pile on layers when it's chilly than to endure heat I can't really escape. I wore my hoodie for a lot of the time and I even slept alright, though I waited to get out of my sleeping bag until I could see shadows on the tent indicating that the sun had clearly risen.
Y'know, staying in insulation until I could get the insolation.
ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaah I don't like my geography book; it is infecting my life.

Also there was lovely vegetarian options and I was glad that I wasn't the only vegetarian because sometimes I feel inconvenient but this time I wasn't the only one. c:

In other news, I watched Wreck It Ralph in 3D from my home. technologiez and on-demand made it possible. And everyone in my family got to see it for approximately the price of one not-3D movie ticket. WAITING PAYS OFF AND IT WAS REALLY CUTE.

Gopher SXSW Sherlock

Today I:

Renewed my license. I wore my Gopher Illustrated shirt which you can kind of see here.
I also made a sort of funny but not really too notable face. All that this means is

I HAVE THE BEST DRIVERS LICENSE PHOTO EVER and I get to have it for the next six years.

I'll maybe post a picture or something when I get the actual license. All you gotta know is that there's definitely a gopher head in the corner of my license photo.

Worked on the mural just a tiiiiny bit. Mostly I looked on, doodled in the art journal, and talked to Emma and Audrey.
Oh, here's the story of the day! This energetic guy in a red and blue plaid shirt and red sunglasses was carrying what looked like a drum stool through the parking lot where the mural was. He was really pumped to be at South By. Apparently he won some contest to get his band down here. Anyway, he started quoting Shakespeare at us (and that's when you know he's cool). He gave us cards advertising his band's shows and I scribbled down the first few words of what he quoted so I could look it up later... I'll do that now.

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day. --- From Henry V
I don't remember if he said all those things but in the end he added "In Austin!" and he just seemed really excited. So yeah.
There are all sorts of characters around. The most interesting looking ones today were this girl who had a sparkly skirt and blue sparkly lipstick and red hair, and a dude wearing blue sparkly leggings with... I think black shorts. It just kinda throws you when a guy wears leggings! I guess there's nothing wrong with it, though.
Later, I walked with my dad around SXSW. When my dad got my mom later, we all walked through the loud, cacophonous music and food up and down 6th street and then...

I had fish and chips. The restaurant itself wasn't very sherlocky, which was sad, but I just HAD to go there. You know how it is!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

This Was Today

So I'm exhausted. Well, maybe that's extreme. I'm tired. I want there to be a word somewhere between "tired" and "exhausted" that I can use to exaggerate a little, but not too much.

Here's my day. I woke up and slept more and got up and went to Emma's house and from there went to Austin and I helped her family paint a mural on 6th street as all the SXSW hipsters walked by and some were interested and some weren't. I didn't take a picture but if I pop onto facebook, I can probably snag one from Emma's parents.
Obviously, this is not my photo.

Ah, that's nice. As you can see, we mostly only blocked color. (And Emma's mom made me wear a hat.)

Still, we got a lot of progress done in only fourish hours.

That was the exciting part of today. I felt a little carsick on the way home and ended up berating myself slightly over my eating habits which are not faring very well. Then I ate some meat (because it was in lasagna) and then I reviewed my Japanese conjugations and made charts. I still need to do half a chapter of geography and the rest of my Japanese homework before Monday comes. So yeah, I'm doing school in Spring Break.


Wow, my feet feel better now. I was wearing my skates in the house to encourage myself to move around but I wasn't moving and my feet were getting warm so the rest of me felt warm too but now that I've taken off my skates, my feet are nice and cool. Ahhhh.

Don'cha just love run-on sentences? Well, I guess I've done what I need to do today. I ought to sleep because I get to go renew my drivers' license tomorrow. Great. Fun.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Impending Events That Have No Blogging Material As Of Yet

I don't have a lot to blog about currently. I will after this week... spring break!

Well, here's at least, a flash forward of things to potentially come:

I'm going camping on Monday and Tuesday.

I'm decorating a backpack (taking that one) so maybe you'll get a picture.

At some point during the week, I'll be in the thick of SXSW helping out with a mural.

And then at the end of the week I'll have MY BIRTHDAY and I'm planning to do some shakespearin' then.

Then of course I'll have to do something with teh girls after Bethany is back. So yeah, the impending future.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

So what have I done in this first week of March?

I've kept meaning to blog... and then I haven't. Let me check my calendar to see if any of my notes are worth writing about. Then I can make linkbacks!

Alright, back. So for the first weekend: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, my time was pretty much dominated by archiving.
The week before had been super busy. I worked three times for two different jobs, but somehow I managed to get all my homework caught up and my tests finished, so my weekend was virtually devoid of homework and I could dedicate it to helping TWIG clean out its roleplay section. The sections I was assigned weren't super full, and I got most of it done. In the School section, I had to archive most of them because with the exception of maybe six roleplays, they hadn't been posted in for years. I got the Multiple and Other section halved (it was only two pages in the first place), but I've only done one or two of those at the time now that there has been school again. I feel like I was super helpful that first weekend but now I'm not getting it finished. >_<

On Monday I had sudden unexpected extra time. Sensei was rushing through Japanese class and saying we didn't have much time. I was pretty confused, because we have had extra time in class this entire semester and she has just told us to work on homework. Why hadn't she just spaced things more evenly? But then, when there was still an hour left in class, she said "We had a short class today, mina-san (everyone). Be sure to come on Suiyoubi (wednesday)!" and I was rather confused. I guess she had somewhere to go. But thanks to that, I got a TON of homework done... the amount that I normally would have finished by the time the bus comes, I finished by the time my mom came to get me (earlier!) And there was starbucks in the car waiting. :D Timing was just perfect that day. Everything worked out. I didn't eat my morning snack that day, which was also perfect, because I got to eat lunch on time.

Unfortunately I slept fitfully that night. But the next morning when I awoke, I read almost all of The Sign of the Four (sherlock holmes) which was happy because my mom got me this BEAUTIFUL Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes and I never seemed to have time to read it. So instead of doing school that morning, I read. And still got everything done except my geography homework which I still haven't done because yesterday was generally an internet-less day but I'M GONNA DO THAT NEXT.

Yesterday, I also made a bunch of progress and finished everything (except geography homework from Tuesday.) I didn't finish ALL my Japanese, but I have about a week. However, I don't want to do it over spring break so I'll do it this week. I need to look some stuff up. I need to get all the tenses and casual/polite stuff straight. My brain is tied in knots. But the best thing about yesterday was that a philosophy class came and had their class outside so I listened in a bit. Out of context, I don't think I learned much, but it was kind of cool because there's this dude on campus who I think of as Top Hat Guy because he always wears a top hat. And as it turns out he was in that class. So I observed in glances that he seemed to be pretty engaged in the class and he was sitting up high when everyone else sat on the ground.
Some people are just characters, you know? And I am intrigued by characters. ^o^ It was interesting to put more pieces of the puzzle together.
I would say "I should talk to him sometime! He seems interesting" but it's probably pretty obvious that unless he by some random happenstance talks to me first, that's never gonna happen.
-sits and laughs at my own introvertedness-
-laugh becomes a cackle-